That Night [21+]

Ejrbjdrhhscscwhe wtf

Mind was not working.The only sound I could hear was of his hot breath which was reaching to my ears.

Jimin : Tell me how it feels.If you're uncomfortable I'll stop.

What do you mean how it feels???I feel like crazy.My heartbeats are a mess.I can't control my feelings anymore.I feel out of the world you fool!!

He looked into my eyes for some moment.I saw love and lust in his eyes.I could feel his heartbeats were a mess too.I looked at him in agreement and almost immediately I felt his plump lips on mine.It was gentle at first but sooner got hotter and passionate.He carried me bridal style into a room.

Y/N : We can't enter in anyone's room like this.

Jimin : These are empty for these purposes.Are you seriously this innocent?Or is it a show?

He smirked.I was blushing so hard omg.Yeah I am innocent ..but this innocent girl turned into a completely different persona when you came into her life.You made a mess and I am suffering.

When we reached the room he put me on the bed gently.Then locked the door.Then almost jumping, he came to me and soon was on top of me.I was laughing at the sight lol.It was as if a kid got his favourite toy.

Seeing me laugh he laughed too.Where is this going lol

The mood was more lighter then.I was so nervous back then but now I am not.It felt comfortable.

He looked at while smiling.

I flipped him over and now I was on top of him.He looked so shocked.

Jimin : I am really doubting if it is really your first time.You're so bold.

Y/N : It was my first kiss too.You stole my first kiss.And now this.But I am interesting you know.I am best at what I do. *smirk*

Jimin : Okay so let's try not to be an amateur then.

Y/N : wha-

I was cut off.Now he was on top of me and his lips fiercely kissing mine.It was long and I felt heat filling my body.He even tried to push his tongue in but I was hesitant.But he suddenly pulled me against him by my waist that my mouth slightly parted.And he took this chance to push his tongue in.Our tongues were intermingling.I was out of world once again.

He lets go of my lips finally and removed his shirt.

Omg his abs!!!!his toned body!!I didn't expect it!!!

Unconciously my fingers crawled to his chest.He smirked.

Jimin : Can't wait to touch me huh?

Aaannndd I was again a tomato.He enjoyed it though.He started kissing my whole face and then started opening the zip of my dress.

I was feeling so embarrassed.But I can't stop now.And moreover I agreed already.And it doesn't feel like wrong.It's good.I am feeling good.

After opening and throwing my dress he was admiring my body.Now this is more embarrassing.I covered myself with my hands.

Jimin : It's just the start babygirl.Why are you so shy?? *smirk*

Y/N : ewww I hate that name -_- don't call me that.

Jimin : I am teasing you okay.hahaha look at your annoyed face.Cute.

Then all I felt was his head buried on my neck and giving wet kisses all over.He was sucking it and it was giving me a feeling that I can't describe.It was sooooo good that I didn't realise he was trying to unhook my bra.And guess what?He couldn't😂 lmao.I helped him on that and he was laughing hillariously.

Then he removed my panties too and I was all naked.ofcourse I was feeling shy.Why will I be the only naked one here?

I flipped him over and started to unbuckle his belt and slowly removed his pants.He was in his boxers now.

Jimin : Can't wait to see me naked huh?

I was too embarrassed to answer and removed his boxers too.

Waitt....this is.....

I looked was...umm...I am shy

Noo I am really shy now.

Jimin : I guess you are shy.Lemme reduce that haha

Again he was on top of me sucking my neck.Then he came back to my lips and his hands massaging my breasts.Then it slowly crawled to my clit and that was the moment I lost it.It was too much.And he was rubbing it continuosly.I let out a moan.

What was that??Did I make that sound??omg

He didn't stop though.He was doing his job with his 3 organs and I was a moaning mess.He then inserted his two fingers into me and I screamed his name.

Y/N : Jimin!!!

Jimin : Tell me if you feel pain.

I was feeling pain.But he started thrusting in and out and it was all gone.I felt a feeling that I had never experienced before.

Is this what people call pleasure?It's a completely different feeling and I am enjoying it very much.

His thrusts were being faster and deeper and suddenly he stopped.His fingers were replaced by his tongue and I screamed in pleasure.Soon I felt something build up in my stomache.I couldn't take that.

Y/N : Ji-Jimin I am feeling something- i-in my stomache

Jimin : You're gonna cum-

He didn't complete the sentence and my liquid rushed over.I was relieved and exhausted at that.

Then he positioned my thighs.I saw he was preparing to push his dick into me [A/N- many people call it member/friend or whatever..I find those hillarious so I'll use the direct one okay😂].

My body tensed up.I was really scared and this is my first time.

Jimin: Are you ready?

I shook my head,still scared.

Suddenly he looked around in tension.I was curious so I asked.

Y/N : What happened?

Jimin : I don't have any condom.

Y/N : Oh shit will I get pregnant??

He laughed at my reaction.

Jimin : You're too cute.You know that?Idc if you get pregnant tho.But not this soon.

I was again a tomato.This guy!!why he always makes me feel so shy aghhh

He went to the drawer and thank god there was a condom.Oh yeah ofc these rooms are used for these purposes.Can't believe I did THIS with HIM in a place like HERE!!! -_-

He put on the condom and pushed my thigh.Seeing him position himself I again got tensed.

Jimin : It'll be okay.I will not be harsh with you.

I closed my eyes.Ofcouse I believed in him.

He slowly entered me and I felt immense pain.I screamed his name.He started kissing me and didn't do any movements until I got used to his length.Then he slowly started thrusting on me while he was sucking my left breast while his mouth shifted to the right one slightly biting the nipple.

It was giving me an amount of pleasure that was immense and undescribable.It was unbearable yet amazing.My moans got louder in ecstasy.

He came back to my neck once again leaving purple marks behind.Then again he went to my breasts and then my stomache and all over my body leaving hickeys.

Then he started massaging my clit.All this time I was a moaning mess and I could hear his groan too.He went back to kiss me and brought him closer by putting my arms on his shoulders.

Again something was building up in my stomache and it was the same feeling as before.

Y/N : J-Jimin I am gonna cum again.

Jimin : Hold it for a while.Let's cum together.

His thrusts became faster and harder and deep.It hit my g-spot constantly and I couldn't hold it any longer.

Y/N : I am cumming-

Jimin : Me too

We both came together.My liquid was all over his dick.He removed the condom and threw it in the washroom.

(A/N : don't ask me what happened to that and how😂)

We both were panting heavily.I was soo exhausted and tired.

Okay I finally did it!!!WE FINALLY DID IT!!!!But I am in no situation to be celebrating.I felt sore between my legs.

Jimin : I know you are exhausted.Let's sleep.

Y/N : okay

He gave me a kiss on my forehead.I pecked his lips which caused him to let out a chuckle.We covered ourselves in a blanket and slept while hugging each other.His face was pressed against my chest and hot breath tingling.In other occasions it could have bothered but I was too tired to be awake.So we slept like this.


This is not the end lol.1 more episode to come and maybe an epilogue?Tell me if you want one in the comments

Well this was the smut basically.I realised I am verry bad at writing smuts and this was hillarious lmao..lemme know your thoughts😂

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