No Apology can Undo That

''Wanted to what? '' Liling's eyes flew open as she imagined what atrocity she had committed to attract the anger of so many people.

''From what I found out, I think she works under your manager; and that reminds me, I'm changing your manager, from now onwards you are not going to be under Miss Su again. ''

Liling was shocked;

''What? What happened? What did Manager Su do? Why would Richen want to hurt me? ''

She asked so many questions; she couldn't really place why Richen would want to hurt her and why Liu Wei did not want her Manager anymore.

''Richen drugged you so she would take you to Su Min; who would …'' Liu Wei paused, unable to say the words;

''Rape me… ''

Liling completed slowly, her eyes widened in shock; she could not believe her ears.

''Su Min; he had come after me but I turned him down, I didn't know he would go to such lengths just to have me, how could people be so evil!