A genuine master!

The three people who were watching the scene had their minds blown away. Their brains stopped working and their breathing halted. It is not an exaggeration to say that what they saw can be their lives most bizarre event. If the one who broke the wall is Di Zian it is understandable but it is Di Cheng, the one who is born a cripple and never knew a single thing about cultivation.

Di Chen was standing near the door looking like his head had been trashed a hundred times. He has been spending most of his time and effort on cultivation, even with all of his strength he cannot smash that wall. He always thought he was a genius in Di family, now it looks like Di Cheng was the real genius all along.

Out of the three, the one most joyful is Di Xinyue. She had a premonition regarding her son and knew a lot of things others didn't know about. She knew about him from the day he was born but never predicted the extent of his power. Today she saw with her own eyes and became sure that she didn't mistake all those years.

Di Xinyue had tears flowing down her cheeks and her trembling hands caressed her son.

Di Zian stood in his place like a wooden chicken and no word came from his mouth. Di Cheng's strength made him feel pressured. It is pure muscle strength, as he cannot feel any Dao force from it. He an Earth Dao realm 5th stage cultivator cannot pinpoint the level of his son's strength.

Di Zian came back to his senses and stuttered, "Cheng'er?! ...what!..., is this strength?! I have never seen anybody exert such power without cultivation! "

Di Cheng also doesn't know how to answer his father's question as Wisdom's seal didn't tell him, so he told his father ambiguously, "Father, I can't tell you for now. I will tell you after I come back from my journey."

Di Zian rubbed his forehead and took a deep breath and said, " Cheng'er wait until the martial arts competition is over then you can prepare for your journey."

Di Cheng didn't expect his father would accept that easily. He thought his parents would reject him but never thought they would be this understanding. He knows that they cared for him and did everything for his best. Till now from his birth, they never scolded or reprimanded him for his lazy behavior but showed an endless amount of love and care.

"Okay, Father, I will wait till the competition is over. I also want to watch the result of the competition." Di Cheng nodded.

When he bid his farewell to them and walked towards the exit he saw Di Chen standing there with a blank face.

Di Chen, who stood there like a stone, came to his senses when he saw Di Cheng walking towards him with a smile.

"Brother Chen, I didn't know you were here. " Di Cheng smiled.

Di Chen awkwardly made a wry smile, " Di Cheng, I didn't know you were this strong."

"Brother Chen, about that..... I will tell you some other time... Brother, you have to keep this a secret," leaving these words Di Cheng left hurriedly.

Di Zian then called Di Chen, who was standing at the door, and he looked into his eyes and said, "Di Chen, I know you are a good and honest guy and sees Di Cheng as your brother. You saw what happened here, this cannot be revealed outside if others find out danger may befall on Di Cheng, so you have to keep it a secret. Also, look after him, you better keep an eye on him."

Di Chen was at a loss of words at first but quickly understood what Di Zian meant. He hastily nodded his head, " Uncle Zian, rest assured and I will look after Di Cheng." He quickly understood why patriarch would be this cautious because 'too much talent will lead to disaster'.

Di Zian is cautious while talking to Di Chen, he knew about Di Chen's character is good, but he has to be careful because this is not a small issue, his son suddenly becoming strong may arouse the envy of many people in Di family.

Then they talked about competition, as Di Family patriarch Di Zian wanted Di Chen to be in perfect condition during matches, so he gave him some recovery pellets. Di Chen also joyfully took the rare medicines and affirmed that he will certainly do his best in the competition.

After confirming the schedule of matches and some other stuff, Di Chen left the Di Zian room.

Di Zian, who was calm until then watched Di Chen leave the courtyard and burst into laughter. He laughed till he had tears in his eyes. His wife looked at him, puzzled.

Di Zian took a deep breath and controlled his overwhelming emotions and said to his wife smilingly, "I don't know what happened to Cheng'er but it seems he is no longer good-for-nothing, and he is stronger than anyone I have seen in a younger generation, and he is only fourteen this year."

He then looked at his wife and said, "Xinyue, I was an idiot, our son is so outstanding, but I didn't perceive his talent till now."

Di Xinyue watched her husband with a smile on her face. Who doesn't want their son to be excellent? She is also happy for her husband because she knew he was burdened by their son's incompetence but never complained.

Di Zian took some time to suppress his excitement and looked at the broken wall and a frown appeared on his head 'Why is Cheng'er so strong?! And, who told him to go to the Western Ghat mountains?!'

"Husband, how is Cheng'er so strong? What is his cultivation realm? " Di Xinyue asked a barrage of questions.

Di Zian was immersed in his thoughts and slowly opened his mouth, "His Dao veins are still crippled because… I cannot sense any Dao Ki from him and…., his body is somewhat weird! I cannot point out his level."

He then looked at his wife and stood up, walked near the broken wall and observed it for some time and said seriously.

" Xinyue, it seems you gave birth to a genuine master…., his power… maybe above mine!!!"

"Ah?!!!" Di Xinyue's mouth was wide open and her eyes turned to saucers.