Let's get married

Jin Yue sat on a couch beside Xin Yong; he wouldn't let her do a thing. The only thing he couldn't do was to do her breathing.

''Hope I'm getting discharged soon? I'm getting tired of this place! ''

She complained, peeking outside with a frown. It was already late into the night.

''The doctor would soon come over to check on you. ''

He smiled, caressing her hand lovingly.

''Let's get married. ''

Jin Yue said all of a sudden. Xin Yong's lips fell open in shock.

''Uh? What did you say? ''

''I said, let's get married. ''

He had always wanted to be married to her but she had been the one postponing it. Now, after what had happened, he wouldn't let her out of his sight again.

Xin Yong was silent for a few seconds.

''Okay… when?''

''Now, sorry, I mean tomorrow. ''

Jin Yue said cupping her right hand in his and blowing soft kisses on them.

''Jin Yue, tomorrow is quite too…''