You can be with him

It's been two days since Xin Yong's parents had seen her, they knew she was home but she hadn't left her room. Her mom was getting very worried, she had knocked on her door severally but she had refused to speak talk more of opening the door;

Her father had pretended as though he didn't care, but on the fourth day, everyone became worried;

She had been there for four days without food or water, what if she something happened to her?

Not able to take it anymore, Xin Yong's mom went to plead with her father to let her have her way.

 ''I don't want to hear of that! ''

''What if she dies in there! Honey, it's been four days! Four days straight! If she wants him, fine! She can have him, but please I don't want us to lose our only child, I can't take it. '' Her mom begged as she sat beside her husband in the parlor.

''She's not getting married to that man and that it final! Nothing of that nature is going to happen! Not when I'm alive! ''