Chapter 13 : Meng Yi

Once he arrived in the clan compound he went straight to the patriarch's mansion to find Tiang Mei.

When he arrived in front of the door he knocked and was surprised to see a little girl who seemed to be between 8 and 9 years old and looking at her we can already guess that she will be of a beauty equal to Tiang Mei.

Out of his thoughts he spoke to him

"Uh ... Hello I'm looking for Sister Mei, do not you go where she is?"

The little girl seemed surprised by the simple tone used by the little boy in front of her.

"Sister Mei is in the room between"

" Thank you"


Tiang Mei, who was fully aware of how to open her eyes and how she saw the boy in front of her, was happy running straight into those arms.

"Brother FEI!" CRIA she savoring the hug.

"Mei look at what I bought for you at the Auction auction which is going on now," he said, taking out a long and finished sword.

Tiang Mei say that he had given her a present, felt happy, and then, glancing at the sword, she trembled with excitement because she always asked her father to offer her a sword of the same grade as him. but could never so seeing this sword she gave a little childish kisses on the cheek of XIN FEI.

"Thank you Brother FEI, Brother FEI is the best," she said, taking the sword and heading to the training grounds for the test.

Xin FEI always a little dreamy ended up being woken up by a voice behind him.

"For my sister Tiang's interest in you means that you are interesting.

My name is Meng Yi "

"Escuz me my rudeness my name is XIN FEI"

"Sister Yi is a friend of Sister Mei?"

"Yes it's been a year since we know each other"

"Okay, Sister, I have to go cultivate, so you'll have to let me go," he said, caressing his head awkwardly.

"No worries brother FEI I understand," she said after which Xin FEI went straight to his yard.

Once in his yard, Xin FEI began directing his Ancient Abyssal fire technique and tried to form his intension of the sword.

Like that two other months passed.

In the course of these two months XIN FEI to continually train his intension of the sword and end up mastering the Intermedire stage equal the Clan Elders.

He continued to see Tiang Mei and went to the Meng family from time to time to visit Meng Yi.

He continued to make pills and shared them with Meng Yi, who had given him a kiss. Her share and she opened to him.

He continued like this for a few months and then come years.