Limitless Chakra!! The Battle Between Hinata and Hans!!

"God dammit, lost by a hair!! Should have played 'Eye Of The Tiger' (by Survivor)!! " Hans exclaimed as he landed on the ground next to Kakashi. He had jumped from the rooftops and even taken a number of shortcuts in order to ensure his victory. However it was all pointless in the end as just as he was about to reach the entrance Kakashi beat him to it.

((This kid is pretty fast!! If I hadn't gone all out and pushed myself to go even faster, he would've no doubt beaten me)) Kakashi thought as he waited for Hans to finish his pouting. ((I'll have to watch myself around him, he could become a potential monster if given proper training))

"God damn it, I thought I could win with these leg weights still on but I guess not." Hans said, breaking into laughter. "Your pretty fast Kakashi sensei."

"Wait, you have on leg weights?" Kakashi asked curiously, a hint of disbelief in his tone. "How much are they each?"

Hans lifted up the leg of his pants and revealed a rather small leg weight that couldn't have weighed more then 5 pounds. "These babies weigh about 50 pounds of condensed metal. I use it so I dont go overboard when I fight, as a reminder that I shouldnt use my legs when brawling againt normal people."

"50 pounds?" Kakashi asked. "So then why didnt you take them off before you raced against me? You must know that I'm an elite ninja, so why not take them off and go all out?"

"Well because I'm not use to having to even use my full strength when I have these on," Hans admitted. "Why would I take these off when I can't even control my strength when their on?"

Kakashi sighed and shook his head. ((This kid just becomes more and more of a monstrous existence the more I learn about him)). He turned to face the smiling, innocent face of the boy next to him and couldn't help but smile as well.

"You remind me so much of him that its actually a bit scary," Kakashi said as he began to walk forward, entering into the Hyuga Clan. "Lets go and talk to the leader of the main branch of the Hyuga clan, Hiashi Hyuga."

"Hiashi Hyuga?" Hans asked. Though he knew alnost everything about the Hyuga clan, he needed to ask questions or it would seem suspicious. "Also I was wondering about something that you said earlier. Something about a Byakugan."

"All will be explained in due time....umm whats your name?" Kakashi asked, having just realized that he didnt even know the kids name.

"My name is Hans Jackson," Hans said as they walked through the Hyuga clan. Even though he now had a shirt on, everyone still seemed to be looking at him. "Why is everyone all staring so intensely at me?"

"Its your chakra," Kakashi answered, stopping in front of a rather long important looking building. "There's so much and its so thick that even though you can't see it, almost everyone can see the blue aura surrounding you."

"Thats what she said," Hans said, kaughing silently as Kakashi knocked on the door of the building.

"Thats what who said?" Kakashi asked curiously.

"Nothing, its nothing," Hans replied as the door opened revealing a girl around the same age as him.

The girl had dark blue hair, featureless white eyes with a tinge of lavender, and a pretty face. She was wearing a cream-colored jacket with symbols of fire on the shoulders. Hans was easily able to identify her as Hinata Hyuga, one of the strongest kunoichi in the Naruto anime.

"Hello Kakashi sensei," Hinata said in a soft voice, her soft pale eyes flickering from the boy back to Kakashi. "What can I do for you today?"

"Actually I was hoping I could borrow both you and your father for a moment." Kakashi admitted with would have been an embarassed expression. "I hope I haven't bothered you at a bad time."

"No no, not at all," Hinata said hurriedly, her eyes still looking curiously at the young male. "I'll go and get him now. Please just wait a minute sensei." She turned on her feet and ran back inside the house, the sounds of retreating feet echoing through the house.

Moments later a rather tall man similar to Hinata walked up to the door and stepped outside, followed by Hinata who shut the door behind her.

"I assume you called me out here because of this boy?" The man whom Hans identified as Hiashi Hyuga asked, his gaze shifting over the youth.

"Yes thats right, sorry to trouble you," Kakashi said. "Its just that he's from another world and he's quite a strange one. I was wondering if you could use your byakugan and measure the depths of his chakra."

"I can do that easily," Hiashi said with a wave of his hand. "However, I'm quite curious as to what you want my daughter for.....yiur not trying to set them up are you?"

"No, nothing like that," Kakashi said with a small laugh, a strange sound coming from Kakashi. "Although he does look similar to 'him' doesn't he? Apart from the black hair and green eyes."

"Indeed he does," Hiashi admitted as he took in the figure of Hans, before resting on Han's rather innocent looking face. "Okay so am I correct in assuming that you want to test his combat skills and want my daughter to fight him?"

Hiashi didnt wait for an answer, instead suqoted his eyes slightly, veins appearing around the sides of his face near the corner of his eyes. He had just activated his byakugan.

After a while, Hiashi deactivated his Byakugan and shook his head. "I dont know what kind of monster he is but it most certainly isn't human. I can't seem to find an end to his chakra, its almost as if it never ends, it just pours out of him at an alarming rate. Its like his whole body cant contain the amount he has and releases it."

"Okay, so we know he has a monstrous amount of chakra, but how about we test it out?" Kakashi asked. "Are you willing to let your daughter put him to the test?"

"I wouldnt mind," Hinata said, her eyes flickering shyly from the ground over to Hans. "It seems like it might be fun."

"Yeah," Hans said in agreement. "And afterwards I'll even show you some of my music if you want."

"Music?" Hinata asked curiously. "Can you sing?"

"Well yeah, I can but I actually meant music from my Mp3 player." Hans explained, taking out his small device. "It has hundred upon hundreds of songs stored into it."

"That small thing?" Hinata asked softly, becoming a bit curious. "What kind of music?"

"Pop, country, rap, reggae, rock, anything I like gets stored into here." Hans began scrolling through his playlist. "Anyways, Ill gladly show you some after the fight. So lets get started then princess."

"Princess?" Hinata asked in a bit of confusion. "I'm not royalty though."

"No no no," Hans said, shaking his head. "Its a term from my world that also shows how close two people are."

"I don't remember you two becoming so close." Hiashi said, stepping into the conversation.

"Well, after a good battle, I always think that people become closed so lets get a good battle going okay princess?" Hans said holding out his hand. "Try and beat me if you can, hold nothing back!"

"My names Hinata," Hinata said, determination in her eyes as she accepted Hans's hand. "I will do my best and try to be a worthy opponent."

"Alright, now that thats settled, how about we all head inside?" Kakashi asked gesturing to the door.

"Indeed, their is more then enough room in the courtyard for the two of you to go all out and not damage the interior." Hiashi said, walking to the door. "I really want to see what this Naruto look- alike can really do."