[Second point of view]
[??] listen, Mike, it's like I told you it's simple we go in and grab the guy and leave that's all there is to it. he's going to have a big party tonight we know he'll be there.
[Mike] Nick I know it sounds simple I'm just worried that person is not to going to pay us for doing the job.
[Nick] Mike you and the guys don't have to worry you'll get your cut. he's going to pay he already deposit one million in my bank account and is going to deliver the other 4 million after the job is done so Gear Up.
[Mike] all right all right as long as we get our cut then everything is fine.
[end second point of view]
[Tony] Athena is everything ready for tonight.
[Athena] yes everything's in place and ready for tonight.
[Tony] Good good I should get going now I have to go pick up Barbara for tonight's event. have the kitchen drone get started on tonight feast and have the caterer drones prepare the hall.
[Athena] yes I'll get on that. and be careful.
[Tony] of what.
[Athena] Of being bitten by some female rat.
[Tony] huh? (it took me a bit to figure out what she meant by that) and why would you say something mean like that.
she stayed silent after that I'm going to have to have a talk with her later but for now, I had to go I went to the elevator to go down to the parking lot. I have done a lot within these three weeks first thing's first. was building all my drones to get things done faster first I started with one then with that one I was able to build two more then with those three I was able to build six more and so on and so on until I had 10,000 drones They are far more powerful than any other drones out there and their power source is an arc reactor you heard me an arc reactor not only them this whole building is powered by a big Arc Reactor. then after the drones, I got started on the making a better supercomputer by making all the parts from scratch I was able to make better processors graphics cards memory cards hard drives all the works. which is powered by The Arc Reactor in the building then after transferring Athena she was upgraded thinking faster processing faster but then she also started acting strangely just like a while ago. sigh, I hope I didn't make a Skynet.
As the elevator arrives the doors open to reveal the parking lot I arrive next to the SUV looking car this is one of the things I built within one of the weeks with the help of the drones this bad boy can go from 0 to150 in a second Bulletproof able to take a hit like a tank powered by an arc reactor
I can't wait to take this bad boy out.
( author something like this. images, not mine it's something I found https://imgur.com/DWq4jtI)
[Second point of view]
As I'm looking at myself in the mirror to make sure everything's fine today's the day I go out with Tony I would have gone out with him sooner but Bruce insisted that we kept on doing night runs so that we could run into the Punisher and if we did we were supposed to contact him immediately and to not engage him alone.
Grayson was being a little bit cocky kept insisting that he didn't need Bruce in order for him to take on The Punisher. He keeps on getting into fights with Bruce about such small things too.
I feel that one of these times he's going to say something he will regret and their relationship won't be able to go back to the same way anymore I wish he would just calm down and get over whatever issue he has with Bruce And he seems to be a bit more angry about something wonder what's it about ..sigh…
And Bruce is too obsessed with trying to find some kind of trace of the Punisher to even care about Grayson's attitude towards him I mean he even stole the motorcycle and weapons that were left behind in the explosion in one of the drug warehouses to try to find even some kind of Clue.
he even found a couple of footage of him speeding down the road..sigh…
I swear these two are so thick-headed sometimes and these Patrols have put a lot of stress on me. That's why this date with Tony is important I plan to have a good time tonight As I look in the mirror One more time to make sure I look perfect damn I'm hot.
there was a knock at the door that must be him. okay Barbara come down come down I've got to play it cool as I answer the door he looks at me in shock damn right you better be in awe of me
[ end point of view]
As the door opens I can't help but stare at her she's beautiful she's wearing a tight one-piece black dress with a deep v-neck that makes her red hair and green eyes pop out
(Author They sometimes have Barbara Gordon with green eyes and blue eyes it's like 50/50 so I'm going with green eyes since Tony already has blue eyes. the dress is something like this I don't own image https://imgur.com/1vXUwly )
[Barbara] hello Tony is everything all right.
[Tony] yes yes I was just captivated by your beauty you look amazing in this dress.
[Barbara] thank you it's just some dress I had laying around.
[Tony] so you ready to go I've got my vehicle just downstairs
[Barbara] yeah I'm ready to go just give me a sec to grab my purse.
we have a little conversation as we take the elevator to get to my car and as we get to my car Barbara can't help but say something about it.
[Barbara] wow cool car what brand is it I don't think I've ever seen a car like it is it even out in the market
[Tony] well I guess you can say it's a Stark brand cause I designed and made the car. and no it's not on the market at least not this one I'll be designing another vehicle to put out on the market this one special now shall we This will be a night you will remember.