The aftermath and start of a company

[second point of view]

I was just about to leave To go home have dinner and get some sleep I've had a long day of filling out papers reading reports filing reports I'm going to have a hot shower eat dinner and sleep for the day or I was until someone started calling for me.


commissioner Gordon Commissioner Gordon we just got a report from downtown there was an explosion it was the building That was suspected of being the base for the gun Smugglers.

(Author I'm going to put CM Gordon when he's talking from now on)

[CM Gordon] wait! what (well there goes my plans for the night did Batman do this no he would have told me if he was planning something like this)

Just as I'm hearing more info about the explosion downtown Someone else comes rushing in saying that we just got a call about human trafficking Den being hit We're a hundred and fifty civilians were being kept.

[CM Gordon] alright send Several units to the scene make sure nothing happens to civilians make a perimeter and get some EMTs out there as well to check on the civilians, well get to it.

an hour and a half within an hour and a half I kept on getting reports by the end of it all.

three human trafficking dens we're taking down and 1 gun trafficking base and 5 drug houses were blown up and sigh...Start's rubbing my temples

[??] Commissioner Gordon What do you know about this incident.

I look up and see Batman in my office I wish he would quit doing that. one of these days he's going to give me a heart attack.

[MC Gordon] here's what I got is that all of this was done by one man. and the body count of 150 all criminals. He took them down with one shot either to the head or heart. one guy died bleeding to death after almost being beaten to death. there are only 4 survivors all kids between the ages of 15 and 16 they were a part of the gang that was running the drug houses they were terrified beyond belief. saying something about a demon from hell coming to punish them all for their wrongdoings.

[Batman] make that five survivors I found another kid near the site of the first crime scene. seems he was terrified as well to the point where he wasn't scared to find out it was me He was even willing to give me info on all the other gun Smugglers bases and the description of the assailant which was that of something that came from the pits of hell he did give me something about him through a name The Punisher.

[End of second point of view]

It's been 4 days since my little outing and the reporters have done such a good job of sniffing out Info about the Man known as The Punisher from Gotham City Police all his deeds and achievements for all over the newspaper the whole city was talking about The Punisher.

and in these four days, I've done a lot I acquired a building spending 1 billion buying it. it's not the biggest building but it's fine for what I need. second I bought a cell service Verizon It's been failing recently so I was able to buy it at a reasonable price of 100.5 million I'm now the biggest shareholder.

why did I buy it cuz it's the first thing my company is going to sell smartphones this well outclass all cell phone companies as they're still selling flip phones I will be taking over the cell phone market I've had Athena make all the patent license I need for all the tech I'm going to be making for my company so far everything's been going great I'll be raking in billions by next month. at this time I just remembered that I had a promised to take Barbara on a date so I had Athena call her for me so we can make plans for the date.

[ second point of view]

[??] Master Grayson, I suggest you stop staring and get up the courage to ask her out.

[Dick Grayson] Alfred it's not that easy if I ask her and she rejects me it would be awkward between us to be able to work together, then where would we be.

[Alfred] master Grayson I think it would be better for you to ask her out you have a shot and if she rejects you'll be fine it's better to know and be awkward then to have regretted not knowing what could have been.

[Dick Grayson] I know it's just sigh… you know what fine

[Alfred] good luck Master Grayson.

as Alfred sees Dick Grayson go towards Barbara who's talking to Bruce Wayne Alfred signals

Bruce Wayne, to come towards him.

[Bruce Wayne] what's the matter, Alfred

[Alfred] nothing I just needed you to give those two some time together

[Bruce Wayne] oh so he's finally got up the courage to ask her

[Alfred] so it would seem Master Wayne

as Bruce Wayne and Alfred were talking about his protegee. Dick Grayson finally arrived next to Barbara

[Dick Grayson] hey Barbara how are you doing.

[Barbara] hey Grayson I'm good how about you

[Dick Grayson] I'm good I'm good so Barbara how long have we known each other

[Barbara] I don't know I'd say about two years now why

[Dick Grayson] wow two years huh so I'd say we know each other pretty well now.

[Barbara] yeah I'd say that we know each other pretty well now.

[Dick Grayson] so I was wondering if you would umm..

(( ringing)) (( ringing))

[Barbara] hold on let me get that it seems someone's calling me

[Dick Grayson] (^_^!)Yeah yeah sure

[Barbara] hello

[Tony] hey Barbara How have you been

[Barbara] I'm sorry who's this

[Tony] oh my don't tell me this she-wolf Has forgotten about the lamp she wishes to Feast upon It's Tony Stark remember we met 4 days ago.

Barbara blushed at Tony's statement and she remembered the handsome hottie that she met 4 days ago

[Barbara] Oh yeah I'm sorry I just been busy and my mind's kind of Scattered right now

[Tony] well I'm sorry I haven't been able to call you I've been busy with my business but I have the day After Tomorrow free I want to know if you want to go out on that date.

[ Barbara] I'm sorry I'm busy this entire week how about next week.

[Tony] I won't be able to do that I'll be busy for the next 2 weeks getting my company an order I'll tell you what 2 weeks from now my company Is going to have a launch party for a new product would you be willing to be my date for that day

[Barbara] yeah okay when's the date and time yeah yeah okay that sounds good okay bye. sorry about that what were you saying.

[Dick Grayson] (-_-) no it's it's nothing who was that

[Barbara] oh that was Tony Stark this guy I met 4 days ago. he was asking me to be his date for his company's launch party he's a really handsome guy Hot too.

Dick Grayson was not too happy about Barbara's blushing face when she talked about this guy Tony Stark.

[Dick Grayson] (Tony Stark you bastard if I meet you I'm going to kick you in the balls)

[End of point of view]


Sorry it took so long I woke up with my back hurting and I couldn't think of anything for the second half of the chapter so I took some medicine and just went to sleep hoping it would go away when I wake up it didn't still powered through it and got the chapter out I don't think I'll be able to get a chapter out tomorrow I don't know I'll see how I feel I may have to go to the doctor anyway. hope you like the chapter.

PS got to watch out for those cock blockers even the ones you can't see poor. poor. Dick Grayson didn't even see it coming.