Hans Chakra and The Race Between Kakashi!!

The Village Hidden In The Leaves!! A place that any otaku alive would give his life just to live in. It was a place straight out of one of the best anime and manga ever created. A place that even Hans had dreamt of being able to go to, but for it to actually happen was a different story.

Hans was basically on cloud nine the whole time he and Kakashi were traversing the streets of the Village, every person walking by a new and exciting experience. Though it was obviously far from reaching the advanced stage he had seen in Boruto, he still appreciated the old buildings far better then the new ones.

"Are you okay?" Kakashi asked as they walked past yet another group of people. Many people were staring at Hans due to the fact that he was still lacking his shirt and his shoes. "You feeling a bit too conspicuous?"

"No," Hans replied as they walked past a building that looked exactly like one from the manga. "Its just this place is freaking amazing!! I've never seen anything like it."

"They don't have building like this in the world that you come from?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"Oh no, we have better buildings then this by far," Hans replied as they passed by a group of giggling girls dressed in ninja attire. "In New York, we have hundreds of skyscrapers all over the place. A skyscraper is a huge building that appears to be touching the sky, hence the name."

"Skyscrapers, buildings that look like they touch the sky..." Kakashi appeared to be trying to picture it in his head. "If you have such amazing things then why does this place amaze you so much?"

"Purely because I find it fascinating," Hans answered honestly as they stopped in front of a long building that seemed just like the other buildings. "I feel like this place has things that far surpass that of my world."

"Well whatever your so excited about, you'll no doubt be surprised about what I'm going to teach you later." Kakashi said as he opened the door to the building. "Anyways, your stuff is in here. After the Anbu failed to find anything strange about it, they handed it to a trusted jonin that might be able to figure it out."

Hans nodded and walked inside the building, admiring the obvious japanese-style touches to the interior. He had only seen the insides of these buildings a couple of times during the anime and manga, so he used this chance to take it in. Well, he was until a kunai was suddenly pressed against his own throat.

For the first time, he realized just how much he relied on his music for combat. If he had had his music playing when the kunai was about to be pressed to his throat, he not only could have dodged but also could have counterattacked in the same moment.

"Shikaku, you can lower your weapon, I'm with him." Kakashi said, walking up behind Hans. "Try not to jump the gun."

Shikaku Nara lowered his kunai, his eyes switching from Kakashi to the shirtless kid in front of him. "My apologies, its just that everyones on edge after all Jonin level ninja were put on high alert. This kid was the high alert right? Doesn't seem that dangerous, I cant even sense any chakra coming from him."

"Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that." Kakashi said, placing a hand on Hans shoulder. "This kid is actually, believe it or not, from a completely different world then us."

"I can believe it," Shikaku said, turning away and walking back into the living room and gesturing to the three items as well as the bag on the table. "The devices here are far from anything this world could come up with. Even I couldn't figure out how it works. Although I was able to get that contraption to play some sort of sound."

Hans walked forward and picked up his headphones. The bluetooth had been set to whatever device was in the vicinity, hence the only reason Shikaku was able to start anything at all.

Taking out his Mp3 player, he held it up to his beats and waited for the device to connect. Once he heard the "Ding" he placed the beats over his ears and sighed in relief when the song "Centuries" by Fall Out Boy came on. He was genuinely happy that they hadnt broken, having been worried that the ninja would've broken them.

"Woah, did you feel that?" Ask Shikaku, walking carefully up to Hans. "Kakashi, what happened?"

"I dont know the details exactly," Kakashi said as he pushed his forehead protector from over his sharigan. "But it appears that he suddenly has chakra, and not only that but it seems to have spiked to an unimaginable level. I'll need a someone with a Byakugan to tell just how much...I guess I know where we're headed next."

"While your doing that, I'll go and gather together a couple of genin who I think will be willing to give this kid a sparring match. I want to test his skills and see what he can do!" Shikaku put his hands together in the sign for Hitsuji (or Ram) and disappeared in a flash of smoke.

"Alright then, we should head out too," Kakashi said as he walked to the door. "Just grab your stuff and meet me by the front. Ill wait for you, just make sure that you put a shirt on."

Hans nodded and turned around as Kakashi walked out the front door. He began gathering all of his stuff and shoving them into his backpack, happy that these guus hadn't broken anything. He zipped it up, grabbed his shirt and his hoodie, slipping both over his head.

He was ready to go in mere minutes affer slipping on the socks and shoes that had been left by the front door. He felt like no one had cared about his shoes after they found out what it was, so it hadn't really been brought up. However the sneakers themselves were worth a couple hundred bucks, money he had worked hard to get.

"I feel like I'm in over my head," Hans said as he stood up from the floor, readjusting the bookbag on his back. "But lets just handle things one step at a times and see where this road takes us." He pushed open the door and walked out into the sunlight.

"So, your ready?" Kakashi asked as he stood up straight and put away a book he had been reading. "You ought to harden your heart as we're headed to one of the strongest clans in the Hidden lead village, The Hyuga Clan."

"Why would I need to harden my heart," Hans asked as they walked, a but confused. "Whats the Hyuga Clan like? Is it bad or something?"

"Well its been better after the chunin exams incident, but they still practice certain things that I'm not very fond of." Kakashi admitted as he started walking. "Oh, I meant to ask, how fast can you run?"

"With these headphones on and my music playing?" Hans asked before breaking out into a grin. "Id be hardpressed to find someone who could beat me in pure speed." He took a stance. "Why, you wanna race me Kakashi-sensei?"

"No, its more like I want to get ocer to the Hyuga clan a bit faster," Kakashi said, but also got ready to run. "Although I am quite curious as to your physical abilities, so I'll humor you."

"The entrance to the Hyuga Clan is straight ahead if you run over rooftops and you can't miss it." Kakashi explained. "The first one their buys the ramen, and if you cant pay for the ramen right now then we'll just say that you owe me one."

Hans nodded and tensed his body up. He bever really had to go all out before as even the best runners at his school seemed like little kids whenever he had his headphones on. He was actually rather excited to test out the real limit to his speed.

"On Your mark! Get set! Go!" Kakashi said, and just like that, the figures of both of them disappeared.