Q&A Sorry



( I laughed so hard at this comment this was my first comment on my first time Writing I've always seen this on other people's comments on their stories but it makes me laugh to see that this is my first comment. and to answer the question yes I don't know how many and I don't know who well I do for at least three but for the rest, I don't know. Barbara is not one of the three I was thinking about )

Black Ash

U should continue it feels great. It's good and starting to get interesting. Just put the dialogues in quotes.

(This was my second comment thank you, Black Ash This gave me the courage to keep on going with the story even though English is not my first language and I forgot about the quotes cuz it dialogues sorry too far into the story to change now )


Just wondering whats his game plan since he wished for knowledge and....money

(No spoilers and don't you know knowledge is power and you can't do anything without money)


Is he want to be a batman or something?

( wait! what? how can He do that when there's already a Batman)


He could practice mystic art or some Asgardian magic. And is his body better than Olympic athlete?

(A nice concept but I already got a plan as to where he's going power-wise at least and as for his body it's better than what you think )


ironman + Hank Pym+ dr. octpus + Reed Richards + Dr. Doom + Rocket Racoon + MODOK + Asgardian magic-tech + ect...= OP Hero

(This guy gets it knowledge is power)


Doc Oc is a geneticist he hardly makes good tech that others use asgarden tech would be my way or Wakanda tech mixed with stark tech plus the super soldier serum from when you can you tech

(Knowledge is power!!!! I know broken record but it's a fact)


whoa his already a cold-blooded murder and I'm not talking self defense I'm talking killing a helpless unarmed person that called being a bad guy a villain hero's real heroes have a code even the worst of them would just break a lot of bones then send them to the police with the weapon my only question is why the million and not an identity and why 25 and not 20 or 19 I'd have gone with 19 and an identity as a student orphaned heir to a small bio company to make life ******

( I think you need to read it again) ( This was the comment I left behind for this guy)

This was his reply

he shot the guy in the face after disarming him while thinking he doesn't mind killing lol

(Okay where do I start Okay why the million Because with his knowledge and the money he can do more than with an identity and he's not 25 he's got the body of when he was twenty-years-old meaning he still 49 just with a younger body and he's not some cold-blooded murderer You need to think about it he's got no ID it's got a duffel bag full of a million dollars what is he going to do hold a gun to the cops come by in a city where Guy with a bag full of money is very suspicious the fact that doesn't have an idea either. The worst-case being he'll be put in prison without no money then what. And you have to see it through the point of the main character he is a CIA operative meaning a spy he has to to make decision To keep himself from dying I've already explained this in the story he's not a bad man he's not a good man He's just a man who did his job which may involve having to kill people And the whole concept of a hero's code saying that they're never going to kill anyone is very stupid even police officers when they're being trained are told that they're going to kill someone not that they might or that there's a possibility they tell him that they're going to kill someone in their line of work so that they have to take the job seriously)

Same guy comments from the third chapter


he just called Batman stupid for not killing the joker because the Joker kills a lot of people I understand this but if he killed the joker what to stop him from killing every killer out there and when he has finished won't he have to kill himself because he has become what he was trying to stop I understand Batman's not perfect but there is a thin line between hero and villain and it's called morals killing is wrong and he'll is very real in the dc universe and they don't give commendations for killing bad guys I have read Constantine Before you ask there are better ways that he came with anyone remember fantastic 4 the negative zone prison throw him in there alone with those that can't be rehabilitated make an island of it with animals and water they will survive without bothering society be smart not trigger happy otherwise Superman Batman and the rest of the justice league will come for him even if he is trying to do good it would just not be worth it in the end

(Okay they won't be a lot I'm going to have to say to this guy anymore cuz I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. for one thing, Batman has already become the thing that he wants to stop a criminal Heroes and was comics and in any comic book any series I always going to be known as Vigilantes they're breaking the law already IE being criminals and even police officers when faced with a situation between saving a life and killing a criminal being a hostage situation the cops are most likely take the shot if they have one Batman has been in many situations that there's always been a hostage situation and the hostages always died because Batman never took the shot i estate again the whole Heroes code never taken a life is stupid like I said before to the previous comment and second when did I ever make this guy out to be trigger-happy I don't remember doing that I'm done with answering These type of comments now but I will say this to anyone else really read the material first before you make a comment like these thank you)

(Hey guys how you doing good. good. now to business, I will try to give you a chapter every day.

no guarantee though but I promise that I'll try.

and do you think I should add some lemons to this or should I just gloss over hookups saying oh yeah they hooked up but that's not for right now though that's for the future chapters. let me know?

hope you enjoy the chapter peace.)

( I left this at the end of chapter 3 and like I stated before I will try to give you a chapter every day no guarantees but I will promise I'll try and secondly I left a comment saying yes lemons and no lemons and the vote is in by a landslide win 8 to 0 the winner is yes lemons so in the future you guys will get your lemons all the lemons you want just not right now sorry and for all those lemon lovers please be patient. I did this just so I could answer some of your guy's comments that need to be answered and some that were bugging me to answer so I hope I answered some you guys questions I may do this again in the future who knows.)