Chapter 7: Martial Awakening Ceremony Part 1

When XIN FEI left his court he was greeted by Tiang Mei and his father.

XIN FEI: lord of town I am ready for my awakening.

He said with a lot of hesitation in his voice.

Tiang: Well, it seems that our family is very lucky this time with two future geniuses in it. Little FEI am we so far awakening room all the members of the clan will be gathered Tiang mei too.

"Yes master of town" "yes father"

said they both at the same time then followed him to the waking room.

Arriving in the room XIN FEI was amazed by the number of people and the many monuments shaped and lion above a high platform he deduced that it should serve to awaken the martial spirits.

Once they have entered, the whole room is killed.

TIANG: Hello everyone today we are celebrating an important moment that will decide the future of our clan in the next decades to come. So let's begin the awakening of the clan's servants.

During his two months going into the XIN Fei clan he went to the clan pavilion to learn about the different ranks of the martial spirits he discovered while they were differentiated by their ranks which are: Humans, earth, heaven, and divine .

That they are equally divided in 9 stages each stage is like comparing the sky to the earth.

According to the clan text the martial spirits of divine ranks have not appeared for thousands of years.

And the only one to have done is an emperor nicknamed Emperor DONG ji. They also discovered the different levels of cultivation that are Disciple Qi Master Qi Mind Master spirit Emperor Emperor of spirit Divine Disciple Divine Master Divine Emperor All divide into 12 stages.

Cropping techniques, weapons and martial techniques can be divided as such: Human Earth Sky Divine Divide into three stages: lower, advance, peak Pills and treasure grades range from 1 to 9, with 1 being the lowest grade.


After the passage of the servants who have for the most part revellleir human stages ranging from 2 to 4. Then it was around the disciples most of them had human stage spirits going from stage 7 to 9 but there were 2 pesons who managed to wake up land spirits stage 3 and 4 putting in place all the people present. It should be known that even their patriarch has only one spirit of land, so having one of stage 4 already assured them their future.