Chapitre 11 : Dragon de jade

Slowly he pushed the spiritual energy towards his acupuncture points filling them with the purest spiritual energy. This process lasted more than 2 days because opening acupuncture points was always followed by excruciating pain and whenever it happened Xin Fei was sweating profusely.

The third day following the opening of his acupuncture point the spiritual energy was directed only towards his body which surprised him because normally it would have to

to be followed by the opening of the meridians.

But he put it on one side of his head and continued craving for spiritual energy and a day later he was forced to stop his opening process to feed himself because he is now only a simple mortal which requires a strong need to feed.

Xin Fei had already got used to this world so giving orders to maids does not pose any more problems.

He went into town and listened to the conversations of people who were passing from one street to another only to discover that there will be an auction in the afternoon at Crescent Moon Pavilion so he decided to participate after a good meal.

It's been half an hour now that XIN FEI is walking and is finally in front of the restaurent the jade dragon the best restore of the city.

On entering he was greeted by a waiter.

??? Hello sir what can I do for you? he says, polluting.

XIN FEI: Hello I would like your best dish of beast. He said indifferently.

??? : Right now, sir, wait for a moment.

then he directed a table and proposed to him to sit down.

Sitting XIN FEI immersed himself in these thoughts by inspecting the Ancient Abyssal Fire Technique trying to improve his understanding of the technique but he had to stop because the waiter came to serve him.

Waiter: Sir here is the best dish of our pavilion I inform you that you will be billed a piece of gold. he said, fearing that xin fei could not pay.

XIN FEI: Do not worry because I have plenty to pay for. he said waving his hand and threw a golden pie at the employee then he ate.

Seeing XIN FEI gives a piece of gold as if it were nothing made him shudder because there are only the young masters of the noble fammilles of what are thrown so extravagantly.

When finished eating XIN FEI came out of the restaurent and headed towards

Crescent Moon Pavilion to see and participate if an object catches his attention.

Hardly had he arrived in front of the Crescent Moon Pavilion that he was directly guided by the guards because their director had forbidden them to offend him.