Chapter 3: Universe X01

"The world seen is not the one which actually exists. In order to survive, organisms are needed to interact with other organisms and also with their environment, thus they obtained different ways to interact with outside world.

All of the intelligent species which evolved and ruled over their planets researched these gateways to external environment and soon they were called as Senses.

They defined it as Receptors which receive sensations from the world beyond the inner one.

All of them found total of seven of them.

But some more advanced civilization or lucky ones got encountered with the eighth way a organism interact with its external environment.

It varied in form and highly experimental especially for those whose species were evolved instead of made by a higher beings itself.

It is called as Soul Force. Yes, the power we use in our daily life without even thinking, it have become a extra limb for us. But for them it is a force, a power which was only considered as fiction and far-reaching, a power of Gods.

Same went for Planet Earth. A small blue ball revolving around a big yellow ball, along with other balls. This may sound crude but in vast Multi Verse it is not a unique sight for the travelers like us. But one can not help but marvel at the destiny lied in this small, unimpressive solar system.

The Blue Planet not only produced a sentient race but attracted attention of higher beings from across Multi-Verse or simply Omni Verse.

The number of legacies, religions, and Gods stepped on the crust of This Blue Planet far exceeded it's peer. Various Sun Gods came here to bring light, various War Gods came here to vage war and brought darkness, various Chieftain Gods used to come here for vacation. The whole Solar System had more than 1000 space nodes connecting with different Universes and some to even Void.

We don't know why does even a lower level world has a place like this, a place which can only exist in Tier A worlds. But it became hotspot for budding pantheons. Thus, rather that destiny it can be said that Earth possessed what all of the seeked.

A increasing number of sentient beings. And that too a stable one. So many sheeps, just waiting for a shepherd.

It has a civilization which revolve around only 7 senses, disregarding existence of Soul Force as supernatural. Calling it as Curse or with more sophistication, Psi Power. But their ancestors like ours were not so simple ones, as they realised the meaning of the Soul Force even before the evolution.

Gods and other higher beings wanted a stable increase of mortals to fuel their own power and if they would have been unlocked Soul Force at large, not only local Gods would have been born but many people would have obtained immortal lifespan and ascending to Higher Realm. And Gods didn't wanted that. They interfered with them.

This created mutations in original overlords, Humans. While they failed to discover Soul Force they obtained different alternatives. Different schools were born, a school which professed that God exists within one obtained partial Immortality, another school used programs to change even the Codes of Existence and effectively obtaining contracts of elemental spirits, another school of them used Dark Energy and refined it in a Golden Core and effectively reaching full immortality in later stages.

Overall, since others did not allowed Humans to tap into Soul Power they became most diversed species know to us. Humans of Earth not only became a star but also became a hot target as they rebelled against corruption by Outer Gods.

This led to many wars before native Primordial Gods effectively sealed the whole Solar System. All space nodes were sealed and whole Solar System was surrounded by Ice Glaciers where special guards reside.

The whole place was shut down and Outer Gods never appeared there.

And thus Humans of Earth only remained as part of Myths in different Universes. Stories of Labours of Hercules, God King of Uruk, Celestial Emperor Indra are still tought to young ones of noble clans in Multi Verse but same couldn't be said for their own kins.

Due to the agreement, Ascended ones formed their own close knit groups, restricting their knowledge of path to Godhood, under the watchful eyes of their Primordials. Real stories were sabotaged, replaced by second rate trashes. Almost all of the records related to old order were destroyed.

Effectively, returning whole civilization to a clean state.

This started a era where Earth evolved without the impetus of outside forces. A technological civilization took root in the planet, like many other life forms. But the sealing of space around whole Solar System created consequences which no one dared to think."

"Father, this is fourth time you are telling this story to me. The moment we left till now I have only heard you talking about Earth this Earth that. Why are you speaking of so highly for a Lower Level World? Grandfather told me that our ancestors were the most powerful beings born from Power Of Void that even Primordials and other Gods do not dare to act haughtily in front of ourself. Then how could these weak species become so powerful in your mind that even you become so considerate."

Two shadows could be seen walking through the void outside a random Universe. That random Universe was the lone sphere containing sparkling superclusters and it was vast, massive, but for the two persons it was just a normal phenomenon. But still this ever-increasing sparkling sphere is a image which can deprive many from their sleep and even life, as seeing whole seen with own eyes is something only Higher Beings could do.

They were walking barefooted while wearing long clocks which were just as black as the void around them. As the little boy grumbled, the big father coughed awkwardly.

"Ahem, little brat even if we are respected and hailed and even prayed as Gods we are similar to every sentient species. More you polish the diamonds, the more it shows it's luster. And even if that diamond is a small unimpressive stone for you it can become a beacon of light which can release energy to destroy even us. We are not called as 'Ancients' for no reason. We are called as "Ancients" because we survived for Billions of Years after The First Destruction. It is our ability to survive which is most revered not our power of our clan."

"But still father, I didn't see you talking so much when you gave overview of the other Verses. It was so exegratted that I considered that you are scared of these Humans."

At the speech of his son, clearly underlined that he can't blame him. Big Father didn't even batted a eye as it was near to the truth itself. And moreover, his child became eligible to travel independently the moment he was considered as a Star Child of clan. It was his desire to teach him about the vast territory that led him to accompany him to his fist Universe. And during the period he had tried his best to reduce arrogance of his Little Boy as he want him to more prudent and obtain self confidence instead of overconfidence. And for that what else could be better than his favourite Universe.

He thought for a bit before asking.

"Then, tell me what do you see in this Universe."

Little Boy was bewildered a bit but he soon answered.

"A Tier C Universe. Even if it has reached half of its age it has not produced even 1000 gods, truly a shame for a Universe of this size. I don't know whether Primordials are dumb or all of them are idiots for not achieving even a basic milestone like this. Sooner or later it will be destroyed by invaders or lack of Source Energy."

"That is the statement I made when I found this Universe. I ignored it and left for other ones, but after returning to clan I found that nobody in my generation found this Universe. Even The Great Library was clueless about it. Later when I consulted my Grandmother, she told me that there are Infinite Universes so it was not a unique phenomenon. But I kept on researching and during the research I fought against one of its God and I was defeated in just three moves. Just Three Moves!!

I who was one of The Star Child of my generation was defeated by Tier C world's God. Later that person became one of my sworn brother. One day, he told me that their Universe had two popular destinations. One was called as Pandora and other as Omega. One was a big Supercluster while other was a small Solar System.

He personally advised me about Omega Solar System, so I went to Omega Solar System and witnessed mutated Humans myself. And you find yourself later. Don't want to spoil your fun."

"What if they are not so excitable as you claimed?"

"Then I will but you that latest VQ10 Spacecraft from Xeon Workshop which you drooled over and threatened to destroy our house for that."

He blushed a little from embarassment but still held his head high while declaring.

"Okay!! Deal is on!! Father, be ready to purchase it for me when I come back because I am afraid that you already lost on your bet."

"Hahaha, only time will tell that. Then go and don't forget to send your report to your homeroom teacher or else you will lose your status as Star Child."

"Yeah, yeah. I will do that later. Ok, bye father."

As little boy said goodbye he transformed into a black streak, resembling a dragon's head, as he entered the Universe which would soon change his own life.




"I forgot to tell him about Rudra, even if he is not alive, I remember that he told me about his seperate dimension in his home Universe. Argh, how did I forgot that. Fuck, could this be aFate interruption, this happens whenever I try to find about that Old Fool, I knew that with his temper he surely would incur wraith of Fate Keepers but this is too much. Now, I want to know what the hell you did for them to be so smitten over you. HAHAHAH!!"

As the laughter stopped, no shadow could be seen nearby the periphery of Universe X01.