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Tempting Attemps

I want to be with you but the past memories always become the thick wall between us.

Bai He Lian


Bai He Lian

I am pretty sure that I am fine and why does Chen Lu can think that I am sick? I am not sick at all. I want to say something to him but there is nothing that comes out of my mouth right now. I am not sick! I just feel a little bit dizzy, just it! I don't understand why does Chen Lu make this matter become a problem?

"Chen Lu, I just need to act normal." I said to him.

"And pretend there is nothing that had happened to you?"

"I think that's my business." I told him.

"Bai He Lian, don't you are the one who gave me the promise that you will try to love me and now, how can you say that's not my business?" Chen Lu looked at me with his sharp gaze.