
He had hoped that his grandparents let him marry Liling but he never thought that it would be this fast;

His tried to speak but his lips could not move;

''Wait, you two… you weren't planning on getting married?''

This time grandpa asked, looking serious;

To think he was in a trance earlier on, now this seemed like a dream he really didn't want to wake up from;

What would have made his grandfather change his mind about Liling so quickly? What happened overnight?

''Actually, we have been waiting for your blessings, right sunshine? ''

Liling, who had not woken up from her shock turned to peak at Liu Wei, eyes still opened; at that moment the only thing she could do was nod severally;

''Oh that's perfect! You both should hurry, I really want to carry my grandkids soon; ''

Grandma replied;