A professional sportsman

Lee found himself on an arcade. He ran in and asked people for the year. 1983. Lee knew that he could wait out the years to return to his time just when it got to 2000 he would have to go into hiding. But he was lucky as he got to live out a fun time in the 80s and 90s. After his first day running around he decided to sleep on the roof of the arcade as he hadn't got a hotel room yet. As he began to fall asleep he was greeted by the orb.

"Hello Lee. I think that I will bestow upon you powers."

"What powers? I already can slow down time and run fast."

"You won't age just like when you had the time crystal. You will look forever 25 if you wish."

"Had the time crystal... wait did you come from the future?"

"I am from the heavens. The one true deity sent me. If you wanted I could take you back to your future."

"Come back to me when the year is 2000 then take me back." Said Lee. The orb disappeared and Lee star gazed all night.

The next morning he began brainstorming how he could get money and the thought that kept coming back to his head was in sports, after all he is the fastest person on Earth by a lot. And that plan was what he did. He went around joined a hockey competition with a team he had met. When the first game began they had no idea what Lee could do in hockey and neither did he. He slowed down time and tackled the balls owner and quickly headed to the goal. Score. He just kept winning points in slow motion and the game was theirs. That is how the whole tournament went. After doing that for some time he was signed to be on big time team. Now he was practically a celebrity. When he signed he put a fake name of Peter so no paradoxes would occur.

Lee was living a great life in the 90s by this point and he had no worries about getting back to his hero life in the future, especially as he now has a lot money and could be able to help fund some projects for the team. Lee also became a member of a basketball team and a winner of all the running events in athletics. Most sports fan could recognise Lee now that he did as much as he could. Lee rarely used any of his money as he dint have to eat and he was always pretty busy due to competing in several sports and often found himself helping charities.

Eventually it had to end on New Year's Eve in 1999 he was both happy and sad because his life as a sportsman was over but he would return to his real life with his friends. Before the party he hid made sure he could easily get his money in the future but also so no one else would find them.

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5!" Everyone was shouting as the came closer to the new century, "4! 3! 2! 1! Happy new year!" Lee then quickly left the party to go and meet up with the orb wherever it decided to appear.

"Hello again Lee." Said the orb, "want to go back now."

"Yes, I think my time here is up. I've had lots of fun here." Said Lee in his bitter sweet tone.