Marry Me

The next day, after breakfast, Liling and Liu Wei bade the grandparents' goodbye; although grandma didn't want them to leave, she had no other choice;

As soon as they drove out of the compound, Liling took out her phone and called Xin Yong;

She couldn't wait to share the good news;

''hello best friend!! ''

Xin Yong screamed as soon as the call connected; she was about calling Liling when she saw her incoming call;

''hello best friend, guess what?!''

Liling exclaimed excitedly;

''No, you guess what?!''

Xin Yong said in reply, making Liling's eyes widen;

''Wow, it seems we both have surprises for ourselves, okay, let me guess, you're having a baby? ''

Xin Yong giggled and shook her head;

''I'm not through with milking my man, so no babies yet; ''

They both burst into a blushful laughter as Liling turned to see if Liu Wei heard what her friend said;