
"You make me a, you make me a believer....believer," Hans Jackson mumbled as he made his way through the forest in search of his small cottage, the beats on his head blasting away as he walked.

Hans wasn't your average guy, which was easily recognizable if you were around him when he had his headphones on. He was a guy who was beyond intelligent, insanely confident, and unmatched in everything from hand to hand to weapons combat. However there was a catch.....he was only like this when he listened to music!!

Everyday he would get challenges from people who wanted to fight him, a never ending list of fighters who aimed to beat him. However not one of them was good enough to make him lift both of his hands, always beating them with headphones and a single fist. It had gotten to the point where he was the uncontested fighter in his whole highschool. As a starting Freshman at the age of 13, this was actually quite the achievement, and it was because of this that everyone knew his secret....that he couldn't be beaten when he had the headphones on.

"Third things third, send a prayer to the ones up above," Hans said as he stepped over a fallen log, singing along to one of his favorite songs (Believer- Imagine Dragons). "All the hate that you heard has turned a spirit to a do....what the hell?"

He stopped and took off his headphones, and began glancing around. He had been positive that he had heard something that was definitely NOT part of the song.

After a quick glance of his surroundings and seeing nothing, he placed the beats around his neck and took out his Mp3 player, one that was connected via bluetooth. He scrolled through the list before stopping over "Light It Up" by Neffex.

Pressing the play button, Hans was just about to put his beats back on when a voice rang through his head. "You have been chosen, you will be sent to the world with two random bloodlines, go and change history."

"Whose there?" Hans asked, slipping his headphones over his ears, his sense heightening after hearing the music. "Show yourself!!"

At first glance, nothing seemed to be off, just a heavy breeze making the trees dance in the wind. However after hearing that voice, Hans had felt a slight shift in the scenery that he just couldn't quite put his finger on it.

He felt his senses on high alert, a feeling he usually got when he was in danger. It didnt really happen often but the feeling was similar to when he would come close to being ambushed by gangs who were mad about getting beaten by him. It was like an area of sort would open up around him and he could sense what was happening in all directions.

"Shit" He said as he dove to the side, dodging three objects that had been thrown his way. Using the momentum from his dive, he rolled into a crouching postion and searched to see where the object had came from.

He didn't really have to search because the moment he had rolled into a crouch, three figure jumped down from the trees. Each one had a sharp blade (he remebered that it was called a kunai) in their hands, and had a Kirin mask covering their faces.

"What the hell guys?" Hans exclaimed as he stood up from his crouch and dusted off his pants. The song had just ended and there was a ten second interval between the choosing of the next one, so all he had to do was stall for that long. "Are you trying to get me killed?"

"Who are you? What land did you come from?" The guy in the middle asked, raising his kunai. "Answer the question or die!"

"Hans Jackson," Hans answered as 'Till I Collapse' started playing. "Thirteen years old, hailing from the land of pain......wanna pay it a visit?" He took a fighting stance, a confident expression on his face, throwing down his backpack.

He was all set and ready to give them his full attention when something hit him in the back of the neck. It was like a sting, akin to a needle, it was almost nothing. However withing moments of feeling the sting, Hans began to feel drowsy, his eyelids grew rather heavy.

The last thing he saw before passing out was a head of fluffy white hair.

//Hey guys, this is my prologue.....praise me and I'll push out another chapter today.....if not then Im off to type up other things