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The Great Love (2)

'Can you let your pain become ours? Could you please don't keep your misery alone? Don't you understand? You are part of my heart.'

Bai He Lian



We are in shock because suddenly the ancient army surrounding us. Am I dreaming? I am so mad when I see Chen Sheng Lin appear after his army. He looks at us with eyes full of anger.

"Chen Sheng Lin, how can you find me here?!" I am startled.

To be honest, I never thought if he could find me here. Chen Sheng Lin doesn't respond to me and instead gives me his evil smirk.

"What have you done?!" Chen Sheng Lin shouted out loud and made my body tremble. "Xiao Ran, keep He Lian saved!" He shouted.

Just in seconds, Xiao Ran appears with some girls from Huang Manor. Xiao Ran looked at me while raising his arms then just in a few seconds I saw a lot of lotus flowers growing from the floor then wrapping my body until I cannot move.

"Chen Sheng Lin! What are you doing?!" I am so mad but can do nothing as I see Chen Sheng Lin talk to Xia De Ming face to face.

"Prince Wang Lin, please let us go because I really love Bai He Lian." Xia De Ming bowed down in front of Chen Sheng Lin. That scene just pierced my heart and made me want to cry.

As I saw Xia De Ming had to beg, I feel there is an ache in my heart. Even though I am still confused, I knew one thing.

The person who is begging to Chen Sheng Lin right now is the one that I love.

"Why are you lying to her! Don't you tell her about the curse?!" Chen Sheng Lin's face becomes reddish due to anger dominating him as Xia De Ming doesn't give him an answer and that makes Chen Sheng Lin angrier than before.

"Do you want to kill her with your love?! How come you set illusion barrier just to bring this stupid woman here." Chen Sheng Lin stared at us. His red eyes intimidate us then Chen Sheng Lin moves forward and points his sword that suddenly appears in front of Xia De Ming.

I have never seen Chen Sheng Lin in this version before. Chen Sheng Lin who comes with his ancient style and his armies. To be honest, he really makes me afraid. I never saw his army before or I never know he has armies. I don't know who is really both of them.

"Prince Wang Lin, please let me be with her." Xia De Ming plea makes my heart ache.

"What?! How dare you! Low corpse like you want to live with her! Did she know what you are now? You are cursed! "


My leg is trembling right now. What does that mean? Low corpse? Is he really insane? I see mad Chen Sheng Lin put his sword on Xia De Ming's neck.

"I should kill you at that time so you will never bring her down with you!" Chen Sheng Lin shouted.

Is Chen Sheng Lin really thinking of me? It's impossible!

"No. Prince Wang Lin, I will never harm or hurt her because I love her! I Love her with all my heart! Prince never loved Bai He Lian, why don't you let us together?"

"How dare you!!!" His crimson eyes deliver a dreadful atmosphere. "Yes, that's right! And that gonna be my curse!" He said as Chen Sheng Lin stared at me. "Bai He Lian, I don't want to be trapped with you like this. As you know that I will never love you!"

Soon Chen Sheng Lin spit the blood out from his mouth. He really doesn't have any feelings for me but why he doesn't never let me and Xia De Ming together! Chen Sheng Lin steps backwards due to something inside his body attacks him and this time Xia De Ming kicks Chen Sheng Lin hard. Even I can't see when he comes to me and releases me from Xiao Ran and the lotus flower that wraps me.

Xia De Ming grabs the wood stick from the broom and hits Xiao Ran and her people.

"Just give up! You will never win against Prince Wang Lin!" Xiao Ran said.

"Xiao Ran, I will choose death rather than let him make Bai He Lian life in misery."

The answer from Xia De Ming made my heart become warm. We will fight Chen Sheng Lin together no matter what is the outcome.

"Please let us go. I will pay you in my next life. We just want to be happy. Can we?" I said while crying in front of them.

"Bai He Lian, don't you understand?" Xiao Ran asked.

"I don't understand what you are but I know I want a life full of happiness. So Please let us go."

"Let's go!" Xia De Ming holds my right hand tightly.


At that time, I am startled when Xiao Ran and her girls don't follow us.

'Thank you for giving us a chance to be happy. I will never forget your kindness'

Xia De Ming brought me on his back as he knew that I can't run with this condition. Wait?! Does he know already?! Does he know that I am pregnant?

"Xia De Ming, do you know about…"

"I know but I love you and I love everything about you. Bai He Lian, don't you understand?"

I don't know why my tears are falling down, it's not because I am afraid but I am sure that I can't live without him. I want this person no matter what he is. His body is still cold like ice but I can feel his warmness in my heart.

"Xia De Ming, I love you."

"I love you too."

"Then let we fight him together." I kiss his cold cheek. Just slightly kiss but make us sure to fight till the end.

"Bai He Lian, are you afraid?" Xia De Ming asked me.

I give him my simple smile as I hug him tightly." Xia De Ming, I am not afraid as long as you are here."

Xia De Ming is running faster as we are passing through the pine trees that are covered by snow. Just a little bit more we can escape from this place. Just a little bit more we can get our freedom because right now Chen Sheng Lin looked weak after spitting blood.

"Bai He Lian, just a little bit as long as we can get out of his barrier. I promise he will never find us again." He said.

I don't understand the 'barrier' that he mentioned before but I don't care as long as we can leave this place soon.
