Meeting Ino and Team Guy!! Just a Guy Who Loves Music!

Hinata lead the way and Hans followed close behind. He really didn't have any idea where Ichirakus noodle shop (The place Naruto claimed made the best ramen) was located at.

What bummed him out the most though was the fact that Hinata had become unusually silent the moment he had grabbed her hand. This was the most irritating thing to happen to him today, but he reminded himself that she had a thing for Naruto throughout the whole series so it wouldn't make sense for her to hold his hand during any situation.

As they made their way through the city, Hans stopped after he heard Hinata's name being called. He turned his head a bit to the left to see a girl in a purple outfit running towards them with a bit of excitement, someone he immediately recognized as Ino Yamanaka.

"Hinata, have you heard the news?" Ino asked as she stopped next to them and began to talk to Hinata, as if Hans wasn't even there. "They have a new recipe at Ichiraku's thats guarenteed to make your skin smoother and increase your beauty. All the girls are going, do you wanna come with!!"

Hinata looked towards Ino with a shocked expression before turning her head to look at Hans who simply smiled. Hinata turrned bakc to look at Ino. "I cant, I promised Hans I'd get him something to eat as thanks for training me."

It was then that Ino finally noticed Hans, tirning her head and staring at him for the first time. It was clear that she hadn't even noticed him earlier as she seemed genuinely shocked to find a guy next to her.

"Hi my names Hans Jackson," Hans said holding out his hand, the standard greeting for meeting someone new. "Its a pleasure to meet you." He smiled a little, using his other hand to readjust his backpack.

"Hans Jackson?" Ino asked questioningly, shifting her eyes from Hans to Hinata, a small smirk coming onto her face. "Well I guess I see whats going on here. He does look a lot like him doesn't he?"

Hinata took her gaze away from Ino's and looked at the ground, giving her a slight nod, too embarassed to speak. Hans however was getting a bit fed up with everyone comparing him to "that guy".

"Okay, lets put a quick stop to this conversation," Hans said with a small frown. "Can someone please tell me who the hell your all comparing me to?"

"You look like a guy that Hinata has had a huge crush on for years now," Ino explained, ignoring the blushing face of Hinata. "His name is Naruto and he left about a week ago to go train with one of the legendary sanin, the toad sage Jiraiya."

Ino frowned and then leaned in a bit closer. "Actually now that I get a closer look at you, your a bit cuter then Naruto was. I might just steal him away from you Hinata." She smiled and stepped back. "I like the whole cool guy thing you have going on, reminds me of when Sasuke was still around. How come I've never seen you around the village before?"

Hans was about to answer when he suddenly felt danger. Grabbing the beats around his neck he slid them up and sped up his actions. He darted over, reaching into Hinata's pouch like did before during their match and then darted away.

"Okay, now where are they coming from??!" Hans said, before raising his kunai and blocking three incoming shuriken. They made a metallic clang as they slammed into the kunai and dropped to the ground.

After the kunai fell, a figure dressed entirely in gree dropped from rooftop and came charging at him, just as the song "Natural" (By Imagine Dragons) came on. It was a super catchy song that would go well with the fight.

The figure rushed up and attempted a kick near his head, but he merely caught it. He was going to let it go after he gave the guy a good kick, but it was pulled away from him as the figure did a couple of backflips away from him.

"Lee, what are you doing?" A voice yelled as two more people dropped down beside the first one, grabbing him on each arm. "We were told to challenge him to a match, not ambush the guy."

The three of them were easily recognizable as his least favorite team in the Naruto show, Team Guy. They werent his least favorite for lack of strong guys, but because besides Neji and Lee, they were pretty much useless. In other words, he despised Tenten completely.

"Honestly Lee, you can be so childish," Tenten said as she let go of Lee's arm. "Try and restrain yourself a little please."

"Shikaku said that he was likely almost a strong as a jonin," Lee said, his face full of determination. "I just couldn't wait to pit myself against such a strong adversary!!"

"But you failed during your first attack," Neji said in his usual condescending tone. "What could you honestly hope to do against someone so strong. Let me handle it."

"You shouldn't start an attack with a high kick with speed like that," Hans said after the thred of them went silent. Actually everyone around him had gone silent, but he wasnt too concerned about that, not did he notice as his music was still going. "You should take off your weights, otherwise you have to start off with a leg sweep."

Twirling the kunai between his fingers, Hans slipped it up the sleeve of his hoodie. "Next time you try and launch an ambush, don't throw weapons, or if you do, make sure your on the move so you can attack from a different angle from where you threw it."

He turned around and ignored them. "So, how about that ramen then? I'm starving!!" He flashed a smile at Ino and Hinata who were just standing there observing.

"Not really," Hans answered with a shake of his head, "I'm not interested in fighting weaklings, I only fight the strong." He nudged Hinata gently, smiling a little, his meaning clear.

"But if you only fight the strong then why did you fight me?" Hinata asked as she once again began walking forward.

"Like I said, I only fight the strong, just think about it," Hans explained as he followed after her. "Even Ino, the one following behind us can tell you what I mean."

"He means that he acknowledges you as strong and your cousin is weaker then you." Ino said as she passed by Hans and caught up to Hinata. "And I have to agree with him, I believe that your the strongest kunoichi out of all of us."

"Exactly!!" Hans said as he took off his headphones. "I'm not the only one who thinks your one of the best. I think you could become strong, strong enough and brave enough to tell everyone what you truly think instead of simply appeasing them."

Ino turned around and stopped in front of Hans looking him in the face straight up, a rather curious expression on her face. "Who are you Hans Jackson?"

"Im just a guy from another world who loves music!!" Hans admitted, stepping around her. "I love music and music loves me back!!"