Vamptress Among the Crowd

Nikki left her captive alone to handle himself, because she was more interested in the flavor of his blood than the taste of his body. Well at the moment it was just his blood she desired. She curled her lips, while rubbing gently at her throat. Just thinking about his blood made her appetite emerge once again.

Even though she wanted more, she was fully aware that if she wanted to savor her newest 'plaything' daily, she had to restrain herself from overfeeding. Well actually restrain herself from draining poor little Devon dry than overfeeding. She was a bit of a gluttonous, which is why she currently now has five 'playthings' to satisfy her sophisticated palate. With this in mind, she continued up the staircase as a mischievous smirked suddenly dawn on her face

After exiting the staircase from the basement, the young beauty noticed her loyal companion sleeping in the living room. With a now delightful smile, she walked over to the chair that her companion was resting on, to rub the top of his head.

"Junebugg dear, I need you to watch Mommy's guest for me," she said softly with an affectionate smile.

Junebugg did not look at the beauty in agreement and only turn slightly to expose his stomach.

"Fine. Lots of tummy rubs and cat treats for Mommy's big tabby boy," she bargained lovingly as she rubbed his tummy gently.

Junebugg purred heavenly, then licked the side of Nikki's arm.

Nikki retracted her arm after a few more tummy fluffs, then she walked into her bedroom. She checked her clothing and face for any blood stains on her, within the full length mirror on the door of her closet, before adding two layers of peach balm to her lips. Then, she pulled out her single ponytail, to let her curly hair cascade down her back and over her shoulders. She gave her hair a good shake with both hands, before exiting out of her bedroom.

She strolled towards the kitchen to grab her wallet and keys off the dining table on her way out the backdoor. Now that her vampiric doses were already taken care of, it was time to satisfy her human stomach. Although, human blood prolonged her life, regular food consumption was still necessary to sustain her healthy and enchanting composition. Not to mention she needed to feed her new 'plaything' as well. So, she headed straight into town for lunch, and possibly some dessert.

About halfway into town, towards her favorite open grilled establishment, a sudden down pour came out of nowhere. Though she was a vampire, she was not the type that felt as if their skin were exposed to sulfuric acid, once they were in contact with water.

Instead, the rain actually made her more alluring to those around her. Her long hair displayed a wet yet silky texture, while her lovely curls remained intact. This appearance made her appear as if she was an underwater beauty, whom just emerged from the bottom of the sea, as she strolled down the street.

Walking down the main street of Bristol Breeze, the slight drenched beauty, unfortunately caught the attention of many lustful bystanders. Although, she was quite famished, none of the bystanders were to her liking, so she proceeded on towards her destination.

However, the weather had other plans, showing no signs of stopping and instead started pouring heavier. Nikki did not feel like being complete soak from head to toe, therefore she made the quick decision to find a dry place to wait until the weather subsided.

Eventually she took temporary shelter within a fast food restaurant that specialize in burgers. The majestic beauty that she was of course caught the attention of several onlookers, once she walked through the main entrance. Standing beautifully with slightly drenched curly black and gold locks, moist peach lips and a blemish free creamy complexion. Adorned with a knee-length flora dress, soft kissed pink ballet flats were elegantly worn.

Some of the employees were easily charmed and a handful of the customers could not help but glaze helplessly at such a peerless enchantress. Of course, this did not set well with most of the females within the establishment, thus a few men were either pinched, punched or cursed at.

Nikki, however, was used to being a target of lustful, envious, and anger filled glazes, so she headed straight toward the ordering corner, as if she was unaware of the commotion she had instigated. She figured it would be best to order at least a beverage as a courtesy, since she was using this establishment as a safe haven from the rain.

As Nikki approached the corner, a young girl accidentally bumped into Nikki's arm, which caused the young girl to spill one of the fully filled cups within her hand.

"Oh dear, I am so sorry," Nikki apologized even though the collusion was not her fault. "Let me re-buy your drink for you," she said with a charming smiled after offering.

"No, it's okay. Don't worry about it. It was my fault anyway. Did any spilled on you, Miss?" the young girl lavishly asked after declining the beauty's heartfelt offer.

"I'm okay sweetie. None of the liquid got on my dress. So, you are sure, you don't want me to buy you another drink?" the beauty asked the young girl in a courteous tone.

"Yes. It's just a fountain drink anyway. I can always go back and refilled it. Thank you though for your kind gesture," the young girl responded with a polite smiled.

Nikki returned the young one smile with a gentle smile of her own before speaking. "No problem dear. Take care," she responded softly before walking up to the front counter. At the counter, she ordered a large sweet tea and also made sure to inquire, if one of the employees could clean up the spilled beverage on the floor.

After the charming vamptress got her large cup of tea, she searched for a seat to sit down at. As she walked through the seating areas, she heard a soft mixture of whistling and sneers, until she found a seat by the window. Coincidentally her preferred seat was right next to the young girl that she just bumped into. She sat down in one of the empty chairs and quietly observed the young girl. Her charmed embers watched the young one's every movement unnoticedly, when suddenly she saw something on the girl's body that confirmed her assumption.

The young one's body was releasing two faint types of pheromones. One pheromone, however, was stronger than the other. The little one must have been in contact with at least two vamps recently, and she was involved with one of them more than the other.

The vamptress beauty was able to come up with this hypothesis just from their brief interaction. It was possible that the young girl just was a common victim, which was the vamptress beauty first thought, until she saw the bandaged flesh wound on the girl's right wrist.

'This little one is indeed a Death Deal bearer. Hmmm….I wonder what type of vampire she is contacted with?' Nikki pondered as she slips on her tea from the rim of the cup. She observed the young one as if she were eyeing her next potential pastime partner.

"Amethyst, I can't believe you cut yourself again. How is it possible that you cut your wrist while cooking? I can understand cutting your fingers or the palm of your hand. People might even start to think your cutting yourself on purpose," Xella said with concern while holding a fry cover in ketchup.

Amethyst cover her mouth to finished chewing the fry that was in her mouth before speaking, "Xella….. I'm not depressed nor am I mentally disturbed. You know how clumsy I am. I'm easy distracted no matter what I'm doing. I can even injure myself with a plastic utensil," she explained crafty.

Xella laughed wholeheartedly, thinking back to how her bestie stabbed herself in the mouth with a plastic fork. "Okay, I won't pester you anymore. I'm gonna head to the restroom then, nature calls," Xella said with an amusing smile as she wiped her hands before standing up.

Amethyst cracked a smile and nodded instead of responding, since she had a mouth full of food. Now that her bestie was in the restroom, her line of sight revealed the beautiful young woman that she met earlier. Her lips cursed up in a lovely smile as she gave the beauty a friendly wave.

In return the beauty pushed back, a few strands of her damped hair behind her ear, before standing up up with her cup of tea. Her stride over towards the young girl's table was elegant and graceful. "I hope you don't mind me sitting in this empty chair. I wanted to ask you a question?" a soft and melodious voice asked the young girl.

"Ummm….sure, I guess. I'll do my best to answer," Amethyst said with a polite smiled up towards the charming beauty.

The charming beauty took a seat in one the three remaining chairs at the table. She smiled at the youth and, then she whispered in a wicked yet bewitching tone, "I overheard your conversation just now. I believe that injury on your arm is not a normal cut wound, but a bite wound. Am I right?"