I'm here

Xin Yong stared at him for some time as though fixing the points.

''You're alive? ''

''Yes, I'm alive. ''

''You are not dead? ''

 She asked again, a drop of tear falling from her eyes.

''No, I'm not dead, I'm here. ''

She immediately tried sitting up on the bed and Jin Yue quickly stood up and helped her sit upright.

He was so close that his scent wafted into her senses and if she had not believed it before, she believed it now; he was really there.

Without thinking, her arms wrapped around him; for the very first time in months.

''I'm so sorry, I'm sorry! Let's be together now, okay? I'm sorry I couldn't forgive you, I'm sorry…''

She hugged him tightly as tears fell from their eyes. Liu Wei sensing that they needed alone time, wrapped his arms around Liling and they walked out of the ward quietly.

Jin Yue was frozen. He was not expecting her reaction at all.