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The Great love (3)

'I want to follow you wherever you go because I am nothing without your existence.'

Bai He Lian


I realized even our simple dream can be an impossible thing. Xia De Ming and I just want to be happy but why has it become so difficult?

We almost get our freedom...

We almost get our happiness...

But why does Chen Sheng Lin have to appear in front of us? His presence delivering death atmosphere beside makes us tremble as he points his sword toward us. His red us like fire that ready to destroy us in seconds.

"Give her back to me!" Chen Sheng Lin shouted at us in rage.

"Prince Wang Lin, you don't love her why ..."

"That's not your business! I can do whatever I want to her!" Chen Sheng Lin shouted again.

"Chen Sheng Lin, you don't have any right about me. I don't want to be with you!" I shouted back at him while hugging Xia De Ming's body tighter.

"Bai He Lian, as you know that I can't kill you indeed but I can kill him instead."

"Chen Sheng Lin, why are you so selfish? You don't love me then why can you let us free?"

Chen Sheng Lin looked at me. His red eyes now like burning fire. He is pointing us with his sword in his left hand.

"Bai He Lian, I can't." He answered me after a few minutes.

"But why? Please explain to me. Don't say it's because we had made an oath."

"That's not just about an oath!"

"So what is your reason?! Why do you have to bring your armies here?! Why do you want to kill him?!" I am so mad right now because Chen Sheng Lin is doing this without any reason.

"Don't you want to know what he is? Actually...Bai He Lian, I want to know...do you still love your Xia De Ming if you know what he is? "

"No Prince! Prince please don't!" Xia De Ming shouted as I hugged him from behind.

"Chen Sheng Lin, I don't know what happened with you but I will tell you..." I take a deep breath. "I love Xia De Ming. I don't care about anything else."

Chen Sheng Lin's eyes become moist. I don't understand why he wants to destroy all that I have. Why is he doing this?

"Bai He Lian, If you choose this so don't blame me for what's happened next." He said.

Chen Sheng Lin raises his right arm since he holds his sword on his left palm. Chen Sheng Lin likes doing something that makes Xia De Ming screams like something terrible comes and makes him loosen my body on his back. At the same time Chen Sheng Lin grabs my waist from Xia De Ming, as he draws me closer to his board chest.

"Chen Sheng Lin! Let me go!"

I try my best to break free but my effort seems useless because he is stronger than me. He wraps my waist with his right arm tightly as he raises his sword on his left palm.

Suddenly the white snow melting quickly I front my eyes and the sun ray appears. I know Chen Sheng Lin who is doing this. I don't understand what is he doing until I see Xia De Ming's skin become swollen then turned into purple and smelly. Xia De Ming's beautiful face became swollen and worms appeared from all holes as the sun ray made his skin condition become worse. At that time, I know… Xia De Ming is in agony as he screams in pain. I cannot see him in this state. I will do everything for him.

"Chen Sheng Lin, please stop! Don't torment him! I am begging you!" I plead as I shake his body since I am in his embrace now.

My tears just fell down like a river. I don't want Xia De Ming in pain. I will do anything for Xia De Ming even if Chen Sheng Lin asks for my life, I will give it to him.

I urge begging but Chen Sheng Lin doesn't stop as the sunrise still appears and makes Xia De Ming growling in misery. I wanted to break free but I couldn't because he grabbed my waist tighter than before.

"No! Chen Sheng Lin, please spare him! I will do anything for you as long as you spare his life, okay?"

Chen Sheng Lin looked at me as he became angrier.


I shouted and tried to break free but failed since I see how Xia De Ming transforms into a walking dead in front of me. The worms are almost fulfilling his body but I can see his sadness eyes still exist.

"Bai He Lian, I really love you. I will never hurt you. I promise."

Xia De Ming is walking forward. I am always scared of worms and I don't like something smelly but now I just want to hold Xia De Ming in my embrace because I love him.

I was startled when Chen Sheng Lin released me. At that time, the temperature becomes extremely cold just in seconds and Xia De Ming's body becomes normal step by step. I am running to him at the same time Chen Sheng Lin appears between me and Xia De Ming.

My heart breaks into pieces then a few seconds later...

Xia De Ming's chest is penetrated by Chen Sheng Lin's sword.


Xia De Ming is falling on the ground. He doesn't bleed. Chen Sheng Lin's sword nestled in Xia De Ming's chest and this scene pulls me into greatest misery. Xia De Ming's face is so pale like without blood in his veins. At this time, I just want to embrace him in my bosom. I don't care what Xia De Ming becomes! It doesn't matter for me. Suddenly Chen Sheng Lin grabs my waist again then keeps me far away from Xia De Ming.

"No, I want to be with him! I LOVE XIA DE MING! Please spare us." I am crying louder.

Chen Sheng Lin doesn't respond to me. He raises his left palm again then in seconds Xia De Ming's body is burned by red fire after the sword that nestled in his chest disappeared.

"Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! No!" I am shouting out loud. I tried to break free but failed. I witnessed how the crimson fire changed Xia De Ming into the dust then flew away when the wind blew.

Chen Sheng Lin let me go when Xia De Ming disappeared completely. I am screaming but Xia De Ming never appears. He will never come. My life without Xia De Ming is darkness. Emptiness is surrounding me suddenly. I look around then see the cliff edge is in front of us. Now I am in desperation. I don't want to live anymore.

I collect my energy for standing then facing Chen Sheng Lin.

"Chen Sheng Lin, listen carefully." I take a deep breath before continuing. "I don't want to be a mother from your seed! I am so disgusted. I don't want this seed to know who is the seed owner."

"I will never let you harm my baby!" Chen Sheng Lin shouted in front of me.

"Oh yeah?!" I smile wickedly. "I want to know how you will stop me." I laugh while tears still fall and make my face become wet. I just want Chen Sheng Lin life in regrets even I am not sure if he really concerns about something in my womb.

I run faster to reach the cliff. I don't care about myself.

I jump into the eternal world...

without fear.

Without Xia De Ming.

Without regret.

'Xia De Ming, I love you. I wish …we will meet again in another world.'