That was for my Baby

The men could not act because Liu Wei had told them not to hurt Liling's father; after Liu We had given the command; they killed all the men and proceeded inside, that was when they say Yan Ran walking out with a gun pointed at Liling's father's head.

Liu Wei pursed his lips; he was thinking of what to do; he had to keep her talking to buy time;

Tears fell from Yan Ran's eyes as she spoke;

''Liu Wei, if you say that you love me I'll let him go, I promise. ''

She said in a sad tone and Liling's body froze; she had to act fast, any moment from now she would blow up her father's head because she was sure that Liu Wei was not going to say it.

Looking around, she noticed that the fence was very low so took off her slippers and ran to the other end; to the back of the house; quietly; she jumped into the compound, careful not to make any sound;

''Why do you want to hear a lie? ''