Am I A Secretary?

"Mrs. Si..."

Jordan McAllister swallowed back the rest of his word seeing Talia's glare while another voice like bass, made her look above.

"Sorry for being late, Ms.Whiteford. Shall we start the meeting?"

Arthur smiled politely but anyone looking at his eyes can see the longing, affection and a slight guilt in his eyes.

He sure was late. If he knew she is still suffering, he'd have come for her earlier. Till now he didn't want to disturb her because he thought she was living a good life.

Talia looked at the man, way taller than her and sighed internally. She thought he'd be six feet five inches or so tall. Certainly... not seven feet!

Heavens! I thought people grew only until they are eighteen. How did he grow almost a feet tall in a year? And why did he dye his hair? Wasn't it pretty when it was red?

"I'm amazed, Mr. Sinclair! You sure are amazing... To think you've learnt even my name. You deserve to be called 'Your Majesty' "

Talia said in a polite tone with a divine smile and even bent her knees to do a curtsey. Only Jordan and Arthur heard the sarcasm in her tone.

The club servant being Arthur almost cried, 'Your Highness' but stopped seeing her shaking her head.

Talia looked at the Emblem of the club and realised this club actually belongs to the Duke of Trenton of Rosandale Empire.

' So they are in here using my name?'

She smirked.

'But why? He shouldn't have expected me to be here, right? Joe didn't even tell me about this!'

"Please don't, Ms. Whiteford," Arthur held her hand to stop her from finishing her curtsey.

"It is I who should be bowing to you. Or... I'd rather kneel in front of you to propose to you and make you my queen," he said with a smile and got her hand and kissed it,with a bow as she was deep in her thoughts.

"Oh, please, Mr. Sinclair. I'm flattered," Talia said with a smile,realising her hands gripped strongly by him and pulled her hand out of his grip and wiped it in her coat.

'Oof! Did it get hot in here?'

She felt stuffy for some reason as they walked inside the room.

Joe who was standing behind her felt his brain fried seeing the happenings in front of him.

'Is 'The King' flirting with Talia? Or is this casual talk on the other side of the pond?'

As they sat, Jordan placed his laptop on his lap and Talia walked towards the bar in the private room.

"Mr. Sinclair must be so influential for the club to allow business meeting in their building. I thought Gentlemen's club is just for social interaction and gossiping, not for conducting business meetings," she stood behind Joe and gestured Arthur and Jordan to not reveal her relationship with the Bruntons or face serious consequences.

She deliberately stated the club rules as a threat. If they reveal her identity, she'd use her identity as the Royal of Rosandale and kick them out. Then where will 'The King' keep his face?

Of course Arthur and Jordan understood her threat and Jordan silently cussed Arthur in his heart.

'So he changed the meeting place at the last moment to meet his wife in a place where she feels safe? To meet her in her turf? This simp!'

He sighed, remembering the excruciatingly stressful ten minutes of his life when he had to negotiate with this Club's President. He was blatantly refused and only when Arthur told him his Royal Princess would be there, he allowed this business meeting in his club.

" Ms. Whiteford knows a lot about the rules of this club," Arthur chuckled gently, not revealing her angry commands to Joe who was oblivious to what was happening behind his back.

Talia, getting affirmed, held back her emotions and smiled her business smile with a slight nod. If he is willing to be professional, she'd be too. And if he wants to give business to her firm when there is already a PR Department in the Northern Star Enterprises, she'd be happy to get his money.

'It's not his money but it is my grandfather's money. How dare he squander it like this?' she felt angry as she walked back to the bar.

Then something dawned on her.

'Yep! It is my grandfather's money and so I can take it for myself!'

She soon found a reason to actively try and get the business. It would be amazing for their firm if they get business from the greatest conglomerate in the world.


She asked trying to not be obvious to Joe as to why she stood up. She thought Arthur would refuse but he was all exited.

"Martini. Shaken not stirred"

'Does he think he is James bond? '

Before Talia finished her thought,


Jordan gave his input.

"Whiskey sour," Joe added mindlessly..

If he was thinking clearly, he wouldn't have had the guts to ask Talia to even move slightly. She is not someone who serves others.

Joe was a bit intimidated to be in the presence of The King and followed his lead. He has never thought one could look this intimidating.

Height really is an advantage. And his navy blue pinstriped suit with the burgundy tie and the Classic Rolex watch and the neatly polished Oxford shoes, he looked every part of a respected gentleman... No, A King.

And man! Why is he this handsome!!!

Joe was having a man crush.

Talia felt like she was a waitress in a bar asking for orders. Should she be mixing these cocktails here..? She knew how to kame all of these cocktails. Cyrus had taught her all about cocktails.

Apparently a lady for some reason must know how to make cocktails!

'These guys! Did they think I am a secretary? Is it because I am the only woman in the room, I have to.... Oh, wait! I was the one who asked! Silly me... "

Talia begrudgingly poured a nice whiskey in the shelf that smelled nice in three cups and gave to those men with her smile on.

No way she is going to make cocktails!

" Whiskey on the rocks! Nice choice, Ms. Whiteford "

Arthur didn't show his disappointment and accepted what was given to him. He knew he might have pushed her too much asking her to make a cocktail.

Joe only then realised his blunder and as she served the glass apologised to her.

'Ten thousand dollars,' she whispered and Joe opened his eyes wide as she is asking for a raise at this time.

'Per annum?' he felt like he was being robbed. But he felt like this King seems to like Talia and he thought it would be better if she is here for negotiations.

'Per month if I nail this client,' she answered and Joe literally went pale.

Is this daylight robbery?

Does she realise how many zeros there are in ten thousands? Why would she need that much money a month?

"Mr. Sinclair," Talia sat beside Joe in that three seater sofa and Arthur who was sipping the whiskey happily, felt a little itch in his heart.

'I shouldn't have sat in this single sofa chair! If I was sitting there, my wife would be sitting beside me and not her boss!'

"Shall we get to business? We all know you have a PR department in your company itself. It must be some new venture or some other circumstances that made you look for a PR firm this side of the ocean. May I know what it is?"

"It is top secret! We will not reveal it unless we find your firm to be..." Jordan, the assistant was stunned that anyone would question their company's motives.

"Ms. Whiteford is right!" Arthur's said, interjecting Jordan and stood up getting the laptop from Jordan's hand and casually walked to Talia and sat by her side.

He passed her the laptop and showed her a document.

"It is a new venture. You can take a look"