A visit to Dr. Nelson - 2

"Hello, Raymond."

"Hello, Dr. Nelson. I am so sorry to disturb you out like this and your schedule."

"Well, you are my patient first Raymond. So you need not feel apologetic about it."

"You are trying to comfort me here and I am fully aware of it."

Saying that Raymond took his seat.

"Ok so tell me, Raymond, what's the real issue here?"

"The thing is I am having these weird flashes of memory every now and then and I am not sure why. I am seeing these bits and pieces of my memory. Some I can connect, but some I just cannot."

"Let's figure it out. Come lie on this bed. Will run some tests to monitor."


As Raymond rested himself on the bed, Dr. Nelseon connected the electrodes and sat next to him and said,

"Slowly try to remember about the flashes and try to tell me about each and every one of them. But first of all, try to relax. Calm yourself with a couple of deep breaths and close your eyes."