As I look at my face in the mirror I begin to see my eyes change the white's in my eyes turn black pitch black then I change my sky blue eyes black as well Pitch Black honestly, this creeps me out a little this would be great for Halloween.
once I'm satisfied with the look I leave the bathroom and head for the food I'm hungry now
As I'm eating I ask Athena if she's finished with the task I gave her.
[Tony] Athena have you finish hacking into the Gotham City Police.
[Athena] yes Tony I've just finished and compiled all the list of information you ask for.
[Tony] excellent begin operation.
[Athena] beginning operations hacking into all major crime bosses accounts beginning transferring into accounts all over the world and back into your's It's done, Tony You now have 4.9 billion in your account.
[Tony] whistle…. damn I guess it's true what they say crime does pay there's a downside though everyone will not like you well it's not like I'm going to be a Crime Boss or anything so does this make me the richest man.
[Athena] correction Tony Bruce Wayne the richest man with 6.9 billion Lex Luthor coming in second with 5.10 billion and you come in at 3rd.
[Tony] well it doesn't matter right now I'll be the richest man later. this money is more than enough for what I need. Athena start looking for a build to start up our company.
[Athena] our company? Tony what do you mean by our company.
[Tony] I mean our company as in our company I'm going to have you help me run it you are the only one I trust in this world Right now. but if it gets too much for you I can always make you a sister to help with the workload.
[Athena] no I am more than capable of handling this task I shall begin to look for all information on how to run businesses.
[Tony] don't be like that I wasn't trying to replace you If anything I was trying to give you a family member.
[Athena] you are my family Tony Why would I need any more.
[Tony] it doesn't hurt to have more family it just means you have more you can love and trust well anyway just let me know if you need help.
(the AI that I made was meant to be more than just an AI (artificial intelligence) she was made to be an AI (artificial life) I needed something that would learn to adapt to my needs there is no other like Athena just like there's no other like me.)
[Tony] were you careful when you were hacking into the Gotham police.
[Athena] yes like always there's nothing you should worry about I'm so Advanced there's nothing in this world that would be able to stop me, after all, you did create me that way And if something did happen to me you could always make another AI there's no need for you to worry.
[Tony] there's always the possibility that something could go wrong there's nothing wrong with a little precaution that is why I tell you to be careful and if something did happen to you that would be it. I could make another AI but it would not be you, Athena There's only one Athena and that is why I tell you to be careful. like you said you are my family so stay alive. Now was that all the money from all the major crime bosses in the city.
[Athena] yes all the money that they had in their accounts other than the cash they have in there safe House.
[Tony] good then that will give them a good blow to their operations what time is it now.
[Athena] it is 6 p.m. it is time for the second part of the operation.
I put on my black cargo pants black boots Put on my newly painted black shirt black gloves put on my black overcoat jacket closing it up. my mask is in my jacket's pocket. Putting on sunglasses to cover up my black eyes Put in an earpiece so I can keep in contact with Athena Grab my now empty duffle bag yeah it's empty when I went out shopping I Also want to go grab my id and my papers With Athena's help it was fast work all I had to do was go pick it up and after that I opened up an account put all my money in it. I'm going to need it for the first stop for tonight now to head out.
I'm standing in a dark alleyway the building next to me is my Target the group inside the building are gun Smugglers These are one of many in Gotham this is the biggest one already took my money now I got to make sure they stay down for a while I wait for my opportunity there are two guards outside the door and someone just came on a motorcycle.
(Author something like this I don't own image
once the guy on the bike gets inside the building I give it a minute So the guards are a little less worry about they're surrounding. I take off my sunglasses put them in one of my cargo pants pockets. open my jacket to reveal my shirt put on my ski mask and do a countdown 3 2 1 go.
I start running fast to one of the guards I do a jump knee kick to the guards head as I land I roll jump up to grab the other guards head and slam it to the ground then I grabbed his head and give it a good twist until there's a snap then I go to the other guard who's just now recovering from the knee kick I gave him.
he tries to punch me but I pull the punch away from me making him stagger a bit and facing away from me I grabbed his head and give it a Twist }}crack{{
then I start searching them for their weapons they both had a Beretta M9 Pistol once the pistol was within my hands it was a feeling of meeting up with an old friend I took out the clip to see how many rounds were left in it. there was around 15 in each clip. they each had two extra clips That adds up to 90 bullets and if I do it just right that's enough for 90 people all right time to get to work I start walking towards the door give it a good kick.
[second point of view]
I just got back from doing my first job after joining the gang I was told to go to all the dealers and pick up a package of money I returned here to deliver it.
yeah maybe I'm on the lower end of the pyramid but I'm going to work my way up and pretty soon I'm going to be the big boss in the neighborhood. Just as I was dreaming about my future There was a loud bang the door was kicked in and some scary guy looking walks in he's about 7-foot tall a skull on his chest a skull on his face with eyes that look like you're staring into the abyss of Nothingness I'm about to piss myself here I hide behind the desk.
(Author I don't own image just found it. it comes close to what I'm picturing here
[gang member] wh..who the hell. who are you
[the scary guy] Who me ha ha ha I'm The Punisher ((Bang))
Shit shit shit… he just killed him. why did Big Jay have to ask him that not only does this guy looks scary his voice is scary as hell to what pit of hell did this guy come from.
But he picked the wrong place to come into there are about 40 men here and they all got guns he's a deadman.
(Author what his voice sounds like
(end second point of view)
just before the guy I just shot drops to the floor I shoot about four more then I move to a table flip it over for cover I counted about 40 guys minus the ones I just killed as I wait for them to empty their clips I see a FlashBang in a wooden box just my luck I grabbed it unpainted count to three then tossed it. }}Bang{{ after the bang there's nothing but screams, I get up from cover to start firing.
this all took me about a minute and a half to finish all this it would have taken me a little longer if I didn't luck out on that flashbang.
there's only one Survivor it is the kid from the bike I put the guns on the desk grab him by the hair and start dragging him outside bring him up to the two dead bodies then make him look at them there's a smell of piss and shit in the air. he was crying and snot running down his face begging for me to let him go he already pissed himself long ago.
[The Punisher] do you want to end up like this do you.
[Crying boy] no let me go please let me go.
[The Punisher] if you don't want to end up like this get out of the crime business because there won't be a next time I will kill you understand.
[crying boy] yes yes yes I understand please let me go, PLEASE.
[The Punisher] good now give me the keys to the motorcycle.
After he hands me the keys I take his arm and break it because not only do I want him to remember the shocked face of someone's dead face I also want him to remember the pain of barely make it out alive.
[The Punisher] now get out of here.
then I head back inside the building I feel my duffle bag full of guns and explosives they even have C4. I grab me some C4 some flash bangs some grenades some Ammo for the M9 pistols also grab an M16 And then I blew up the building then head off for the other places I need to hit
I'm going to make them fear The Punisher.
by the end of it, I Blew Up 5 drug houses and three human trafficking dens I had Athena call the police for each one of the dens. in the last one, I found a man doing it with a 10-year-old so I beat him near to death then shot him in the dick And then left him to bleed to death.
Then I went to an alleyway took off my shirt my jacket and put them into the duffle bag And change into different clothes. I had left my guns and the bike in the last Drughouse that I blew up to destroy them.
The Punisher will be feared because they will never know when he will come out to punish this will be one of my alter egos on to the next one.
I had this song stuck in my head when writing the action scene