planning some things

[??] as I jump out of the portal and land on the concrete floor. and as I come out so does a duffel bag I picked it up to check inside it's got the one million dollars in cash.

I put the strap over my shoulder I survey my surroundings I'm in a dark alleyway and there's a couple of trash that can be seen here and there.

as I'm making my way out I look around to see the city looking gloomy like always shown in the movies TV and comics I think it's because of all the tall buildings they block out all the Sun from reaching into the city.

As I'm looking around some guy comes up to me and pulls out a gun tell him to go back into the alleyway. ( wow I've only been here for a few seconds and someone is already trying to Mug me) as I walked back into the alleyway. I asked are you sure you want to do this are you sure this is a good idea.

[mugger] shut up just give me your duffle bag and your wallet. come on make it quick I don't have all day come on you shIt head. don't think I won't shoot you I've done it before.

[??] sigh I tried. I move fast and I grabbed the hand holding the gun and I pull it to the side and I punch him in the throat while he's busy trying to breathe I take the gun away from him it's a revolver action pistol I pop it open to and see how many it's got in the chamber I grabbed an empty bottle on the floor put the pistol into the bottle pointed at the mugger and shoot.

As he drops dead even with my makeshift suppressor it was still loud but not so loud that people could tell where the shot came from I put the revolver in the pocket of my jacket and rushed out of the alleyway I'm not an evil man but I'm not a good man either.

in my line of work I used to kill people good people bad people but at the time I just did what I was told to do for the good of the mission That's what I told myself.

but that doesn't mean I'm going to start killing people left and right. at least not good people and that doesn't mean I'm going to go around killing all the bad people I come across.

as I'm walking down the street I quickly wipe the gun and disposed of it in the trash can without anyone noticing.

okay, first things first I need information I need to find a library. 20 minutes of walking around and asking people someone was nice enough to finally tell me where the nearest library was at after 10 minutes of walking I was finally at a library then I had for a computer I need to find where the nearest store that has all the computer components that I need. and also find out what's happening in the world.

so far Batman doing his Batman things. Superman doing his Superman thing. rumors of a hero Saving people in Central City The Joker being the Joker. Lex Luthor being Lex Luthor. And there seems to be some hooded vigilante in Star City Other than that the same old same old no major events that I should be concerned about at least right now.

now to find a store that sells computer components as I find me one about 20 minutes away from here that's where I'm heading to next. first I had to the bathroom in the library with my duffle bag I place the duffle bag down on the seat I take about 50,000 out place it in my jacket pockets. zip up the bag and leave hailing a Taxi to take me there so my plan so far is to make a supercomputer well supercomputer 0.0 with the components I can get right now.

I can probably build better ones later but I need to get what I can get right now. after making my supercomputer I'm going to make an AI after getting my AI I'm going to forge my ID.

seeing as I don't have one on this Earth after that I'm going to start up a company branching off into different areas of business Electronics Automotive vehicles Weaponry entertainment. etc. etc. as I was off making my plans I hear someone calling me.

[ taxi driver] sir we are at your stop.

I pay the driver and I get out heading for the store. Once I'm in the store I start buying everything I can get my hands on memory cards graphics cards hard drives soldering iron Screwdriver wire cutter some Towers 1 laptop By the end of It I ended up spending more then what I had. I had to run to the bathroom real quick to get some more money. Walking out of the store with a butt load of stuff hailing a taxi again. having a taxi driver taking me to the best hotel in the city paying the taxi driver $200 to help me load and unload.

Once I'm in the room I decide to take a hot shower after the hot shower and Order room service Steak and potato Burgers and Fries Slice of Cheesecake milkshake I am hungry as hell should be here in 10 minutes they said.

in the meantime I start building up my supercomputer taking apart Towers opponents take apart everything with the help and knowledge of Rocket Raccoon really one of the Brilliant Minds in Marvel Universe he can pretty much jerry-rig anything together in the middle of my soldering There's a knock at the door I'm sure it's room service just to be sure I take the soldering iron with me I answer the door with it behind my back. I Once used a book to kill five men It was a hardcover book and I went for their throats.

there's a young boy with a cart full of food wearing a red bell boy outfit with bronze buttons gold trimming Looks like he will pass out just from my stair.

he finally gets the courage to say room service I tell him to leave it there then he says when I'm done To leave it in the hallway and someone will pick it up in an hour.

when I see him leaving then I bring it in sit down and get to eating as I am eating I started thinking about my plan so far first build a temporary supercomputer then construct a AI then get me a ID then start a company I'm going to need more money to start a company this one million was just a start-up fund I think I'm going to need about 100 million to start up my company I think I know Where I'm going to get the money from.

Just finishing my supercomputer I'm quite annoyed though that I have to plug it in in order for it to work if only it had an internal power source that would make it better.

at the thought of that, I searched my memories when I came across it. I start laughing like a madman if there were people around me I'm sure they would think I was crazy.

But once I come across it I know who I'm going to be in this world But I don't have the resources to make it right now I will after I make my company I'll start getting all the resources I need. that's Was when I decided that I'm going to have my fun in this world and try to have a less stressful life as much as I can who knows maybe I'll have a steady relationship this time