Loving this Side of Her

''Sunshine, you've gotten so fierce! ''

Liu Wei commented as they drove home; he knew Liling to be so soft, he just realized that she was not as soft as she was before; Liling chuckled at his remark;

''Weak people are mostly preyed on; if you want to survive you have to be fierce. '' She said, smiling a bit. Liu Wei was surprised, she had really changed a lot, and he loved this new side of her more.

When they arrived home, Liu Wei's phone rang in his pocket as he drove into the compound;

''Boss, the woman is not dead; we discovered that she is still breathing when we tried to bury her body, what do we do? ''

Liling turned to look at him because the call was a bit loud, so she could hear the person who spoke;

''Which woman? '' He asked, wondering of the two, who had not died;

''The one hit by Ma'am, we just realized that she is still breathing, she just had a fracture on her skull and is unconscious; what do we do with her? ''