
[4 years later]

A boring morning.I am too lazy to wake up.

Y/N : Jimin please turn off the curtains.I can't sleep agghhh.

Jimin : No you have to wake up.I bet you don't remember what we have today 😑

Y/N : What's today??

Again I drifted off to sleep.Jimin really had to push me to get me up 😂

Y/N : It's Sunday Jimin who wakes up at-

wait wait..this is not sunday...don't tell me..oh shitt dammnn they'll kill us.

Jimin : That's exactly my point.You're too lazy and I have my fear of death so I don't wanna wake you up but atlast I had to because either way I was gonna die.

Y/N : Can you stop your ranting?We're getting late😑

[An hour later *insert SpongeBob's voice*]

We were standing on the front of a building.Very elegantly decorated with White lilies and pink ribbons,crowded here and there and taking pics with bouquets in their hands.

[A/N : Imagining a wedding scene right?? *Cough cough* Let's make it realistic.Who marries at this age??Well when the other is not so good at pull out technique...disasters happen *cough cough* let's get back]

Y/N : It's beautiful.And the decor is so elegant 😍.Our University is rich lol.

So today is the day when we graduate from University.Luckily we four got into same Uni but ofcourse we had different subjects.We were so busy sometimes that we couldn't get enough sleep so forget about dating lol.We met during holidays at home.Because we all were in same situation and ofcourse lazy.The senior year in high school was soooo fun and I and Lisa were soo in love with the boys.So that's the golden year.But a space was created between both the couples after getting into Uni.I and Lisa took an appartment near the Uni and luckily next year Jungkook and Jimin also came out of their houses and took a nearby appartment.

So guess what?Most of the times Jimin would stay with me and Lisa with Jungkook😂.So I thought let's make it official and throw her out of my house and let my boyfriend in lmao.But as we stay close often we hang out together.

Lisa : Y/N I swear I'm gonna kill you.I told you to come 30 mins early so that we can go around the campus and reminisce our memories.You're responsible of it!!

My flashbacks ended at that loud rant.This girl never knows how to chill.Always hyper.

Y/N : I woke up late.You know I love sleeping.

Lisa : After the exams all you do is to sleep.You don't even have the track of days.Jimin told me you forgot what day it is.

I glared at him and he shrugged.Lisa and Jimin are now like best friends just like I and Jungkook so we always go to them to rant about our partners as well as girl or boy talks.People in the campus knows us as "double trouble couple".We create many troubles as you may not predict.I was the most studious person until I met Jimin lol but now I enjoy letting my guard down.

Jungkook : Y/N thank god you came,I couldn't handle this mad woman anymore.

Lisa : Did you just call me mad?How dare you?You're sleeping on the couch today 😤

Jimin : Look at me I was going to be killed this morning for waking my dear girlfriend up.

Lisa : Atleast I'm better than her.I'm too loose with you so you think I'm easy with you right?


Did the world just turned its back towards me??Seems like it.I mean they all are in one side to oppose me.Fine.Jungkook and Lisa's Tom & Jerry relationship is fun to watch but hey😑 I gave up my sleep not because I want to see that.I gave them a "Bitch do whatever I don't care" look and started walking to the ceremony hall.They were pissed off but who cares 🤷

[2 hours later *again SpongeBob's voice*]

We came out.To be honest I was also emotional along with others.We walked around the campus and remembered each of the memories we had there.The weather was emotional and we all were silent.Jimin took my hand.

Jimin : Guys let's go on a double date.

Jungkook : Yes yes..it's needed now.

We came to a lakeside.They boys suddenly covered our eyes.I was obviously cursing Jimin.He whispered to my ear.

Jimin : Trust me and go along.

It's surprising how he has the same effect on me like the first time.We experienced many first times in our life but the seconds and thirds were no different.We started off as strangers,one indifferent,other in love.And now we are soulmates.No matter how cold I behave with him,he knows how much I love him.He is always the person who shows love unlike me.The mixture of our opposite traits is maybe one of the reasons that we never get bored with each other.Or is it love?They say it is.Whatever it is..I don't want to lose him.

They took us to one place on the lakeside.After removing their hands,a beautiful scenery awaited us.It was a simple bench with a shade which was decorated with lights and baloons.Ofcourse I like cheesy things lmao.I had that cheesy idea of romance.Well actually I got it and I can tell myself lucky in this case.Means we don't fight??No of course we do and most of the times it's me.But whoever is in fault apologizes and we don't hide anything from each other.So ofcourse we know each other very well so he can tell how much happy I was.Lisa is also same.She gets excited over smallest things, so she was jumping and hugging Jungkook.He was so happy too.Who'll tell they were fighting just hours ago?😂

Jungkook put her down.And takes a box out of his pocket.Then slowly got on his knees.I and Jimin were just tooo excited and we "oooooohhhh"ed very well lol.He became red as tomato and the reflection was also seen in Lisa's eyes too.He brought out the box in front of Lisa.He was too shy to utter words but he had to.There's no turning back.

Jungkook : Lisa,I'm telling you this now but don't boast it afterwards okay😂

You're a wonderful person.I feel very lucky to have you.I can't believe a person like you will ever come in my life.I never thought of having a serious relationship.You came and everything changed.That too you liked me first and I feel so lucky that you persued me.I being a shy guy would never have had the courage to approach a girl like you.No matter how hard we fight,we always have each others' backs.And I low-key enjoy our fights hahaha.That's one of our charms right?So now I am asking you to be my forever quarrel partner.I love you,truely.Will you marry me,Lisa??

I looked at her.It was not her usual self.She had tears in her eyes.I felt sooooo happy for them.They're perfect.

Lisa : Jeon Jungkook,I have never thought you'll love someone like me.You're a perfect guy and I'm a clumsy girl.Perfect kdrama couple we are😂 So let's have a happy ending.I'll marry you.lol.Only if we fight daily 😂


Jungkook : Deal.but what the😑 Lisa didn't you forget anything??

Lisa : What??

Jungkook : Nothing.

He tilted his head on the side showing that he's angry.And she did the sweetest thing.

Lisa : I love you,you fool.

She kissed him and he didn't let go.

Sounds pretty romantic but very awkward to watch your bestfriends kissing 😅 and to make things more awkward Jimin also got on his knees.I mean I'm surprised but there are other people also and I'm awkward now.

Jimin : I know it's a pretty private matter in one's life but as we became couple together and also they helped us,we thought it will be nice if we propose the love of our lives together also.Sounds cheesy but yeah you like that.

So,from where should I start??from me having a secret crush on you to 4 years of us being together,it was a long journey.People usually get tired of each other,but we never did.You are a person who is happy with smallest things and also gets sad at smallest things.I love it when your eyes say everything to me.No matter how cold you are to me, believe it or not,I can read you and even the smallest things of you matter to me.I didn't believe in fairy-tale love story but what happened to us is nothing less than that.And I never want to lose you.I love you with all my heart.I know YOU wanted to propose me first but being proposed is what really matters right?So Y/F/N,will you marry me?

The feeling...it was heavenly.It was like you got your world in your hands.Yes I wanted to propose him first.I don't believe men should be the one who propose and moreover he was the one who persued me so I wanted to propose to him and surprise him.Well I told him that I want to propose if I find my perfect life partner.He remembers it?It was long ago!!But as he said,the proposal is the real thing lol.I'm letting this slide.But wait,why am I crying??

Y/N : Jimin I don't know why you loved me on the first hand.You really have patience lol.I never thought I'll have a boyfriend in my life and here goes the love of my life.That night changed out fates.Or maybe it was destined?Sounds cheesy lol.I love you!!and you know that.So ofcourse I'll marry you.Don't wanna say anymore.Let's do it.But do you have the patience to deal with my always bad mood for the whole life??Will you be able to handle me for the rest of our lives?Think again..This bitch is not gonna let you flee after marriage 😂

He didn't say anything.I just felt his lips moving passionately on mine.And that was a very different kiss,it's like the one we shared when I first confessed my feelings for him with some more passion,if possible.It was perfect.

He broke the kiss.Then put on the ring on my finger.Jungkook also took the advantage and did that too.Because he was carried out and forgot about it😂

Y/N : But isn't it too early to get married??

Jimin : We'll get married after we get a job and a house Y/N.We are not rushing it.

Y/N : So when are you guys having it??

Jungkook : Same as yours.

Lisa : Then let's have a wedding together.

Y/N : Oh sh*t nooooooo not agaiiinnn.Now you'll tell let's have our first night together also.

Lisa : Veeerryyy funny😑I we can make babies together tho!Bestfriend goals 😁

Y/N : LISAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!

I shouted so hard but soon burst into laughter seeing other laugh.We all laughed together.Holding hands we promised to get married and never leave each other.I personally don't believe in promises,but feelings.And I know this will never change.

All : Let's have a happy ending together!!❤️

❤️And they lived happily ever after❤️


So it's the very very very last episode and very long too hahaha I apologise for that.🤧

I hope you enjoyed this FF.If yes then please leave a vote.I would appreciate if you comment too and prolly give power stone😭.I feel emotional as it's my first ff.Also special mention to my friend Amrita for helping me improve this ff.Anyway if you guys wanna contact me or be friends with me I am leaving my SNS here,fell free to dm❤️

Twitter : arpitamusic

Insta kpop cover account : unfamous_potato

Take care guyss...I purple you all💜

And many many thank you for all these views.It's so unexpected and I'm really touched 😢

Byee.I love you all❤️