
"Father, mother, I have to leave this place for some time," Di Cheng said.

Di Xinyue was the first to react and spilled the tea she was pouring.

"No!... You can't leave, you will be safe here and your father and I will take care of everything for you," she said anxiously.

Di Zian was also surprised. He knew his son's disposition as he never showed interest in anything and his sudden words caught him off guard.

"Yes! Your mother is right. You don't have to worry about anything we will take care of you." Di Zian said.

Di Cheng felt very happy to have such loving and caring parents. He knew that they were worried about him and his eyes turned moist.

He took a deep breath, controlling his emotions and said, " You don't have to worry about me, I am just leaving for a journey and I will be back soon."

"Journey?!... What journey? You are not strong enough to go outside." DI Zian raised his voice.

"I know I am not strong enough to go on a journey, but this journey will help me enter into a cultivation path, so I have to do it." Di Cheng said leisurely.

"Cultivation! You don't have Dao veins, how can you cultivate? Cheng'er I am not saying these words to discourage you, but this is the fact." DI Zian sighed. He doesn't know how to refute his son. He tried everywhere to get Heaven level medicine for his son, but it was a futile effort. There is no such medicine that can create Dao veins out of scratch.

Di Cheng smiled at his father, " Let me go, father, you will see it for yourself after I get back. It's my choice and I don't want to regret it."

Di Zian saw his son's confidence sighed and said, "Okay, where are you going? I will send two elders with you for your safety."

"I will be going to the Western Ghat mountain range and I don't need anyone to follow me." Di Cheng said.

"No!! I will never send you to that damn place." Di Zian shouted. He is getting furious now. His son is going to that damn mountain range alone, that's just suicide.

"Cheng'er, listen to your father that place is not safe and there are many high-level monster beasts and even with elders it will be very difficult to safeguard you." Di Xinyue tried to persuade her son. He is her only son, and she never wants him to risk his life.

Di Cheng saw his parents getting anxious and didn't know how to pacify them.

"Di Cheng, let me tell you something." Wisdom's seal voice reverberated in his mind.

Di Cheng stood there and closed his eyes. His parents thought he was considering the journey, so they gave him some time to think about it.

A few moments later he slowly opened his eyes and Wisdom's seal voice echoed again, "Do as I said it will be alright, and I will explain it to you later."

Di Chen just left his cultivation room and a servant came and told him that the patriarch is looking for him. He was sure that it is something related to martial arts competition going to be held in three days. He is the son of the grand elder of Di family and an amiable person, he has very good relations with patriarch Di Zian as a genius of the younger generation in the family he always wanted to prove himself and wished to see Di family as number one noble family in the entire Tian province even surmounting Bu family.

Di Chen arrived at the door of Di Zian's room and saw three people discussing something. He didn't want to disturb the family meeting and waited at the entrance of the room.

Di Cheng slowly opened his eyes and walked near his parents and bowed to them and said sincerely, " I understand your concern and I will keep that in mind."

He walked beside the couch and stood in front of a stone wall without saying anything. He placed his right palm on the wall and closed his eyes.

Di Zian and Xinyue don't know what he is doing and watched him curiously.

Di Chen, who was standing at the entrance of the room, also closely observed Di Cheng.

The next scene caused the couple and Di Chen to never forget it in their entire life.

Crack!! Crack!! Crack!!

The stone wall has fissures and the floor below Di Cheng vibrated and formed a small crater. The entire room shook as if there was an earthquake.

Bang!!! Bang!!!

The tremors spread the entire wall and with a booming sound, the entire wall crumbled. The shock wave shook the room and the dust flew everywhere.

Di Zian stood there with his mouth wide open and his wife was no better than him and Di Chen was standing outside the room slack-jawed.

'Impossible!!!... Impossible!!!' This is the only word that came into their minds. They rooted in their places without moving and took some time to calm their beating hearts.

'What the hell happened here!! How is this possible!' Di Chen's mind was in chaos.

Di Zian was petrified and looked at his son with wide eyes and Xinyue covered her mouth with her hands, looking terrified.

Di Cheng was no way better, he didn't know how it happened, and he was shouting in his mind like crazy, "What the hell was that!? How did I do it!? Tell me quick!"

" I will explain everything to you, but now is not the time, you just need to reach the Western Ghat mountain range. Now you proved you have the strength to go on a journey, your parents will not be worried about you." Wisdom's seal spoke slowly.

Di Cheng turned around to face his parents and gave a smile, " What about now father? I have the strength to go outside so you don't have to worry about me."

Di Zian reacted quickly, and he grabbed his son's shoulders and shook them vigorously, " How!! How did you do it!?"

....(to be continued)