Tsunade's Anger! The Truth Is Told!!!!

When Hans regained consciousness, the first thing he noticed was the fact that he was tied up to a chair, his hands bound together with ropes. He also noticed that his headphones as well as his shirt, shoes, and backpack were also missing.

He understood the part about taking everything that they deemed as a weapon, but he failed to understand why they took his shirt and shoes. It wasn't like he had anything to hide.....although he should just count hinself lucky that they let him keep his pants.

"Oh good your awake," A voice in front of him said, and a rather deep one at that. "I got a few questions for you, and I want them answered."

Hans looked up to see what was probably the best Kakashi Hatake cosplay he had ever seen. The white fluffy hair, the ninja uniform, and even the mask covering the eye was on point. If it was the comic-con like he went to last year, this guy would've recieved first place.

"Ummm, okay but can I ask you a question first?" Hans asked with a look of appreciation in his eyes. "Where the hell did you get such an awesome costume...that ninja uniform had to at least cost you a couple hundred dollars!!"

"Dollars," Kakashi asked, a bit curious. "And what are you talking about a ninja costume? Nows not the time for games kid, be honest and tell us what you were doing wandering around the Hidden Leaf Village?"

"Wait wait wait!!" Hans said, clearly confused about what this Kakashi Hatake wannabe was talking about. "The Hidden Leaf Village? I think you might have gone crazy dude because that place doesn't exist. I think you need a reality check....you chuuni!!"

"Actually I think your the one in need of a reality check." A feminine voice said, but sounding very serious. Hans turned around just in time to see a body flying at him with a fist extended.

Time seemed to slow down as Hans body entered a state of hyper-awareness. This was a state where his thought process, reflexes, and strength all increased in the face of imminent danger. He could literally feel the amount of strength contained in thus single strike. If he didn't dodge it, then he would very likely be either killed or have his lower jaw crushed into powder.

Using the strength gained from the adrenaline pumping through his body, he broke through the leg ropes, kicked off the ground, and dove sideways, and in a mere half second. This state allowed him to perform incredible feats (feats he could have easily done with his music) but would leave him vunerable to another attack as it usually completely wiped him out once it wore off.

The figure kept going even after Hans had dodged the fist, proceeding to slam into and take down the entire wall that had been behind Hans. The destructive force of that single punch was displayed as the figure walked back into room from the new interconnected room.....minus a wall.

The figure was a blonde female with the biggest pair of breasts he had seen in quite a while. The woman was fair skinned with brown eyes and a teal colored kimono. She looked exactly like the Tsunade from the anime Naruto, down to the last strand of hair.

Now after seeing two people who looked exactly like fictional characters, most people would just naturally assume they were just Chuuni's or cosplayers just having fun. However, Hans put everything that had happened to him since he got here together and, slowly, the truth began to dawn on him.

"Okay, now start talking," Tsunade said, walking over to the now stunned Hans, stopping in front of him with her fist raised. "Why were you walking around the Hidden Leaf Village?"

Hans sifted through everything he knew about Tsunade and what she believed and what she wouldn't believe. It was impossible to believe that he was from another world, the he had been summoned into a complete fictional world full of ninjas and jutsu. He couldn't find any reason why any sane person would believe such a story. Even he was still having trouble believing it!!

"Okay," Hans said, coming to a decision. "You guys want the honest truth? Fine I'll give you the truth but whether ot not you believe it is entirely up to you!!"

Hans took a deep breath and then started into a long story about where he grew up andwhat his life was like (not including how music made him unbeatable). He told them everything he knew and then about how he was walking into the forest near his home and then being attacked by ninja with Kirin masks.

By the end of his story, Tsunade had a sort of weird expression on her face, a mix of curiosity and disbelief, a strange combination to be sure. She looked like she still wanted to hit him, but turned around and walked back to the desk she had been sitting at before.

"From another world?" Tsunade asked as she sat down and rubbed her temples with the tips of her fingers. "How ludicrous!! Kakashi, get him out of my sight!"

"Actually Lady Tsunade," Kakashi said, his gaze remaining on Hans, his expression completely hidden by his mask. "The Anbu Black Ops found some belongings in his bag that could verify his claims. The objects include a type of device that seems to utilize chakra into making light appear behind a screen, a sort of contraption that plays weird sounds, and another rectangular object that opens up into another rectangle."

"Okay okay okay," Hans said, stopping them both from talking. "First off, the things you guys have are called, in order, an IPhone, headphones, and a laptop. Secondly, who the hell gave you guys the right to go through me stuff?"

"Little tip for you brat," Tsunade said, standing up from her desk. "In this world, I'm the leader of this entire village that you find yourself in, and Kakashi Hatake is one of the most respected ninja in the whole Land of fire. It would be beneficial to your health if you showed us the respect of our titles."

"I'd call you old lady except that you actually look pretty good for your age." Hans said, smiling a little. He then frowned as he stood up, the legs to the chair having been broken when he moved to avoid her attack earlier. "Anyways, could you guys untie me? It would be appreicated.".

Tsunade looked to bd having conflicted feelings about what Hans had said, looking like she was both pleased by what he said, but also very pissed that he had the balls to call her old. "Kakashi, you can cut him free. Your strong enough to handle a little kid on your own."

The white haired ninja (although the more Hans looked at it, the more silver it looked to him) nodded and reached into the pouch attached to his thigh, pulling out a kunai. Twilring it between his fingers, he swiped downwards and slashed the ropes securing Hans arms to the chair.

"Okay, now I want you to take him to retrieve his stuff. Then feel free to do as you please with him, I have to go and continue with Sakura's medical ninja training." Tsunade walked from behind her desk and stopped in front of Hans. "Do one thing that I dont like and I'll toss you out of this village so fast, youd think you teleported!!! Clear??!!"

Hans simply gave her a smile, which could easily be mistaken as a confirmation. He had no intention of following her rules, and only had to play along until he got his stuff back. That laptop had cost him a fortune, around $670 to be exact and the headphones and IPhone had cost him even more then that combined.

Tsunade nodded and exited the room through the wall she had just smashed.

"Well that could've gone better," Kakashi said, smiling for the first time since Hans had met him. "Shall we get going then Mr. World Traveller?"

"You don't seem too surprised that I'm from another world Mr. Hatake," Hans said respectfully (Kakashi was one of the few ninjas that Hans really truly respected) stepping over the rubble as he followed Kakashi out of the room.

"Thats because I dont sense any chakra coming from you, not even a little." Kakashi explained, lifting his forhead protector to reveal his sharigan, a red eye with three black dots surrounding the iris. "I've NEVER met a single person who didnt have any chakra in them, so its kind of a giveaway."

"Also, from this point on until you can find a way back into your own world, feel free to call me sensei," Kakashi said as he walked down the stairs. "It'll make things easier for the both of us."