to start off

author first things first some things you need to know going forward into the story about markers these [ ] will indicate who is talking and these ( ) will indicate someone's inner thoughts. now proceed to the story. And thank you for reading and your patience.

[???] Hey, wake up hello….sigh. }}Slap{{

[??] huh was what ahh that hurt Wha Where am I where is this who are you and. and where the hell is my body.

[God] Okay, calm down. the first thing you're dead second thing you're in my office well what you can call my office. the third thing I'm God. and the last thing you're dead now so you're just a soul what's the point of a body then.

[??] wait if I don't have a body then how did you hit me.

[God] I'm God what You think I can't hit a Soul if I Wanted to. now enough of that. let's get back to the matter at hand by luck of the draw you were given a chance at life again.

[??] wait really like reborn or reincarnated I get to go back to Earth

[God] no you can't go back to Earth.

[??] what why-why can't I be reincarnated or Reborn back to Earth.

[God] because I destroyed it.

[ ??] what!! Why why would you do that why would you destroy the world.

[God] and who are you to ask God for an answer.

[??] well If I'm not going to Earth then where will I go to if there's no Earth to go back to.

[God] well let's find out on the wheel of worlds.

he swings his hand to his left a giant wheel pops up with flashing lights With the coin slot winning sound

There are a lot of names on the wheel of different worlds. some I know and some I don't know but just one that catches my eye, Marvel. Earth of Marvel I want to go there.

there were a few things that I could have to enjoy being a CIA operative.

I couldn't have a steady relationship Because it could put me in a compromising position you know could use my loved ones against me. couldn't have a lot of friends and even the friends and relations I did have.

I was always paranoid about them. thinking they could either betrayed me on the job or they were someone sent to kill me. always a stressful life but I could always unwind reading comics. I always liked them ever since my mother gave me one. always got the latest copy. and read one whenever I got back from a job. to unwind myself Don't get me wrong sex could do that too. But it Wasn't always pleasant when there's a possibility that they were sent to kill me.

yeah, I know paranoid much. but we would always hear about that happening to someone. Marvel was the first comic I ever got so it holds a special place in my heart. I've read other comics than Marvel and even manga's

[??] do I get to choose where I go. Cause if so I would like to go to Earth of Marvel.

[God] no. spin's the wheel

this guy's a jerk I put my hands together and start praying. well if I had hands. please let it be Marvel please let it be Marvel please let it be Marvel please let it be Marvel please let it be Marvel. The wheel starts to spin slowly and slowly than it Stops On Marvel, then I swear I could hear the heavens sing. Yes yes yes yes You have no idea how happy I was I'd be jumping around dancing if I had a body. But then it Clicks once more. and stops on Earth of DC why-why no (T-T) Don't get me wrong I like DC just I'm a marvel fan through-and-through.

[God] Okay now that it's settled as to which world you're going to go. let's figure out how you get there. they are three options as you said before there are reborn and reincarnated there is also transmigration. You get to choose

[??] what is the difference between them

[God] reborn is just like its name says the reborn start from the beginning and you have to deal with the fact that you can't do as much until you come of age and you got six abilities of your choice and one wish. Reincarnated is when you are born without your memories and you have to wait until they come back or something traumatic happens to you and triggers your memories. and you get three abilities of your choice and two wishes. and transmigration is when you are sent with the body you had before you died and you get no abilities and three wishes. Now choose.

[??] (well I don't want to be reborn I don't want to remember coming out but my mother that would just cause a whole mess of a psychological problem. I don't want to be reincarnated as I don't know what my previous self will turn out to be. Hell for all I know he could be a Criminal and the problem of trying to change myself in people's eyes would be a pain in the ass Sooo I'll go with transmigration.)

I have decided to go with transmigration

[God] Well then here's your body now to your first wish.

[??] (Before I died I was I was 49 and I was going to be 50 soon I was going to retire Then most likely they were going to put me into the red list (retired extremely dangerous) I'm going to want a younger body won't I if I'm going to DC with all the superheroes and supervillains and criminals)

[??] for my first wish I want the body of a twenty-year-old with unimaginable intelligence and absolute control over my body.

[God] done. now your second wish.

[?? ] For my second wish I want the knowledge of the most brilliant and intelligent beings of the Marvel Universe with the understanding of their knowledge.

[God] done now your third wish.

there was some pain coursing through my head of all their knowledge then after a while, the pain subsided.

[??] For my third wish I wish to be transmigrated into Gotham City with one million dollars in cash and 6 years before the Justice League forms and assembles.

[God] done and it's the year 2003 there. well then off you go and good luck.

a portal appears before me blue and shimmery and so I just jump through.

[God] well now that that's done on to the next one.


This is my first time writing please be kind English is not my first language so keep that in mind. I know it's not long again it's the first time. and what do you think of the story you think I should keep on going with it.or should I stop. and delete it