Chapter 2: The Escape

29th August 2019

Time: 1.53 P.M ( 5 seconds since the crash)

On the blue line, in the Western Suburbs Train A smashed through the Helios Shopping Complex as it derailed over the the arch, where track and building were close to each other by only 10 meters.

In the Seventh Cabin, almost all the pessengers fell downwards, towards the ground level. While many tried their best to stabilize themselves against such a strong force, some splattered into paste due to the great momentum begind the crash.

Amongst all of the gruesome fatalities one seemed to be designed by psychopaths itself as one person body was cut down the legs before reaching inevitably in the grasp of death.

Due to the impact train faced various restructuring. And whole area became a metal dead zone with spikes and death equipment all around the corner.

A particular back support was unrooted and stood straight towards the sky instead of breaking apart in two parts. And thus, seemingly harmless back support pillar became skewer for grilling human kababs.

As pessengers fell towards the ground, some improvised. Few gathered into groups, stratatised and formed their footholds almost as an instinct. Few elders prioritised their juniors and took the brunt of fall. Few smashed on the door itself while some on the reinforced glass. Few even pushed other to the deathbeds while maintaining their lifeline for few more minutes, leading themselves and others to a inevitable doom.

Among them also appears a genius. He was sleeping while listening to K-Pop songs, which the poor him don't even understood completely.

After having a rude awakening he held himself firm. That genius didn't act hurriedly but calmly analysed and took the corner which has three closed sides as his little safe zone. Happy with his intelligence he felt smug for a while before keeping alert for any mishaps.

And mishap did happen eventually. As train tilted a bit in his opposite direction he grasped the metal bar and got suspended in mid air. But this poor genius had physical strength close to none as eventually his weak grip and trembling shoulders gave out and he stuck to the chairs of other side while facing opposite to them with a loud bam.

At that impact in his periphery nervous system got short-circuit as his multiple vertebraes were beaten into dust. He coughed up a blood involuntary, gritting his teeth he subsided his excruciating pain and tried to move his body but no avail as his whole body was paralyzed.

A barrage of curses left his mouth as he tried moving his body in a much safer position. He kept on trying untill train jerked once more.

Like a ragdoll he got thrown from there as finally stopped with a jerk. He felt immense pain in his abdomen as if someone puched a whole through it. He opened his blood shot eyes and was horrified by what he saw.

A 4 Inch thick sharp metal rode pierced through the right of his stomach, leaving behind torn liver, kidney and intenstines as a trail.

He wanted to believe it to be a nightmare but the pain didn't let him to believe so. He coughed up mugs of blood in pain, he howled for the first time in many years. His lifeless body remained so while he saw and felt each and every spark of pain.

His blood flowed like water. Which was accompanied by headache, dizziness, and nausea. A burst of coldness spread across the ends of his joints as his breathing became more rapid and robust.

He felt cold and need of sleep kept on rising inside him. But at the last moment fear overtook him as his mind unnaturally calmed down a bit and tried to look around to salvage the situation.

But what met him was only... hopelessness.

"Damn, *Cough* Hell! I believed that I would have been...*Puke*.. much calmer in front of death but...I was wrong. It is painful. I... atleast... don'"

As he said the last word he was not able to hold himself from sleep and went into eternal dreamland.

However, things were not to meant to end like this, atleast for him, as when he went into sleep a blast disturbed all the surrounding. All people believed that it was just a sound from impact as it was becoming common as train kept on diving towards the ground.

But that sound came from the body of Grant, more preciously from his head.

His blood which was splattered around evaporated as a thick red mist covered the whole 7th Cabin. Pessengers of 7th Cabon panicked and tried to hold their breath but the stubborn most entered their body via sweat pores, eye, or any other point. They scrunched in pain due to invasion of something foreign until it reached their mind and soothed them and then they felt greater desire to inhale it. They greedily inhaled it.

Miraculously, their bodies started to repair themselves and all of them were freed from the jaw of death. But as soon as they recuptured they felt into sleep due to exhaustion. Mist felt that its work was done here collected together and formed a cocoon around the crucified Grant.

This phenomenon, if seen by a higher being, would be recognised as a type of Nirvana which is highly sought over and requires heavenly treasures and luck but unusually it was carried only by the blood of the person itself.

Cocoon remained in place, around him, as million of green threads attached to him in seconds. And then it continued for 10 Minutes as his body finally twitched, slightly.

Then a first doubtful and then hysterical tone came from that scrawny figure. Not even wondering how can he gain control over his once paralyzed body.

"Am I alive, yes it truly seems to be. HAHAHAHA. DAMN STALKER I FINALLY ESCAPED. *Cough* *Cough*"

He felt pain, a pain so overbearing that a person may fear to even breath in his daily life due to mental trauma. But he felt grateful for this pain now as it was a medal for him being alive. As even of his senses were overloaded he still retained his rationality.

'It was my bad. I knew that I was punctured by a pole through my stomach but still that laugh was worth it. Hehehe.

Now, this red cacoon was not around me so it is quite possible that this is the reason for my survival. I mean, I have not heard about anybody surviving after such blood loss and damage of core organs. It still hurt but now it feels like millions of needles are pricked inside my body, rejuvenating my body and repairing my body but for this I require to atleast move myself away from this pole.'

Then he tried to move his body across the metal bar and free his body but for this he had to drag his body for 6 feet, that too in reverse.

After few failed attempts to move himself he gave up and tried thinking something else.

But his moment of respite soon came to an end as cracks started appearing around the cacoon

He frowned while muttered in low breath "Shit, this is my only lifeline. I just know that after this breaks no one can save me from that Stalker. I don't want to live eternity with someone so creepy and dangerous. Come-on. Move it my body. I swear that I will do proper exercise from now but move it now or else we both will be sent into oblivion."

As if his body responded by his world. He lost all control over his body once again. His right arm moved itself, much to his panick. Feeling lost his arm he felt losing the tiny hope he had left. He was now truly horrified and felt the a greater loss of freedom.

But then a Female Mechanical voice echoed in his mind.

[Binding with Executive Done.

Analysing Current Status.


Status: Half Dead, Foreign object interfering in restoration process.

Initiating Emergency Protocol 01...

Error: Insufficient Authorisation.

In order to proceed, Susan requires Executive permission to access his body. Please say yes to proceed and no to abort the process.]

Not waiting for a second Grant shouted on top of his lungs.

"YES, YES, YES!! WHATEVER YOU WANT, JUST TAKE IT!! *Cough* *Cough* Oh damn, another tub of blood left me."


Authorisation granted.

Access to Nervous System granted to Susan.

Access to Circulatory System granted to Susan.

Access to Endocrine System granted to Susan



Susan successfully acquired access to 11 Common Mortal Systems in Executive's body.

Initiating Emergency Protocol 01..

Taking over Executive Body]

Not waiting for Grant to digest the new information given by so called Susan, his eyes sclera became blue instead of white as his whole body twitched from head to toe.

Grant, not able sense his body panicked and tried ro speak but he was unable to do so, he was only able to see when his body performed bizzare actions which could be compared with a robotic Terminator.

His right arm moved upward with open hand and waved in crescent motion towards to cacoon as mist regained its form and covered his hand. If Grant still had control over his body he would have felt mind numbing pain. But Susan was able to block pain input in his body and performed the whole task without even grunting.

Then his right hand transformed into a chop and mimicking it mist also formed a transparent red colored chop and then he made a chopping motion.

Grant felt like puking at this absurd scene and sweared that he heard Stalker's laughter. He lamented as he knew his weak body can not do this task but as soon as he thought that his world turned upside-down, literally.

As his made the motion, the mist also made same motion and strick the Metal Rod but this time it didn't heal anything but it instead corroded everything it met in its path. And hence by a simple chopping action his captor was destroyed, leaving behind dust of metal rod's joint along with falling Grant, with a 6 Feet iron pole.

[Obstruction cleared. Analysing escape points.

... Escape route identified. Processing.]

Grant saw various strange phenomenons today. From shape changing seductress to his internal organs splattered across him. But what he was seeing didn't make him happy. No it was horrifying and he felt himself worthy to be a super star of halloween. His body was still pierced. Then that huge red hand grabbed the rod and jerked it out with so much force that it made a dent on its impact. While his body not reacting at all. His hand grabbed a steel structure and found a place to take a break while his insides were squirming like worms as his body kept on heeling kept on while all this happened.

This made him understood that cocoon was not healing him, instead it was something more intrinsic to him.

He felt that control of his mouth came back and he kept waiting for response from his new acquaintance until he finally said "Hmm. Miss Susan. Are you still there."

[Yes Executive]

"Then miss can you clear some tiny bits of my doubts"

[Yes, Susan exists for assistance to Executives of UMC]

Feeling that he got a new lead. Grant happily pounced upon it. "Miss you are from UMC, but don't have any contact with them. Care to tell me about it."

[Affirmative. Executive UMC is..

Susan Authorisation Locked. Please contact your Manager for further action]

Grant was truly helpless now. As even if his body is repairing itself he was stuck in a metal dead zone which could be destroyed anytime. And now his only lifeline was locked.

But still he had hope because he was still seized by her. Then he grimaced with sharp pane in his mind which was followed by a modulated unisexual voice.

(Oi, brat it was your fault for asking too much.

Now listen up because I don't have so much time unlike some fool here. I am your manager, Fixer. You are recruited only on a temporary basis. We were not meant to talk until your 24th Birthday. But since you were near death I sent Gamma System aka Suasan for the help.

If you want to know what is going on just follow what Susan say and don't try to be smart or else you will be paying for that in future and trust me it will not be a pleasurable experience.

Well, that's it, times up for me and you. Follow her instructions and escape. She will then become offline till we officially meet next time. Good bye brat.)

As Grant massaged his head to ease his pain he grunted "Damn, that hurts. And why does it feels that Brain Talking is a new trend now. First was that AI then this. Man, don't tell me I have some weird chips in my mind."

[Partial Authorisation Restored. Hello Executive.]

"Hello to you too Susan. Are you okay?"

[Thanks for your concern, I am fine. Situation is still precarious but don't worry I will help you survive.]

Grant raised his eyebrow in surprise 'She seem to be more responsive now. Not like a machine but more like a human. That voice surely did something to her. Damn, I am completely in dark here. I have to find what is going on with me. I can't let anything guide my path, never, I had enough of that already.'

Grant organised his thoughts and tried to be calm but his cold revolting voice betrayed his intention "I want you to find a way to escape from this mess undetected. Just find a way out as it seems that I am not privileged to even say anything. Go and perform your business. Don't consult me. You are the boss anyway."

[No. Executive it was not our intention at all. I know that your mental state is fragile. You are confused, stressed, and also in fear. We are not neglecting your words. We want your survival to be first priority. And everything has its own time and place.]

Grant snorted and mocked her "Yeah, I am confused. I didn't die even if my body was essentially broke. I am stressed because I can't even feel my body. I am just a thought at your mercy. But I don't feel fear, not the fear of death but what comes after it. I dont care about you or your UMC now.

I don't know why you are saving me, I don't know what is happening with me. Everything I do something I fail. I just. I just... don't know what to do with myself."

As the mocking tone transformed into self loathing one. Grant knew that he would have wept if he had control over his body. All the sudden happenings drained him out, both mentally and physically.

[...Sorry. All thing will be fine. You can sleep for a while. I will take you to your home.]

And thus, Grant's consciousness slept due to fatigue and during this whole time he failed to notice that his eye's screla became red instead of blue a while ago.