Chapter 9: Ancient Abyssal Fire Technique part 1

"Yes lord of the city I could have already started cultivating and doing more alchemy," says XIN FEI.

"Well in this case Mei Mei and see you go to cultivate while I talk to the upper echelon of the clan" says Tiang "Lord of the city if possible I will like the information on my Martial spirit do not be ivulger" said he "no problem, little XIN" it's gone directly with the elders of the clan. "Brother FEI you it looks like I'm going to have to rely on you late," Tiang Mei said with an innocent smile. "Of course sister Tiang, by the way you should hang the bone-strengthening pillars as they are rank 1, but that should not be too difficult, because you have awakened a heaven class Martial Spirit and you should be able to 'go directly to the disciple kingdom Qi stage 5 with the number of pills I see have to give' Although it surprised him that he was waking up a heavenly class Martial spirit as he wanted to be courted later but He thought he'd see him after that, but after today he figured he should make his wife later thanks to his potential. "Really, Super Brother FEI" says Tiang Mei with joy. XIN FEIN could not help but lose himself when he saw himself smiling. It must be said that she is very beautiful despite her young age which pushed XIN FEI to ask him the next sentence. "Sister Tiang would you agree to marry me when we turn fifteen?" XIN FEI said with a little embarrassment. Tiang Mei could not help but blush after this audacious statement. But she had to admit that he is a very handsome boy and always takes care of her. "Yes brother FEI I will be very happy," said Tiang Mei happily. (You have to know that the children of this world are already very mature and well informed of certain things at a certain low age so situations like this are quite common) They both blushed in Xin FEI's class Once in his yard, XIN FEI Fermat checked that there was no one in his yard and knocked his door and only after that he sat down and bought his Martial Spirit out. Once out the Martial Spirit emitted a buzzing sound after which a stream of memory content a technique filled XIN FEI's sea of ​​consciousness right after its expression changed into ecstasy. Ancient Abyssal Fire Technique - this technique is a technique of culture and fight