The Hybrid

The sun was shining bright on the city of Sumalfia (City X) where the richest of the rich lived.

These people are those who wouldn't care who you are unless you have both money and power on your hand then they'll get to know you more.

People walking onto the streets of City X, there were some people just talking to each other while the others were just minding their own business not wanting to be interrupted.

The usual busy streets of Sumalfia yet these people are too full of themselves.

"Have you seen City A? They got attacked by those vile creatures, AGAIN! V.S.A is really pathetic and weak when it comes to these types of situation" the man said laughing while the other guy just laughed with him.

"I mean, we're wasting money on these clowns to do their jobs right and here they seem to fail all the Goddamn time!" he continued as he drank his water.

"These losers think that their lives are important." said the other man and continued to laugh at their horrible statements.

"You think our job is easy then go ahead and join the organization if you're really brave, that is." said the white haired man in the back.

The two men looked at the guy, and was shocked on who they saw.

The white haired guy was wearing a White Lab gown, his eyes were like the color of the sea and his physical features were buffed but not too buffed.

So as they bowed their heads in respect and then walked away fast.

"We're sorry, SIR!" he said harshly to the man and both of them walked away.

He just looked at both of those fools and continued to walk forward.

The white haired man was walking towards the door and looked at the sign "Mr. Galva" the leader of team Fractor. He knocks at the door and then opened it immediately.

All he saw is a man typing on his laptop, doing some research on these Void-lings, the man didn't even notice the white haired guy until he coughed at him.

"Oh- V!" he jumped out of his chair in surprise and closed his laptop afterwards.

"I would like to speak to you about the incident on City A because quite frankly I've been hearing rumors about a Void HighLord controlling some people and preparing his troops to wage civil war against our people. We can't let that happen now, Can we?" he said in a serious tone.

Mr. Galva nods in agreement and replied "Actually we've been talking about it for quite some time now and it's really hard for us to know when the attack will happen that's why the Association is opening itself to the people. " V looks at the television on the upper left corner of the room.

And he saw...

People getting murdered by those things.


The poor little boy was running for his life, as the monsters were almost near him they started to chase him hungrily for they smell his familiar scent.

"A human!"

They can smell his blood, the blood of a human from afar making him their prey and it was intoxicating as their mouths water from the delicious smell of their food.

He was running towards the light, he was getting the joyful feeling that finally he is saved from those wretched creatures but it seems fate was not on his side as his legs were getting worn out .

He thought to himself that maybe he won't make it due to his legs giving up on him but he still won't give up, he was almost there!

His look became more serious, he won't give up, he can't give up, and he won't let them get to him for he needs to live. TO LIVE!

"PLEASE HELP ME!" the boy cried as he saw the light and was praying that someone may hear him from the outside.

As he was running towards the light, he can almost reach the light but it seems that fate was not by his side.

The monster got a hold of his leg which makes him trip to the ground.

His face suddenly became pale showing despair and fear.

He felt his heart drop a beat and for he has known that today...

"I failed..."

Marks his day of death.

He was tripped to the ground and tried to stand up quickly but it was too strong..

The grip made his leg burn and forcefully pulls him to the ground yet again.

As his leg was held and squeezed hardly by these creatures which made the pain burn more.

He screams in pain.

He tried to shake the monster's hands off but it's grip was too strong.

"Is this where my life ends?"

The creatures are making their way to his head.

"Has God finally shown me the true nature..."

As one of the Void-lings was about to bite his face off...

"Of being a..."

He was just staring with his lifeless eyes, not thinking of anything at the moment.


As he no longer tried to break free from their hold, the monsters slowly crawled in front of him, already tasting his face before biting it off.

"FINALLY FOOD!" shouted the Void-ling.

He was terrified, he doesn't want to die yet.

He wants to live a longer life outside of this hell...

"But I don't wanna die yet..."

He regained conciousness and punched the monsters off him to break free of their hold.

As he stood up and ran again to the nearing light, he was overcomed with joy as he was finally free from those creatures.


He saw the greenery of the trees and grass of the outside world, the sun shining down onto him and the birds singing with the wind.

"But something was off..."

He looked behind him to hear footsteps getting louder as seconds go by.

But then he heard a loud noise from the inside, his eyes widened from surprise and started running again.

"MEAT, MEAT, MEAT, MEAT." the creature shouted in delight repeatedly with it's eyes widened in excitement.

The little boy continued to run even if he was tired from all the running hours ago, he tripped and quickly got up to run again.

He perfectly dodged the trees while running away from these creatures.

He hid himself behind a big rock and was trying to catch his breath, his heart was beating fast as he again heard the creature's loud screech and footsteps near him.

The Void-lings were trying to smell his scent but they couldn't and there they ran straight ahead to find the boy.

"Finally they're gone..." he said to himself and continued.

"Wait if there were four of them then where's the..." He heard a footstep from behind him.

His heart beat was beating fast as he slowly looked behind him only to see... One of the abominations

"I'M GOING TO EAT YOU, LITTLE BOY AND SKIN YOU ALIVE!" the monster said softly and began to tear his skin on his leg making the boy scream in agony.

"AHHHHHH!" his voice echoed through the forest.

The creature continued to tear his skin making him...

His eyes were closing making him fall into darkness once again.

"Mommy I want to go home..."

"Araza. Araza, are you awake?!" knocking and yeling can be heard outside of his door and there he groaned, sitting up straight and looking around his surroundings. He stood up and walked lazily to the bathroom and still trying to fight whether he'll still sleep or not.


"Araza the young boy who was infected by the Voidlings have now grown up to be a handsome young man and a son of the most richest man in the country."


"You know if you're going to sleep again, Just do it already!" an unknown voice said inside his head.

"I can't. Today is the day where I'll finally join the V.S.A!" he shouted in excitement while the other voice just chuckled at his childish behavior.

(New Information: V.S.A means "Void-Slayer Association")

"Well I guess that cannot be helped partner." the unknown voice sighed.

Araza ran down the stairs and goes straight into the kitchen to see his motherly figure, Lilian cooking their delicious breakfast.

He goes to the pan and smells the food.

"The food smells so delicious, Lily!" Araza exclaimed.

She blushed at his compliment and gave him a genuine smile.

As she was almost finish cooking the food, Araza began to set the plates in the dining table and sat at the chair waiting impatiently like a child.

"I adon't really know how you, humans eat this kind of garbage." the unknown voice said with disgust visible to his tone.

"Oh would you just be quiet, Vaduu" he mentally replied to himself and began to eat the food that is now in front, devouring it like there is no tomorrow.

Lilian looked at him and smiled still on how childish his bestfriend is.

She sat next to him and began to eat.

Araza now choking at his food and then drank a glass of water.

"Yowu rweally arw a gwoowd coowk, Wiwian" Araza said while still chewing his food.

She looked at him still smiling and then back to her food.

"So uhm this is your first day as a rookie huh?" asked Lilian with a worried look visible to her face while Araza just looked at his food and stopped eating.

"No need to be worried, Lily. I'll be fine!" he said with a smile and continued finishing his food.


Finally he has gone out to go on his first rookie day on the VSA (Void-Slayers Association) one of the best organizations who hunts Void-lings, those despicable creatures must die for causing so much trouble for humanity.

"You know, I'm still right here, mind?" Vaduu asked with an amusing voice.

"And for you, Vaduu... What's really your purpose on being alive?" Araza asked mentally.

"I am already connected to your soul, Little Araza. We all know that you're the only survivor who was not turned into a Voi-" Vaduu was cut off by Araza.

"Speak about what happened in the past again and I'll kill myself by jumping off a high building" Araza said. His eyes glowing red almost identical to a blood which starts to drop from his cheeks.

"I-I'm so-soorry, I'll shut u-up now" Vaduu said with fear visible to its voice.

Finally arriving at the building seeing so many people gathering in one place where the fighting exams are starting but to his surprise he was not on the list that means he already passed both strength and intelligence exams.

"Is that the Elite V-Slayers?!" shouted the other person which made everyone look at him until they saw what he was at and...

"THE ELITE V-SLAYERS?!" everyone cheered for them like they were celebrities but really they're like Military Ranking officers that doesn't need to get everyone's attention.

Somiko Arayama or "V.S.A's Second Reaper" - The Fourth division leader

Hayame Essama or "V.S.A's Tank" - The Third division leader

Catherine Harrietta or "V.S.A's Flame Princess" - The Second division leader

"She's so hot like FIRE hot!" exclaimed the guy in blue.

Every women was now staring at the poor guy and started to get away from him.

Looking from left to right the guy suddenly frowned in a comedic way and almost all of the men were laughed at his undoing.

Everything was suddenly in slow motion...

There was one more member in the group behind the three and it was someone that Araza was familiar with.

V or "V.S.A's White Reaper" - Leader of the first division

They were walking towards his way and now Araza was wondering 'Why are they coming near me?' but then his mind became blank as he saw them right in front of him.

Catherine looks at him with disgust on her face while the others were just standing still and was glaring at him.

"Move rookie, you're in our way." she said harshly with widened eyes trying to scare the man but all he did was eyeing them like they were nothing.

Not amused with her threat, he still stepped aside for them to move on.

Araza now walked away from the group.

All of the sudden he felt his senses spike like his body moved on its own.

"ARAZA BEHIND YOU!" warned the creature in his mind.

Not noticing that the Flame Princess was almost going to punch his face.

His hands were as fast as a speeding bullet, moving to block the incoming blow to the face.

"What the-" she was surprised that a ROOKIE of all people blocked the attack like it was nothing...

"Next time..."

He throws the fist forward and hard.

"Be faster will ya?" he smirked and walks away the group making his way inside the entrance of the school.

He lets go of her arm then walked away like nothing happened.

"Why yo-" V stopped her advances and looked at Araza.

He just stared at him and glared.