Flying to earth

Jay found him self surrounded by many aliens on a planet he has not been to before.

"Where am I and what year is it?" He quickly asked. Jay was filled in on where and when he was by the aliens only to find he only went back in time by a few months.

"Can I get onto a ship home?" He asked, "I need to get back to Earth."

"Sure we will set you up with one of our best ships after all you are fire fist." Said an alien. The had a strange look to them, they were all different colours and the kept changing colour as well. They were all 5 foot and had long arms that touched the floor.

Soon enough Jay found himself heading to earth in a space ship all by himself. The ship was huge and yet it felt small, this is because of the fact that it is a cargo ship used for moving large amounts of resources between planets within a solar system. It was an extremely boring journey. Where nothing happened until the ship ran out of fuel and he was left flying around space. He spent days looking around the ship to find if he can refuel it with his fire. Eventually he found it and he blasted fire into it. He stood there for hours refuelling it but when he finished he could travel at very fast speeds. Jay had one problem with his journey to earth is that he had no idea where earth was in relational where he was. So what did Jay do? Ask for directions when he came across? No he just flew around in hopes of finding a planet he recognised. For a about a month and a half he had no success in finding earth but he ended up seeing the sun in the far distance, the ship turned to head in that direction. Jay upped the speed in excitement of being at home. Whilst flying back he looked at the planets and admired their beauty, but suddenly he freaked out as he would have to hide for a few weeks then come back from hiding after they all got moved in time and space. He looked around the huge and confusing control panel. He found a cloaking device so he decided to hide above earth and watch a clock. After waiting for some time Jay went back down to earth.