
A Vamptress and Her Playthings

Once she entered inside the house, she noticed the kitchen and the living room was empty. So, she headed straight upstairs to the bedroom of her 'playmate' to check if he was there. On the second floor there was a room door open, exposing the figure of a young man laying across a bed. Without any warning she walked into the room and climbed into the bed with the young man.

Upon feeling the movement of another person within his bed, the young man quickly turned over and was face to face with the enchanting beauty.

The beauty faced displayed a mischievous smirk and lustful filled eyes as her hand slowly approached the shirted belly of her 'playmate'.

The young man sighed and then sat up to take off his shirt. Due to his past experience, all his shirts would be stained by this glutton vamptress. As well as ripped, in attempt to exposed his bare skin, because the she-devil was impatient.

The vamptress beauty smiled heavenly at her obedient 'playmate' as she mounted him and pierced her fangs into the neck of the young man. After indulging in the body and flavor of her 'playmate' until she was contented, the beauty unmounted her 'playmate' to checked her phone to see the time. Since she still had some time left before her order might be ready, she went into the bathroom to readjust her clothes and to make sure her clothes were bloodstained free.

"Darling, thanks for the dessert and the quick exercise. You are truly the best," said the charming beauty as she spoke affectionally towards the young man, while standing in the doorway of the bathroom.

"I find that hard to believe my dear Blair, since you ignored me for a whole month," responded the young man in an irritated tone.

"Don't be jelly. You know better than anyone that when I am hunting, everything else is secondary. Be thankful you're not chained up somewhere where no one can hear you scream. If you are unsatisfied with our arrangement, I have plenty of options to choose from. I don't really need you to satisfy me," advised the charming beauty with a devilish smirk, as her left arm rested across her belly and her right hand fiddle with her hair.

"Has anyone ever told you that you're psychotic?" asked the young man with a smirk of his own.

"No, I'm too pretty to be deemed psychotic. To everyone else, I'm a charming and elegant young lady, therefore only you would think this way. If you don't want your life to be control by me, then stop being so amazing and I won't have to hunt you," responded the charming beauty confidently.


"If I am a Psychopath than you are a Masochist, my dear," retorted the beauty.

The young 'playmate' went silent, realizing that he had indeed become exactly what the beauty had stated, since his lower loin was once again hard as a rock. He never used to have such masochistic tendency, it was only after becoming entangle with this beauty in front of him, that his personality made such a dramatic change.

The young beauty softly chuckled at her now docile 'playmate' as she exited out of his room. She gracefully strolled down the stairs to the ground floor and out the side sliding door. As soon as she returned inside the grill and barbecue establishment, she saw her order was ready and waiting for her at the checkout desk.

She walked over to the checkout station and stood in-line. When it was her turn, she paid for her meals with a charming smile. Then, she walked over to say thank you and goodbye to the cook, whom was also the uncle to her 'playmate'.

The middle-aged man displayed a charismatic smile on his face, when he turned around to greet the young beauty. He still could not figure how his icy-cold bookworm of a nephew managed to hook up with such an outstanding beauty.

Nikki was quite pleased with the uncle's response. She was a mastermind at working her way into another person's heart, which in turn would eliminate her as a possible suspect, if anything did happen to one of her 'playthings'. Her enchanted smile, beamed brightly within the restaurant, then slowly curved into a pleasantly wicked smirk, once she exited the restaurant.

Within her dinner for two in her hand, she was about to head down the street to start her journey back home, when she saw a public bus stopping at a route marker. It dawned on her that her stomach was now aching due to hungry, so she decided to take the public bus home instead of walking. The bus ride home was pleasant and quick. Taking the bus home was definitely the right decision.

Once she got back inside her home, she placed the large paper brown bag on the kitchen table, then she headed downstairs to the basement. "Devon….sweetie I'm back. Did you miss me?" she asked with excitement after stepping into the enclosed room.

Devon sat up from the bed yawning. Since there was nothing for him to do but sit in the room chained to the bed, he decided to count the stone tiles in the room, until he got tired enough to drift back to sleep. "Beauty Blair…. Your finally back," Devon said in a drowsy tone, while looking towards the direction of his captivator.

"Yes, and I brought you some yummy food to eat. After you eat, you are free to leave and go back to your apartment or whatever you want to do. However, I will only set you free, if you do not try to escape after I have unchained you," responded the beauty with her final ultimatum.

"Sure, thing Beauty Blair. I promise not to run away and I will follow all of Beauty Blair's commands," the young captive vowed honestly.

"Good, then let's go eat!" the beauty declared after she leaned down to unlocked the shackle from around her prey's ankles.

Devon looked down at his freed ankles, and then back up to the face of the lovely woman. "Ummm… Beauty Blair, where are my clothes?"

"Oh, sorry dear. Your clothes are upstairs in my room. Come upstairs and you can change into them before we eat," responded the beauty as she straightened her back to stand. Followed by a quick brush of her hand, to remove the few strands of hair that had fell over her face.

Devon nodded in agreement as he watched the beauty a bit mesmerized. Although, when he noticed the beauty leaving out entrance of the enclosed room, he quickly came back to his senses and followed the university beauty up the staircase. Once he left the staircase he felt slightly relied. Although he was still a captive, at least he was no longer detained inside a small enclosed room. He felt even better after the beauty gave him back his stolen clothes, allowing him to cover up his exposed skin and

Now that he was fully dressed, he went into the kitchen and sat down across from his captivator at the dining table. They both had a delicious and enjoyable meal as if they were two buddies having a friendly outing. After their bellies were filled, vamptress beauty kept her word and released her delicious captive.

The vamptress stood on her front porch as she watched the figure of her new 'plaything' disappear from her range of sight. "Junebugg dear!" the vamptress called out heavenly.

Within second a light "meow" was heard behind her head.

"Follow him and if he speaks....," she ordered than took a brief pause as she narrowed her eyes. "Immobilize him, then returned to me. I don't mind collecting another house pet," she elegantly sneered before turning to walk back inside her house.

Junebugg meowed lazily as he stretched his four limbs. He released a long yawn, then jumped off the roof in pursuit of his new assigned target.