
The moon was shining bright, the city was in ruins, the screaming of people can be heard from a far, and the most violent of them all is the monsters lurking from the dark and they were eating the humans...

The world was burning to the ground, people screaming in fear, monsters eating out their flesh like they were food from a buffet table, and children getting taken away from the deep pits of hell.

These monsters are called the "Void-lings" a monsterous breed of creatures created to invade humanity and in the process making it extinct.

"We're going to die, We're going to die, We're going to die, We're going to d-"

He jumped out of his chair and looked at the door behind him. All he saw was a person still in one piece, looking at the man, and was delighted to see him alive.

"JACK, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" the stranger asked him in an angry tone. Clearly something was wrong.

"B-B-But these monsters, it's nothing we've ever faced..." his voice was trembling in fear as if everything within his body which was full of courage now fell off and was replaced with fear instead "I don't w-wanna die y-yet! I JUST CAN'T!"

The stranger grabbed his shirt, and threw him at the wall leaving his body aching "YOU'RE A GODDAMN SOLDIER, JACK!" he grabs his shirt, and proceeds to throw him to the other side "THIS IS OUR DUTY AS SOLDIERS TO PROTECT THE INNOCENT PEOPLE! AND COWARDS LIKE YOU..." he punched his face without holding back.

"IS THE REASON WHY OUR PEOPLE ARE FUCKING DYING!" he started walking in front of him and stopped.

"PLEASE NO MOR-" he was interrupted by getting punched to the face repeatedly until his fist and Jack's face was bleeding "YOU'RE A FUCKING SOLDIER!" he grabs his shirt and started dragging his body to the outside.

"SO DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS AND DEFEND THIS CITY!" he throws him out of the house, and started shooting the monsters with all they had. Jack was shaking, and all he can do was stare at the people who were both running from the monster or getting eaten alive piece by piece.

"We pledged our life to defend this people, the adults were getting slaughtered to the ground while the children are getting taken away to the portal." he said with anger visible in his face "We promised to exchange our lives just to TRY and protect our people without any rewards nor gift to be received." as he continues shooting those monsters but alas nothing was effective.

"So do your fucking job and start shooting those bastards!" he ran to those monsters with no fear and shouts his battle cry, every one of those things suddenly looked at the little human, and just stands there looking

"DIE YOU BASTARDS!" he shouted to them and was still shooting at their direction, seeing bullets were not doing anything at all, he threw his gun to the ground and immediately pulls his knife from his belt and releases a battle roar...

But before he can make it to the monster...

His head was bitten off by a fast Void-ling...

"ELLIOT!" he shouted while the other Void-lings redirected their sight on him. They start to walk towards Jack, he knew this was the day he'll die at the hands of this creatures so what the hell? He just sat back at the floor trying to calm down but his hands were trembling from the fear of dying. The monster was finally in front of him. He accepted his death is near, and finally he closed his eyes waiting for the final death blow to arrive...


All he heard before opening his eyes, all he saw was the creature now headless, and body still standing until it fell behind it's back "V, there's an injured soldier here. Please bring a medic." the soldier said as he puts his sword back to his sheath. Jack knew who the soldier was or rather... The elite was.

[Character Information]

Name: Samurai Ren Annabusya

"Successor to the Annabusya Clan"

Rank: B-class; Top 3

Age: 23

"Are you okay?" asked Ren. The soldier nods and stood up from where he sat, as the battle was drawing to it's conclusion. The monsters were suddenly retreating to the portal which was a good thing for the soldiers which means they were the victor in defending the city even though there so many casualties...

"Yes, sir. I t-t-thought I was a goner..." Jack frowns as he remembers the death of his fellow soldier Elliot who just died not too long ago... He noticed the battlefield was now filled with joy and was celebrating their victory over the monsters but so many people still died... They should not be so happy about that.

The soldier saw something familiar about the guy "Wait, aren't you the student of..." he stopped as the man looked at him, more like glared at him for almost mentioning that name "I suggest not finishing that statement, Soldier." he threatened him, and he cower in fear and nods in agreement "I'm sorry for doing that, sir." the Samurai nods in relief and walked to the other surviving humans.

[All of this happened ten years ago... And so this was marked as the first ever victory against the Void-lings]