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The Broken One

I don't understand how come I am so weak every time I see you crying.

Chen Lu


Chen Lu

I was so shocked when Bai He Lian kiss my lips gently. Of course, this is not our first kiss but this time I have to see the broken Bai He Lian after more than ten years passed. Her gaze is so empty. To be honest, this kind of feeling is like Bai He Lian was ready to die but fortunately, there is something that holds her to do something stupid this time.

My heart is beating so fast but when I am in front of Bai He Lian, I have to act though. I don't like to show my emotion in front of her.

"Bai He Lian, what am I to you?" 

I can see that Bai He Lian looked so shocked after hearing mu question. I think, I just give her a simple question. I want to know what am I for her. I know the fact that she hates me in the past but how about now? Is she still hates me?