Anything you want, Baby

Liling stirred a little, still pretending to be asleep, she was not about to give up, not without a try.

Liu Wei chuckled at her persistence; he bit lightly on her neck, his other hand slid down to cup her breast rubbing light circles on it. Liling was about losing it and she visibly bit on her lower lip, trying to muster up her some strength.

Liu Wei, seeing her actions chuckled lightly. The hand which was cupping her breast slid down to her shaved pussy and entered her core slowly;

''oh my…''

She exclaimed, immediately clamping down on his fingers, her eyes flung open concurrently as her already pink cheeks turned a deeper shade of red.

Liu Wei chuckled and covered her lips passionately, his hands still moving in and out of her. She spread her legs wider to give him easier access; her hands traced his back and grabbed his hair, earning a groan from him.