A New Disease

Throughout the ages, humans have been subjected to many certain events that caused the death of many lives. Whether it was a natural disaster or a widespread contagious disease it always ended in an enormous amount of dead bodies. This moment in history was one of those catastrophic events. A mutation started to occur within some humans causing them to be born with a blood disorder. To many across the nation they thought it was just a simple blood disorder, until babies started dying a month after being born. This baffled many doctors and caused panic among many expecting parents. The fear of giving birth to a baby with this kind of blood disorder scared everyone in fear of their unborn child's future.

In a short time, doctors came to an overall conclusion that blood transfusions were needed every so often for the continued circulation of their blood flow. These treatments were administrated to these babies until they were ten. Upon the age of ten, that's when a change in these individuals started to be noticed.

Some children experience sensitivity to sunlight, sound, taste and even water made them uncomfortable. Even some changes caused deformity to the physical body has started to develop. One parent took their kid to their family's dentist to get his teeth checkout. He kept complaining about how much his canine teeth were hurting. The pain the little boy described became unbearable to hear. The dentist was flabbergasted at how much the inside of the child's mouth resemble his dogs' mouth instead of the mouth of a young boy. He ignored his inner thoughts and give the little boy a prescription for gum pain.

Casting all worries aside everyone just thought it was a side effect of those with this new type of blood disorder. Everything changed when an unknown hunger started to serge within these young individuals. That's when they realized their perfectly sharp and long canines were meant for feeding by piercing through flesh to release the blood within that person's body.

As they grew older, the hunger grew more intense resulting in many innocents getting attack for their delicious blood. In an instant they went from being human with a blood disorder to monsters whom suck on human blood. They were soon given the monstrous name vampires.

After a few hundred thousand years passed it seems like such a disease never existed. Everyone in this modern era referred to the term 'vampire' as an unrealistic mystical creature. It fell into the same category as mermaids, witches, giants, werewolves etc…To them any crimes that involves someone being bitten was the result of an animal attack or some psychotic pervert.

Amethyst, a young sixteenth-year-old school girl, however, was always curious about the unknown. She loved reading a good vampire or witch novel. They brought her so much joy until one day her life became like one her favorite novels. She herself witnessed that vampires are indeed real and now she's a private blood donor of two.

Early one morning Amethyst woke up in a panic. Her favored alarm clock that was supposed to go off at 6 am died over night. Her emotion was a mess when she rolled out of bed to see her alarm clock stone done and then the current time. She was going be late for school, so she didn't have a moment to grieve over her dear fairy clock. She immediately ran and took a quick shower, then snatched her school uniform off the hanger to get dressed.

She used her fingers to comb her brown hair, that had a touch of blonde highlights, since it was fastest way to comb her hair. She braided up her hair in a side braid before exiting her bedroom. Upon entering the living room, she was yelled at after flickering up the power switch.

"Amethyst we're trying to sleep here. It's way too early to be up," complained a young man with blonde hair that was lying down on the couch. His hand already raised over his eyes to shielding his eyes from the light.

"Seriously Eris...for a vampire you sure do whine a lot. It's already 7am. I'm going to be late for school. If I don't get there on time today, I'm going to be in big trouble," Amethyst said in a panic picking up her school bag and a gram bar out the kitchen.

"Your sensei is still on your case about being tardy every day, "said another guy as he sat up on the couch stretching his arms.

"No. He only messes with me, since it gives him a legit reason to harass his food," responded Amethyst as she shoved some stuff into her bag.

"Huh?" they responded looking with a hint of shock.

Amethyst sighed getting impatient. "Yes, yes, my sensei has that blood disorder as well. Now if I don't leave now, he might try to make me his morning snack," she responds heading towards the door.

"Ha-ha, interesting. Get going then. I really don't like sharing my food," Eris uttered with a grin.

"You share your food with me," the other guy snicker.

"You don't count Joel. Sometimes I wonder if you're even a vampire, you consume so little," responded Eris looking at Joel.

"Eris you forever only think about yourself….Well I'm leaving now. Also, NO ONE IS ALLOWED IN MY HOUSE! That means your little vampire friends and any random humans. I'm still trying to get the blood out of my curtain from your last gathering." replied Amethyst.

"Yeah, yeah, we hear you mother dearest," Eris responded sarcastically as he returned to his slumber.

Amethyst turned off all the lights after waving bye to the two, then left out the front door and down the stairs. On a normal school day, it would take her thirty minutes to walk from her apartment, however, today she was running late and decided to run to the bus stop instead. Taking the 7:30 bus nearby would be less time consuming.

As Amethyst was on her way to the bus stop, she saw a young girl in her teens walking out from her house. The girl was like an unpolished gem that refused to shine brightly. She was wearing a pair of bell bottom slacks which was not part of the school issue uniform. Her hair was dyed green with red bangs and slightly spikey, tied up in a ponytail. The only person she knew with such a style was her best friend Xella.

"Xella you're running late as well?" Amethyst asked as she walked up behind her.

Xella turned around towards the voice that was calling her name. When she saw it was her best friend, she gave the person a friendly wave and welcoming smile before speaking. "Yeah, I'm having a late start this morning."

"Same here. Every morning I tell myself I won't be late, but I seem to be failing at that goal. My poor alarm clock died on me and my additional roommates didn't even bother to wake me up. They're lazy freeloaders I tell ya. Sometimes I feel like I'm their mother and everything I say goes in one ear and out the other," Amethyst said as they continued their conversation on the way to the bus stop.

"Well family members are usually annoying. Speaking of relatives…. are you and the sensei related too? He's always picking on you and you're the only student I see him talking to outside of class," wondered Xella.

Once the bus came, they hopped on sitting in the front part of the bus. They paused their conversation until they reached the school. There were to many eyes watching them and she didn't like talking about herself in a crowd.

As soon as they stepped off the bus at a stop near their school, Amethyst spoke up to answer Xella's question. "No way, sensei and I are related. We would have a friendlier interaction if we were. To sensei, I'm just easy prey to pick on," Amethyst responded as they both walked toward the school gate.

"Amethyst, you're overreacting. He doesn't dislike you," Xella laughed walking beside her.

"No, I'm not. Sensei is like one of those evil male leads in a novel. Girls only like him, because he has those poisonous purple eyes. He uses those eyes to lure people in and twists them around his finger. I'm telling you Xella, he's a demon in disguise, a danger to our school."

Immersed in their conversation, Amethyst and Xella didn't noticed the mysterious figure approaching from behind after walking through the school entrance. The figure walked up behind them quickly as if he was a part of the air surrounding them. He slowly reached out both hands grabbing hold of Amethyst's shoulders pulling her closer to him, so he could peer over her shoulder to whisper into her ear, "So, I'm a demon, huh?"