Chapter 8 : Martial Awakening Ceremony, Part 2

Then came the turn of Tian Mei. As she crosses her foot and sits at the altar like that to emit white rays that. Means the awakening of a humble class spirit.

Patriarch's vigor darkens as early, but changes rapidly as colors change from white to red (earth) to blue (sky) with 8 blue rings Then suddenly the clouds began to gather as hard as it favors waking up after which a silhouette like that to form behind Tiang Mei to form birds then came a shout


After she disappears slowly TIANG Mei slowly opens his eyes only to discover the stunned faces of the members of his clan. - Sky class spirit stage 8 vermilion ice birds. CRIA patriarch TIANG, after which the other clan members woke up and cried out in their turn. - class sky rank eight TIANG: My Tiang clan will climb to new summit. Said he's going to kiss his daughter. Tiang: The gods are with us after this ceremony.

Then his look goes to the XIN FEIN and he says Small XIN these in turn.

When she XIN FEIN responds with a nod and goes to the altar and sits down.

On the way the members of the clan looked curiously because he had all heard talk about the adoption of their patriarch did not really believe because the person herself did not go out a lot of his court. Sitting on the platform felt his tremor, followed by a pain in the body but he resisted because he knew that if he had to stop there he could never woke up his mind that lasted 1 minutes then everything to suddenly the clouds gathered around the clan sent from time to time to lightning the room to bear the arrival of this spirit.

The colors of XIN FEI change like those of Tiang FEI suaf that this time it is not 8 but 9 rings classify heaven suprenent all the clan to the point they could not even speak then a human snuff gets format in behind his back but the difference with the hummain is that she had the fire of a sword in the hand a sun above the head the orange eyes 12 marks on the forehead after which the spirit releases an aura former effreyante filled with heat after which he received the name of his Lord Martial Spirit of Genesis and Chaos. In turn, he opened his eyes only to notice many pairs of eyes watching him and he came out of the hotel with a lot of enthusiasm.

Tiang: XIN FEI see me greatly surprised today