[point of second View]
as Tony opens a door for me to get into the car then he runs to get into the driver's seat
[Barbara] wow it's really nice in your car. what's that glowing thing in the middle of the dashboard.
[Tony ]Oh that's the power source this car does not run any fossil fuel or battery. this vehicle will not admit any type of pollution.
[Barbara] wow really then why does it sound like it does run on fossil fuel.
[Tony] cuz what's the point of having a car if you can't rev It Up.
I just giggle at that. so typical of a guy to say I mean come on why are guys so weird when it comes to stuff like this
[Tony] oh yeah I almost forgot.
as he starts to lean in I start to freak out is he trying to come in for a kiss. do I let him and if I do will he think I'm really easy. I don't want him to think I'm easy no what do I do. I couldn't think of anything so I just close my eyes and wait.
[end point of view]
as I reach behind her to get her gift she seems to be panicking a bit she then closes her eyes and puckers her lips a little I laugh a little inside. seeing her like that makes me want to tease her.
[Tony] here you go I got this for you
as she opens her eyes then looks at the gift and looks at me with a little confusion and a little disappointment showing her face
[Tony] what you don't like receiving gifts I'm sorry I didn't know
[Barbara] NO I mean no I like receiving gifts it's just I thought…
[Tony] I see so then a kiss would have been better as a gift.
[ Barbara] no I never taught... I I I never kiss on the first date
she blushes from my teasing then tries to explain herself But then I come in close to her ear and Whisper to her
[Tony] oh really but I do and a lot more too.
when I pull away from her and see her blushing face she turns her face away from me but I can still see it in the passenger window she has a little hopeful smile to her.
as I steer the car out of the parking lot we had to my company for the launch party. she seems a little bit too embarrassed to say anything along the way. when she starts to open her gift and see what's inside she looks at it and looks at me with a look on her face like she doesn't know what it is
[ Barbara] is this a mirror
[Tony] haha no it's a phone it's what we are unveiling at the launch party along with some other things
[ Barbara] this is a phone I don't see it. looks like a mirror where are the buttons what are the numbers how do you even turn it on.
[Tony] you'll see at the launch party how it works but I'll show you how to set it up for you after the party.
[ Barbara] After the party is it.
[second point of View]
as we seem to have arrived. Tony parks the car in the company's parking lot I grabbing the mirror umm.. phone that Tony gifted me put it in my purse as Tony opened the door for me and puts out his arm for me. I link my arm into his and we had for the elevator and Tony starts telling me how he'll be busy for a couple of hours but then afterward he'll be all mine.
as the elevator doors, open Tony leads me to where the launch party will be held. he first leads me to where he will be showcasing the products his company has made or will be making.
he says this is where he'll showcase the phone and how it works. that he gave me then he says after the Showcase everyone will be led to a hall where Dinner will be served to everyone.
As we head to where everyone has gathered only to see everyone staring. not at us but at what seems to be robots but they seemed a little bit more advanced I start to observe them as well.
[ Tony] these are my drones they will be serving everyone today.
[Barbara] drones? are these not robots.
[Tony] I guess you can call them that if you want to but There is a difference between a robot and a drone. well, let's go introduce ourselves.
There seems to be a lot of people here but I recognize a few of them I see my father and the mayor. Bruce is also here I didn't know he was invited there also seems to be a few important looking people from the government As Tony is going around introducing himself. we're getting near my father and the mayor and I need to think of how I'm going to introduce Tony to my father
[End second point of view]
As I've been introducing myself to everyone we start heading closer to Mayor Jackson and Commissioner Gordon it may seem I have another chance to Tease Barbara.
[Tony] mayor Jackson so nice to finally meet you. Commissioner Gordon nice to meet you as well thank you for coming to my lunch party I am Tony Stark and this beautiful lady here as my date Barbara Gordon
[ Mayor] well thank you for inviting us To your lunch party Mr. Stark
[MC Gordon] yes Mr. Stark thank you for inviting us and Barbara I didn't know you were dating someone
I act surprised to that statement when I already know full well that he's her father I didn't want them to know that I know cuz I don't want to come off as a creepy stalker.
[Tony] you two know each other
[ MC Gordon] yes we know each other as she is my daughter after all.
he said with a look as if saying hurt my daughter and I will shoot you where you stand overprotective daddy much. knowing that he doesn't know that she can take care of herself that's for sure. after all, she goes around as Batgirl.
looking as shocked as I can look. I look between him and her I can see that she is Red from
The embarrassment of the situation. she is very cute when she's like this
[ Tony] you're his daughter couldn't you have given me a signal. don't you think it's a little early for me to meet your father. I don't even have a gift
as I whisper this to her. and after being grilled by her father about this and that I swear this is just the first date. it's about time to start the Showcase.