Akira vs Vikram

Flipping the coin in front of her for quite some time, Akira called up Vikram. She knew that he would have hoards of questions for her, but she was more than ready to face them.


"Hello, Akira. So you finally got time to call me up?"

"I saw your texts and calls Vikram, but I was so caught up that I just couldn't call you back. Didn't want to rush through the call, so I thought, it would be better if I called you after dealing with everything over here."

Her voice was all soft and mellifluous and Vikram just couldn't get angry with her. It was like as if she sprayed a can of water over him with her voice.

"Well yeah, but can you please help to explain what just happened at the press conference? I thought it was for our project RENAISSANCE but it turned out as the old project MEDUSA. I do not get it. You changed the name to RENAISSANCE and we signed all documents for this new project, then what is with this old project Akira?"