Old Flame

No one knew why she did what she did.

On her birthday, ten years ago, she shot Cyrus with his own gun. Everyone in their nation saw the video released hours after it happened. That shocking video was shot from a distance using a mobile camera by some trespassers in the Brunton properties. It's resolution was not so great as it was some high schoolers phone not to mention it was ten years ago when the technology was not as developed as today. But that video was proven to be undoctored. No matter how many times and how many experts checked it, the video was proved to be real.

The coldness in her eyes when she pulled the trigger twice at the man who was kneeling in front of her probably pleading to let him live. Her hands weren't shaking and her posture was straight and proper. But could that video have missed anything only those two knew?

Bang! Bang!

Two shots. First one through his heart and another one through his jugular, finishing him off.

Shots to ensure his sure death. Shots that seemed to be heartless.

Everyone knew of the relationship between the heiress of the Bruntons and the eldest son of the Lockharts. There won't be a single picture of them in public where they aren't together.

That guy literally had spilt his blood to protect her, many times.

There were rumours that she killed him because she was jealous that he sleeps with a lot of women and not respecting her properly.

Many thought of this reason because there were majority of people who believed that those two were in love with each other and that he would marry once she comes of age. No woman would be able to bear a cheating husband after all!

Some believed it was one-sided on her side and Cyrus was trapped in her web of insecurities and the promises he made to her mother in the past stopped him from moving away from the toxic relationship. He was being noble, still keeping his promise but she, the vicious one, felt like she should have him in her grip. They likened her to the spider who suckled his blood off once she had played with him enough. The noble Knight who served a monster getting devoured by her in the end. The purple eyed monster doing what she does- taking lives.

Even his family who learnt of that incident from the news were shocked not believing it.

That day, Arthur himself was so flabbergasted seeing that video that was broadcasted in the most popular private network in their country during the evening news.

He had met both of them sometime before and everything seemed normal like how it used to be. He had no idea something of this caliber would happen.

Iris... My Iris... What happened that day?

"Arthur, you okay?"

Jordan asked snapping Arthur off his thoughts.

Arthur didn't answer as usual but Jordan knew what he was thinking about. He was twisting his wedding band with his other hand. It is fairly obvious he was thinking about her.

"Do you really want her back? You are the one pining over her still. She is over you or she never was into you in the first place. Dude! You are loving like a monk while she dated three guys in the past ten years and she is still married to you. I don't think she wants to get together with you. Why don't you just move on? Just convey Chairman Brunton's message to her and break it off with her. File for divorce!... "

Jordan continued his own rambling and Arthur just kept silent as he always did whenever people advised him to move on from her. Even her grandfather had asked him to find a new love. But he doesn't want to. He only wants her as his wife. No one else.

It is his decision.

And boyfriends...? Hmpf!

The first guy was a ginger and both of them broke up even before the graduation. Those times, she was working and studying at the same time and there weren't lot of times they spent alone.

The second guy also had red hair and she broke up with him in a month probable because he wasn't an actual ginger. Huh! Like he could cheat her with his dyed hair!

The third guy... Now he was tricky... They dated for two years. She moved in with him and they were even were found vacationing together. He had red hair and green eyes too, like him. But they broke up two years ago for reasons he couldn't find out and she's been single till now. But it is suspicious that they broke up a month after vacationing together. They should have had a big problem for them to break up.

Either way, if she liked those fake men with his characteristics, won't it be easy for her to fall for the original once more?


In the other car, Joe Feldstein saw the woman who was physically present and mentally absent and seemed to be in physical pain by the way she was clenching her chest.

He knew of this pain... She should be having one of those attacks he used to have and still do sometimes. He know she had some issues and thats all his wife told him. For him, it is guilt that he took his sister's life and who knows what it is for her.

Seeing her on the floor curled to a fetal position, like the whole world is crumbling around her... He was saddened. He knew it is not good for her to be alone right now and so he brought her with him.

Distraction works for a short time. But if she does not get to the root of the memory or incident that gives her these episodes and face it properly, recovery isn't possible. He has first hand knowledge about these things.

It is an important meeting and he wondered about the chance he had for the North Pole Enterprises to contact their firm for their assistance.


He tried to interact with Talia who seemed to have calmed down after downing an entire bottle of water but she still seemed absent.

They reached the club where the meeting took place and they were welcomed politely and were shown to a private room. Joe Feldstein could never gain membership to this club as it was for only aristocratic gentlemen and women aren't allowed membership and only aristocratic women would be allowed in as guests even. And he was surprised that Talia was let in just because they were a guest of 'The King' Arthur Sinclair.

Talia looked around the private room and took in a deep breath. A mild scent of various brands of expensive cigars entered her nose, even thought this was a closed room. Somehow that smell was nostalgic.

Yeah, right! I used to go to these type of clubs with grandpa back then!

She knew what Joe was doing bringing her here. Rebecca and him are the closest thing to friends she has who really care for her. And for that reason, she keeps them apart.

Because anyone close to her, will perish! She is a jinx! The purple-eyed monster!

"Hey, Talia... Is this brand of cigar okay?" Joe showed her a wooden box with words engraved in gold and she was surprised for whom Joe is willing to spend this much.

"It's too expensive. But I heard it is good," she replied truthfully. It used to be her grandpa's favourite brand. May be it still is.

Oh, Talia! Why are you remembering him now?

"Hey, Talia... You are posh, right? Can you do the talking? I'm a bit..."

"You grew up in the upper West side and you are not posh enough for them? Who are we meeting? And didn't you always call me a 'snob'? How did I suddenly become 'posh'? " Talia asked with her eyebrows raised. She has calmed down entirely and had her usual polite smiling face on.

" Well... Now I need your... Your poshness! They are.... " Joe tried to explain. He felt a bit intimidated by the grandeur of this place. Everything seemed to be glittering in gold. If the place itself is this intimidating, how much more the people would be. He who was always were in the millionaire's club for the first time got a glimpse of the magnificent lifestyle of the multi-billionaires.

"Wait... I need to go to the restroom,"Talia stood up picking her purse. That bottle of water she drank started acting now.

" Deep breaths Joe! You got it! All are humans. They too eat with their mouths and not with their.... "

" Oh, please! Talia... "Joe placed his hands together and gestured her to leave.

" What? I was going to say nose! " Talia chuckled and Joe relaxed too.

" Yeah, I believe you. You are too posh to say anything different," he took a deep breath.

Talia went in the private restroom and after relieving herself, touched up her face a little and fixed her hair a little.

As she was applying her lipstick, she suddenly had a thought.

Who are we meeting? Did that Arthur plan something again?

She ran out and asked Joe.

"Someone from the Northern Star Enterprises contacted me...."

"Well, Joe... I'm leaving," with her strides long, Talia walked over the carpeted floor towards the exit.

"Why? Talia... Wait..."

"Is that from the CEO's office?" she asked stopping.

"No, CEO? Come on Talia... Think properly. Is our firm that good for getting the audience of 'The King'? Surely it must be some of the others who want to see if we are suitable..." Joe tried to stop her using all his efforts.

Talia didn't mind him and pressed the handle of the door to open it,

" Well, you don't know him... That... "

As she was speaking, the door opened from outside, startling Talia.

" King's crumpets! That gave me a fright! " she held her chest and what came to her view was a particularly handsome man whom she used to see in a red hair now in a dark hair.

" Blimey! "

She swore once again and tried to find a gap through which she could leave but another man with platinum blind hair blocked her way.

"My word! These..."

She gritted her teeth while Joe who has never seen Talia acting this way before, stood flabbergasted.