Chapter 12: Auction Sale

The guards took XIN FEI directly to the office of the director of their flag.

The guards knocked on the door and then invited Xin FEI to go inside.

Once inside he was noticed by LEI MAO.

"Welcome to the young master Fei in ours humble pavilion" said LEI MAO very politely pierced that he really did not want to offend this youth.

"Bonjoir Director MAO I am here to participate in the auction which will be in the pavilion"

LEI MAO quickly took out a V.I.P card from his intersapial ring and told him to XIN FEI.

"Young master is a card for private seats"

"Thank you, Director MAO, I will go with this step"

LEI MAO directly called a servant for fear that this young Master would feel humiliated.

A few minutes later they arrived in the auction room, the servant guided XIN FEI to V. I. P the highest seat, showing his statutes for the pavilion.

The room was quite crowded with the perosonne shot did not notice it given its small size.

Once installed in her cabin minutes later a middle-aged mature woman showing herself in front of everyone and the whole room was silent.

Presenter: Ladies and gentleman today our humble Pavilion is pleased with your presence, now here is the first object.

A top-grade human-grade sword the auctions will start at 200 golds with an increase of 100 gold.

Soon the room entered a frenzy because in a small town Como the city Tiang we can usually find a sword of medium rank, the appearance of a high degree will inevitably cause a tumult.

At the beginning the auction starts gradually with 500 gold coins but is quickly rise to 3000 gold.

It should be known that the monthly income of a large clan is 4000 gold coins, an average clan 2300 gold coin and a small clan 1500 gold coin.

The auctioneer is the eldest that the bay family had sent to buy the sword, because he was able to receive information saying that the flag will auction a sword quality Human rank average.

It was absolutely necessary for them because their young master succeeded in awakening a spirit of the Level 2 ground level which is a sword and to ease the training of their young master because the sword is of better quality will be the understanding of the Intensity of the sword.

There are several areas in regards to the evolution of the art of the sword that are:

The intenssion of the sword, make one with the sword, condasation of intenssion, seed Dao of the sword.

Divided into 4 stages: intermediate, forward, superior.

All as hard as any other.

"the next item is a Hummain High Level Spear, the auction will start at 120 gold"

The crowd was surprised that there was another human spike weapon but quickly became disappointed because spear techniques are usually offered only by sects and large clans.

Some middle-class families were interested and decided to bid because his remains always a good weapon, the price amounted to 1400 gold coins, but even before he could rejoice he was stopped by a childlike voice.

"2100 gold coins" this person is of course XIN FEI at first he thought it would be useless but eventually realizes that he may need it to train and increase his understanding of the spear in waiting for the sect disciple exam who will head in a few years and enter the upper dam of the intention of the spear.

The room was silent and the people who wanted the spear another time ended up lowering their head because it was above their means.

Ainsis he who launches the auctions continuas and XIN FEI bought a sword human spike for the daughter of the patriarch of the Tiang family.

The presenter presented the results of 30 years that he had asked LEI MAO to auction off 18,000 gold coins.

He was very happy about it.

Then came the last Object of the Veneto.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are tarnishing this auction with this pearl too

Called * Bead of Fire * Rank 2 which contains a rich essence of fire prove to improve the flame of a martial spirit to a good degree, the auction will start at 500 gold and will have an increase of 200 gold coins "said the presenter with a stingy smile.

The price rose quickly up to 6000 gold but this time again XIN FEI cut off their happiness.

"6500 gold coins"

The sales room was shut down again at the beginning some people had ideas to take care of him later but seeing the place that was allotted to him they quickly decided not to interfere with it kind of person because this place is Normally open to great outside experts.

After some greetings from LEI MAO XIN FEI went directly to TIANG clan.