Hans The Instructor!! Is This A Date??

Hans stretched his arms, making sure his body was nice and limber before the battle. He was really hyped about being able to unleash his full strength for the second time in his entire life. He had even picked out the perfect song for the fight, one that was his particular favorite.

"You ready to go Hinata?" Hans asked as he pressed the play button on his Mp3 player. The song "Weak" (by AJR) began playing over his headphones as he took a fighting stance. "Cause I'm ready to go."

Hinata had also stretched her body before the fight, and was now taking a fighting stance. "I'm ready, please do your best Hans."

"Okay, then lets get started," Hans said taking a step forward. His whole body then vanished from sight, his body moving too fast for tje regular eye to see. He had taken his weights off before the start of the match, allowing him to move even faster then he had ever had before.

Within a single second after the battle had started, Hans had appeared behind Hinata and held a kunai to her throat. "Because I'm weak, and whats wrong with that. Boy oh boy oh boy I love it when I fall for that!!! That is checkmate my dear Hinata!!"

Hans removed the kunai from her throat and took a step back with a small smile. "How about we try again, but this time you attack me and I'll just block? I really want to see what you got."

Everyone watched as Hans walked his way back to where he had been standing before, no one even daring to believe what they had just witnessed.

"Was that a teleportation jutsu?" Hiashi asked out loud, his Byakugan having been activated the whole time and even he couldn't make out what had happened.

Kakashi who had had his Sharigan revealed since the beginning, shook his head. "He simply moved to fast for my Sharigan or your byakugan to pick up, his speed isnt from any jutsu, its just from pure physical strength. In a way, he's similar to Rock Lee or even Guy."

"Then should we even let them continue?" Hiashi asked Kakashi, a bit concerned for his daughter, though he'd never admit it out loud. "If they continue someone could end up injured, a pain for the prestigious Hyuga clan."

"No, I believe in Hans." Kakashi said, even tbough he had only met him this morning. "He obviously wont intentionally hurt her, and may even help her in his own way...if hes anything like Naruto that is."

Hans took a stance and gestured for Hinata to come, urging her to attack him. He was serious about only blocking as he wanted ti gauge her skill level and see how good she was.

Hinata took a deep breath, having been rattled by his sudden appearance behind her, but she refused to give up. She would stand by what she was taught by the one guy who gave her inspiration. Her nindo was never going back on her word, and she had promised herself thst she would get stronger.

Pushing off the ground, Hinata broke into a run heading straight for Hans, her hands at the ready. She lunged, pushing her palm forward and aiming for his chest, seeking a quick end to fight.

However, it was easily parried to the left, creating a brief opening for Hans to strike back at her. He didnt take it though and allowed her to attempt another strike, one where she twirled on her heel and aimed her other palm for his stomach.

This ended in the same way, with her palm bieng easily parried and allowing Hans a clear opening. Once again though he didn't take it, instead he explained what zhe was doing wrong.

"Your focusing on ending the match quickly," Hans noticed, holding both of her wrists. "Thats fine and all, but you shouldn't put all your strength into one attack as that will leave you vunerable to a counter. Instead, try and aim for small consecutive attacks. It'll do less damage but leave you less open."

Hinata used Han's arms as support to jump and use his chest as a springboard, pushing herself foward and away from him. She did a flip in midair before spinning around and taking a fighting stance.

"Okay, now come at me," Hans said, taking his standard karate stance. "Lets see if you improve quickly."

This back and forth practice match continued on until Hinata eventually collapsed of exhaustion roughly two hours later. During this time, she had improved by leaps and bounds, absorbing Hans's advice like a sponge and applying it in combat.

"Very good Hinata," Hans said, smiling as he stood up, not a drop of sweat on him. "You had me go through like 30 songs, and you learned faster then I thought possible, your quite good."

"I'll say," Hiashi said with a slow clap as he stood up. He had been watching the entire time and was pleased with what he saw. "Hinata, you've shown monstrous improvements in merely 2 hours. This is a happy day for the main household. I'm sure if Neji were here instead of on a mission he would agree."

"Well if that's all you guys need then Ill be taking my leave now," Hans said after taking a slight bow.

He had taken about three steps when he was grabbed by the sleeve. Turning his head slightly, he noticed Hinata breathing heavily while holding onto his sleeve. He was a bit confused as to why she had stopped him but smiled anyways.

"Anything I can help you with Lady Hinata?" Hans asked as he waited for her to catch her breath.

"You can call me princess if you want," Hinata said softly, ger face turning a red from both exertion and blushing. "Thank you for your instructions Hans, it was a great help."

Hans smiled and a rubbed the back of his head with one of his hands as he turned around. "Aw it was nothing. I just think your pretty great. You have so much strength, you could even surpass Neji, the guy your father was talking about."

Hinata stared at him, for a second seeing Naruto in front of her, but she blinked and the image disappeared. "Would you.....would you like to get something to eat?" She stood up straight and fiddled with her jacket, clearly embarassed.

"Well, I am feeling a bit famished," Hans admitted, his stomach rumbling loudly right on cue. "Know any good ramen shops?"

The room fell silent, everyone staring at Hans like he had grown a second head. It wants until Hans coughed that the silence was shattered that everyone began to move again.

"Okay are you sure this boy isn't related to the ninetailed brat?" Hiashi asked, his finger pointed at Hans, clearly in disbelief.

"He comes from a different world so its possible that he's similar to an alternate version of him," Kakashi said, pulling his forehead protector back over his eyes. "Anyways are you okay with Naruto #2 heading out to Ichiraku's with your daughter?"

Hiashi nodded and walked over to his dughter, dropping some coins in her hand. "Consider my treat for helping my daughter improve." He smiled for the first time, a genuine smile filled with kindness and gratefulness. "It was big help."

"It was my pleasure Mr. Hyuga," Hans said as he headed to the door followed by Hinata. "Are you coming Kakashi sensei?"

Kakashi shook his head and walked behind them. "I have to go and report this to Tsunade. That we may have a brand new genin with abilities that rival that of jonin."

Hans nodded and took Hinatas hand, not btohering to watch how red her face got. "Lets get going princess, we got ramen to eat and I have no idea where we're supposed to go!!"