AI. i am

It took about a day and a half to finish the programming of the AI now I'm just adding the finishing touches giving it a voice.

I thought about giving it all kinds of voices I was stuck between a bunch I even thought about giving it my mother's voice.

but decided not to I thought it would be too weird I brought it down to two voices though. Angelina Jolie and Scarlett Johansson They both have a smoky voice.

Angelina has more of a firm voice Scarlett has more of a Smokey but serious voice who are we kidding though Scarlett Johansson won hands down I mean come on Black Widow.

I could not go to Marvel so I'm going to bring Marvel to me at least as much as I can.

After that, I lock it down and get ready to start her up As I look at the screen and watch this little flicker of light turn on I start to hear the voice.

[AI 0.1] is operational checking systems everything is operating at 100% what may I help you with today.

Good. good. first off erase ID AI 0.1 new ID will be Athena.

[Athena] following command AI 0.1 shall now be known as Athena. What shall I call you sir

Smiles (I've been waiting for this) you can call me Tony my name is Tony Stark.

[ Athena] Tony How may I be of use to you today'

I'm going to need you to hack into the federal government because it's time for me to exist in this world.

So here's what I came up with for me to exist in this world.

Tony Stark was born in the year 1983 Parents unknown child was left at fire station doorstep put into an orphanage in West Virginia.

(Arthur, by the way, The year is 2003 in this world if you didn't know)

above-average grades all the way through to high school until I was recruited and join the FBI worked my way up until joining the CIA All missions after joining the CIA have been redacted After I received a traumatic experience in my last mission leading to an early retirement getting me on the red list, yeah the red list is in this world to. Deciding to go to college and get my Doctorate in science and engineering.

But really with all the knowledge I have, I can outclass anyone with a doctorate In science engineering chemistry biology medicine etc. etc.

but I don't want people going around asking too many questions so I only get a doctorate in science and engineering so not to stand out so much.

after receiving my doctorate decided to travel at that point lost all my identification and all I got to do now is to go and get some new ones which will be easy now since I have a history and a birth certificate social security.

I know I could have done this on my own but I Made Athena so that she could help me multitask cause while she was doing that I was getting used to my first wish I had wished for the body I had when I was 20 with unimaginable intelligence and absolute control over my body.

as for unimaginable intelligence, it wasn't that hard to get used to I was very smart before now it just felt like I was thinking a bit faster and things made a lot more sense especially now with all the knowledge I have.

the thing that I was getting used to was with the absolute control over my body I first tested by giving myself a little cut and concentrated on the cut and stop the bleeding and it Started to began to heal to the point where you could barely make out a scar.

this was amazing it wasn't anywhere near the level of Wolverine or Deadpool.for one thing they didn't have to concentrate in order for them to heal it just happen automatically. secondly, they wouldn't have any scars left on them I may have a way to compensate for that but that's for a later project also I need to eat after I healed myself seems this healing Factor relies on my metabolism sort of like the Flash with his speed he runs so fast that he needs to eat in order to keep himself from Damaging his body because his metabolism is hyperactive.

same for me I had healed myself that I need to eat to compensate for it.

Also, I found out I can change my hair color. I changed it from black to red to blond to Brown even to Green and blue any color I can think of the same for my eyes.

I could even change the color of my skin but not by a lot it went from light skin to slightly darker skin to a full-blown tan But that was it I couldn't make it look black There's only so far my skin pigmentation could do.

This would have been so helpful in my old life when I was doing espionage Too bad.

it'll help me in this one, especially on my to-do list the third thing on my list get more money.

but that can wait for now what I need to do next is to get some clothes I've been wearing these close since I arrived here it's been 2 days and a half still haven't got any new clothes.

so I grabbed Athena put her in my duffle bag Grab some cash and head out to the elevator to go to the lobby.

as I get out of the hotel I hail a taxi get in and tell him to take me to the nearest shopping mall when I get there I start getting different kinds of shirts pants shoes but I mainly focus on getting what I need for tonight 2 pairs of black gloves 2 black overcoat jacket 2 black shirts 2 Black cargo pants and 2 black boots.

two cans of Spray paint Some tape as I head to the Sporting Goods section and buy me 2 black ski masks and some winter gear as to not bring any suspicion on me for buying the ski mask and a pocket knife.

[tony] (oh, tonight someone is going to have a bad night.)

as I'm leaving I see the Gotham Gazette I buy an issue since I'll need it for the Spray painting I'll be doing later on.

on the front page, is the story of Batman and the Joker. it seems to be over glorifying Batman's victory over the Joker never really saying how many has the Joker killed this time. I don't know why Batman hasn't put down this madman permanently he always just catching him and Puts him back into Arkham Asylum. Let alone his mental issue Being uncurable by normal means the fact of the matter is the mental issue is caused by the chemical exposure when he fell into it. and even if you cared him of it. he was still a Criminal he would probably go back to the same life again.

and his whole not using a gun because it killed his parents was ridiculous it wasn't the gun that killed his parents it was a man holding the gun imagine if the guy was holding a knife. what he won't be using knives anymore because it was a knife that killed his parents.

sigh. I'm not going to dwell on this anymore this matter doesn't involve me so I'm not going to butt into their little Lover's spat there playing.

But if the Joker does come to mess with me I will not hesitate to kill him why Shouldn't I.

he wouldn't Hesitate to kill me in a blink of an eye if I was in front of him. I'm not like Batman I'm not willing to let a MadMen go just so he can come back at me again and again and again until he finally succeeds.

Don't get me wrong I don't hate Batman nor do I dislike him I just think he is stupid he isn't making a change.

because if they did fear him they wouldn't go back to being a criminal. He just beats them up in the middle of the night And they get sent to prison and They just break out of prison or wait and then they go back to being criminals again.

Whatever I will not fault him for his choice in life he will be who he is.

And I will not try to change him nor will I try correcting his life choices he is who he is and I am who I am.

as I was reading the Gotham Gazette the taxi driver lets me know we have arrived at the hotel.

I pay him then I go through the lobby to the elevator from there to my room order room service unpack all my clothes and my special clothes grab the Gotham Gazette and spread it out on the balcony grab the ski mask the black shirt and tape then tape the ski mask and black shirt and get to painting them because I'm going to need them for tonight.


Hey guys how you doing good. good. now to business, I will try to give you a chapter every day.

no guarantee though but I promise that I'll try.

and do you think I should add some lemons to this or should I just gloss over the hookups and say oh yeah they hooked up but that's not for right now though that's for the future chapters. let me know? hope you enjoy the chapter peace.